Kendra Spears and Prince Rahim Married *Update* Expecting First Child

Just checked Forbes lists - his family is like two times richer than British royal family.Talk about the money :D

I might be wrong, but I think his ''branch'' of religion allows to marry and live with non Muslim men/women as long as they raise their children as Muslim? But, of course, I doubt Kendra will continue her modeling carrier. Not because he's a Muslim - because he's a royal.

Anyway, lucky lady, I would say: educated, hansome... rich :D
Wow! Congrats to Kendra! What a catch he is! Tall, dark, handsome and super rich! HAHAHA
Their wedding will be beautiful! :blush: I'm wondering if Kendra is planning on converting? Would that make a difference with her modeling career? (limitations on showing skin?)

The age difference is :shock: Curious, how long have they been together?

I am almost certain she will convert and give up modelling. A member of the family of a high profile religious leader does not want his wife selling clothes and out there exposing herself. It would be probably be regarded as beneath her and totally inappropriate.
I'm sorry but the cliché of the model with the older rich guy is just cracking me up ... we should start a "models who got married with rich men" thread :lol:
^ now that's an idea! I completely agree with you, it seems that models always tend to marry a much older rich man!
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I'm sorry but the cliché of the model with the older rich guy is just cracking me up ... we should start a "models who got married with rich men" thread :lol:


older is fine as long as the guy still looks fine. and he looks MAJORLY FIIIINNNEEEE.
I'm sorry but the cliché of the model with the older rich guy is just cracking me up ... we should start a "models who got married with rich men" thread :lol:

Wouldn`t make sense since we`d have to put 99% of all models into it!

The rare thing would be the "Models dating men their own age" thread...

Hope you won`t be bored to death in your golden cage, Kendra.
Looking at these engagement photos... you'd think they would be better since she's a model :ermm:

She doesn't look all that great in them...
The dress isn't particularly flattering, the styling is super matronly...
She seems a bit faded next to him.

Am sure this was intentional because even her modelling career isnt highlighted they are almost focusing more on her degree. I think its a nice official portrait
Just imagined what their children would look like...may they get Kendra's legs and his eyebrows! :lol:
I'm sorry but the cliché of the model with the older rich guy is just cracking me up ... we should start a "models who got married with rich men" thread :lol:
I think the modelling career makes one more sophiscated and mature beyond their years. All the travel, mixing with the rich and powerful as well as expensive tastes from the expensive things their job exposes them to wouldnt make 24 year old Jonny from the old neighbourhood an ideal boyfriend.

older is fine as long as the guy still looks fine. and he looks MAJORLY FIIIINNNEEEE.

I agree, he's attractive and seems well educated like her. She seems the sort who would be mature for her age though so it doesn't seem that strange when you think about it and she's 24 which isn't really that young to be married

found some pictures of them together here but they'e small
I'm sorry but the cliché of the model with the older rich guy is just cracking me up ... we should start a "models who got married with rich men" thread :lol:

First time for love, second time for money. They just skipped step #1, that's all :lol:
she is too young to understand what she's getting into it seems that he's handsome and rich and she'll be royalty, give her 5 more years to be mature
So do you think that there will be any models at the wedding or not?
I think she's good friend with Ginta and Sigrid and I guess a bunch of american models, but since it'll be an official muslim ceremony, I don't know if there will be guests other than family and close relations

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