Adding designer items to your wardrobe...


Nov 12, 2003
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I finally have the money to start buying designer items. I'd figured out my budget, and after my living expenses I have roughly $3,000 left over for extra money. Obviously, not everything is going to be blown on clothes, some will go into savings, ect. But think it would be a really great way to build my wardrobe. But where to start? Where to buy from? Basics, or extravagent items? Best designers? How much is too much for an item? I'm really clueless. Some of the items I'd like to buy are:

Really great little black dress
Roomy tote
Long, lean dark denim jeans
Strappy evening sandals
Wedge summer sandals
Cashmere sweaters
Suits-both trousers and pencil skirts

If anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be great. And not everything I buy is going to be designer. I'd like the above items to be, but swimsuits, flip flops, little summer dresses, cowboy boots and fitted polos and tank tops will be bought at like Gap, and thrift stores. I'd like an equal mix in my closet, of designer, vintage, and "cheap" (Gap, Target, ect).
this is a big's a lot of questions...i don't even know where to start...

a lot of this depends on your age and lifestyle...there are no rules...everything is relative...
My advice would be to buy basics first (no need to buy designer for these), just so you have a solid foundation for your wardrobe, then buy 2-3 knockout designer pieces that work well with the basics.
I beg to differ... I would buy designer basics... they will last longer... and buy quirky things from thrift stores and wal-mart :D
Would go for basics first - the jeans and the little black dress. The other stuff you'll add as necessary, or as your budget allows.
If I were starting over I would only buy the best, most inspiring, most special designer pieces each season even if it meant I could afford only one or two things a year. The really good stuff from now will be really good in many years. Don't buy boring stuff from a designer just because it is designer. Concentrate on building a collection over the years of great items and you will have a very good life indeed.
I should hope the $3,000 left over is monthly or else he or she is not going to be able to afford to build up much of a wardrobe in under 10 years. I think you need to budget at least $12,000 a year on your wardrobe when you are just getting started unless you are very patient. It isn't much when you think about it. Only $1,000 a month.
jssy4eva said:
is the 3000 leftover monthly ???

Yes, it's monthly.

I think you gave really good advice haruki. This week I'm doing a spring cleaning in my closet, getting rid of the stuff I never wear, and taking "inventory" so I know what I need.

I made my first purchase! The sexiest pair of huge pink Gucci sunglasses with gold Gucci bits on the side. I love them.

I think my next purchase will be jeans or shoes. :smile:

Softgrey, yeah, I realize I'm asking a lot. Lol. A ton of questions for sure! I'm 18, and well, my lifestyle is kind of all over.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Keep em coming. :smile:
I would spend the most on a beautiful bag, and a few amazing, inspiring, unique pieces (as your budget allows). I have personally found that very few basic fashion items genuinely last the test of time (with a few exceptions) in the short term. Most things start to look really dated after a few seasons; cuts, waistlines, lapels, shoulders all change, and you will want to update.

JMO, but I've wasted way too much money on expensive designer basics in the past....I have a totally different philosophy about fashion now. I will only drop big $$$ if it's amazing and I can't imagine life without it. Unfortunately for my budget, that happens a little too frequently.

Good luck with your wardrobe building!!!! :smile:
Glad you found some nice sunglasses! My suggestion would be to buy nice/designer foundation pieces, like the little black dress. That's something you can have forever if it's a classic style. You can always change the look with accessories. Designer accessories can really elevate a look and make your whole outfit look better.Like SoCalledPrep and Diva mentioned, you can always add to the jeans/dress as you go along. Just my 2 cents:flower:
I think that it's very different what people are spending the most money on, I believe that it's something you have a feeling of yourself. I would probably buy designer items which are special instead of the basics which I'm able to buy in h&m or other cheap places.
yes, i too agree with Char, spend on a hand bag most def... this is truely an investment. And congrats on your new found wealth!
Yes, I think I will spend a large portion on a handbag, but figuring out what bag is going to be a huge ordeal! I'd also like a few Hermes and Pucci scarves, and another pair of sunglasses in a more classic black.

Can anyone reccomend where to start looking for a bag? I live in Minneapolis, not exactly sure how the shopping is around here. I assume I'll be ordering it from online. I'd like something roomy, in a classic shape but a more fun color. Do NOT want anything plastered in logo's, but something "recognizable".
And yes, I think I'm going to buy basics from Target, Gap, and try to find really amazing, special designer pieces. The kind that makes you go WOW.

And thank's Plastic'sWife, I definitly am enjoying it! I feel like a kid in a candy shop! But am trying to be very smart about this.

I'd die if I could save up for a Hermes bag.....maybe if I sock away some money each month, by the end of the summer I might be ready......:innocent: But that's just crazy talk.... I think....:ninja:
haruki said:
It isn't much when you think about it. Only $1,000 a month.

:ermm: i know everybody's different, but at least to me $1,000 is quite a lot. and for a lot of other people as well i believe-- :unsure: many people only has this amount for paying rent, bills, food -and then comes clothes- every month.

edit: forgot the actual question :doh: i guess i don't really have a theory even though i like the idea of building up a wardrobe with designer basics and then buy cheap accesories to go with it. i just buy what i like when i come across it - which has resulted in loads of colorful designer shoes and bags in my closet - but i guess that is just my way of doing it. but at least good luck with building up your wardrobe and congrats on your new sunglasses :flower:
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I'm with Mettchen. I make diddly-squat, so all my nice pieces I've miraculously found a thrift stores or on sale. I also make bank at Christmas. Lately I've been asking for electronics though.
I say take yourself to Nordstrom and go to the Savvy section, they have some mid to lower priced designer pieces. Dont focus so much, just go out see whats cute and buy what you like.
When I think "little black dress" I think Chanel, I have no idea how much a scoop neck Chanel dress would cost but Im sure it's a couple thousand, as long as you stay the same size it will never go out of style.
i think the first thing is to get a pair of perfect black pants...and to have them tailored so they fit like they were made for you...

fit is a BIG DEAL...even cheap clothes look expensive if they fit well...:wink:

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