A Small World

Kind of reminds me of BeautifulPeople.Net :innocent:

Except that w/ BP the only way you can get in is if fate dealt you a good hand and made you beautiful....

With Small World, the only way you can get in is if you made a lot of money in your lifetime (or inherited)....

Money and Good Looks.....seems lately the world revolves around those two things....

Oh well, I don't care if you belong to BP, Small World or the X-Files Fan Club.....just don't brag about it and we'll get along fine :lol:
the only thing you need to get in is know someone who is already in there :)
sounds brilliant to me - i can't imagine being able to find an apartment online through a network that i could trust!

the internet is a very limited experience right now because of so many privacy and trust issues . ... circles such as this provide hope for a better internet i think where relationships are more precious (unlike myspace, friendster, etc, E T C)
im getting sick of the posers-unreliable people on friendster,myspace, hi5 and etc.
I wish I can join small world :( sounds much more prestigious since not even your next door neighbour name Bob can join.
Sounds absurd to me! Like some mentioned, it isn't as exclusive as it is made out to be. :innocent:
Prestigious blah blah. It sounds frankly atrocious. If it started out with jetsetters then surely you have to be a jetsetter to know one of their network. Not impressed and a little bored.
leyla m. said:
if im ay add it IS extremely helpful in many ways cos you can trust the people there. the whole idea is that everyone is somehow connected therefore knows everyone through a friend at the least.
i found my apartment through someone on asmallworld and i am still in it.
also its got nothihng to do with wealth but how well one is connected in this world..
you can ask for anything and within 1 minute someone's got the answer.. a bit like tFS ;)

If it really is such a nice community like that I want in. I get perverts on myspace and lesbians hitting on me and bicurious girls asking me droves of questions and people in a fashion group asking me something dumb like what is RTW and HC. I want to be in a like minded networking. People to run into while traveling? Sound good to me. A bit like tfs...anything compared to tfs sounds good to me...this is a great community:woot: ...people saying its a bit pretenious and all that, but I'm sure a lot of people are nice as you said and if it became something like myspace to include all...then its infiltrated by weirdos and perverts. I think I spend more time at downlink now talking to gay friends aqnd their network because of that level of trust. One of the members there helped me and my friend paint his room and we had a downlink beach day inviting people in our friends list. home...a place full of gay men :lol:
I cant imagine it staying too exclusive for too long. If it works by invite then eventually Betty Jo living in a trailer in Florida will get an invite from a careless member.
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TourniquetMX said:
Sounds absurd to me! Like some mentioned, it isn't as exclusive as it is made out to be. :innocent:

Kind of like Bungalow 8. :lol:

Im not that intrigued. I love my myspace. :innocent:
Now there is aSmallWorld v2.0, ... with over 90.000 members it's to big to be aSmallWorld anymore.
I can't believe someone wrote about this when it's supposed to be exclusive. This is violating someone/groups privacy. IMO.
smartarse said:
I can't believe someone wrote about this when it's supposed to be exclusive. This is violating someone/groups privacy. IMO.

how so? its not like they can join unless a member invites them...
sounds like just another "I am and your not" type of situation... yet another way to seperate people and make others feel special, or not:blush:
its really great, its quite fascinating how many celebrities&royals are on it... but there are lots of "ordinary" people too. A friend of mine actually hacked a famous person's account cause somebody told my friend this person's password. On smallworld. So it's not secure. now i think you have to be invited by 50(!) members to join - ridiculous. :shock:
I thought Wyatt was back! What happened to him?

On the topic ... Hum ... I wudnt be offended if I got an invite .. I mean ... how can we judge something WE DONT KNOW!
I would love to be a member there but I would probably be on more public websites more because they aren't so elitist. If I had a few famous friends/tons of money then I'd be comfortable there :)

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