Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

^ Actually, I did a little research last night and found a solution. ;)
How to add new themes:
It's a little bit complicated but I'm going to try it out later on today.
Also on how to create your own Wordpress theme (with custom header) if anyone is interested:

It's at though, which mainly applies to self-hosted blogs. I guess it's more or less the same with paid accounts but it's true that you have some limits with free accounts.
I started my blog in January on blogger and moved to onsugar in march. I wasn't unhappy with blogger, I just thought onsugar had more fashion oriented readers and I wanted to connect with them. I have had about 800 unique visitors for the month of march since I have been using onsugar.
I am a blog-addict:shock: and am currently looking for tools to enhance my vistor experience (like digg, stumble,etc). I blog as a hobby and really just wanted a place to share all of the things I personally found "haute" or not.
I have since slowed on blogging as I was offered a job blogging for another site. I have every intention to continue blogging on my own site, but since I have only been at this for 1.5 months I would really appreciate your thoughts and input. I'd like to position myself to monetize my blog in the future as well. Thnks soo much:heart:

This is mine i just stared a few days ago ,please tell me any sugestions or
advice to make the blog more interesting
I started blogging a couple months ago, but I don't really know anything about digg or stumble upon... How do those things work? I'd also love any sort of feedback on my blog! It's Thanks!
is anyone here up for a link exchange? im
cute blog sophieliciousxba :flower:

I had a blog a couple months ago, but things got a bit hectic so I deleted it spur of the moment.. now I have free time so I started a new one. I'm still working out the "kinks"..

lmelanie, I love your blog I'd love to exchange links :)
i've been writing a blog for a month or so and am enjoying it alot, but would really appreciate any constructive criticism/ ideas anyone has. You can find it here. Also, if anyone's interested in a link swap etc. then give me a shout :)
I started a blog not too long ago, it's in my signature. For me it's a challenge and it's basically the reason why I decided to start it in the end. I think it's quite obvious that the direction isn't too clear at the moment, as I've mostly only posted pictures and random commentary. Truth is, I'm having a hard time keeping it in one area: I love fashion, but I'm no insider nor am I striving to become one. Mostly, I'd like to learn more and form ties with inspiring people, and maybe eventually view fashion as merged with art and music from an outsider's point of view.

And, of course, lots of outfit posts :D

In any case, I'm really enjoying the experience. Some feedback would definitely be nice! :)
^i like your blog Unspoiledbird! especially those eerie pictures from flickr, really cool.
I like your blog too unspoiledbird !
It's ok, my direction is all over the place too. I'm not quite sure what I want to focus on yet. I added you to my blogroll :flower:
I started a blog not too long ago, it's in my signature. For me it's a challenge and it's basically the reason why I decided to start it in the end. I think it's quite obvious that the direction isn't too clear at the moment, as I've mostly only posted pictures and random commentary. Truth is, I'm having a hard time keeping it in one area: I love fashion, but I'm no insider nor am I striving to become one. Mostly, I'd like to learn more and form ties with inspiring people, and maybe eventually view fashion as merged with art and music from an outsider's point of view.

And, of course, lots of outfit posts :D

In any case, I'm really enjoying the experience. Some feedback would definitely be nice! :)

I'm agreeing with everyone here, your photography is great, and your outfits are cool. I think you have some nice clothes...jealous!
eee thanks for the nice comments! i'm pleased to find quite a few gems here as well, looking forward to some interesting eye/brain candy :D
i think i might have posted my blog here before, but its been so long.
i think my problem is that i dont have a specific topic or subject to write about. its kind of an eclectic mix of whats going on through my mind or how i feel at the moment. im trying to get more readers, how should i go about that?
Might as well update my blogging status since I have nothing better to do at the moment.
Basically went through 3408320423 blogs in my lifetime trying Blogger, Typepad, yadayadaya but just recently I've fallen in love with Wordpress.
I have to admit it took a slight adjustment period transitioning from Blogger to Wordpress because at first Wordpress just seems so... limited, but really for me personally I think Wordpress has much more professionality and structure and I find that much more convenient in comparison. The only thing that slightly bugs me is that it refuses to accept Javascript (after I tried to add a playlist to my blog) but no big deal really.
I guess if I have to give my two cents into the blogging world, the best thing to do is be true to yourself and not be scared or frightened of what people will read or think about your entries. For myself I personally just blog for myself and the sake of being creative and fun... nothing really special, but now I find myself excited and addicted to blogging after playing around with it for a long while. It may just be my instance, but it took quite a lofty period of time to actually find out what I wanted to get out of blogging for myself.
On a slightly different note, does anyone here have friends/family that know/are curious about or read your blog? After (regretfully) mentioning to some of my fashion friends that I blog now they are really fascinated and keep on asking me about it. :shock:
There is no way in hell. :lol: For me it kind of feels like an invasion of privacy.
On a slightly different note, does anyone here have friends/family that know/are curious about or read your blog? After (regretfully) mentioning to some of my fashion friends that I blog now they are really fascinated and keep on asking me about it. :shock:
There is no way in hell. :lol: For me it kind of feels like an invasion of privacy.

Somehow it's so much easier to have strangers read what you write than people you actually know....I get embarrassed/nervous when friends read mine...
^ some peeople on my course found my blog, but the weird this is that they never speak to me about it. i don't know them very well, but now they know where I buy all my clothes, slightly unnerving. I agree with the 'stranger' comment.
hey guys... so my blog is based on the pakistani fashion scene... yes their is one out here as well :) The blog is about spotting trends, brands and fashion on various people including celebs, socialites... coverage of events and runway reviews...

I try to make it as good as possible - as understandable as possible, as navigable as possible... but i am no tech genie... However i do the whole site myself, the layout, posts etc...

Do take a look and let me know :) - also i would absolutely LOVE ur comments on posts :D

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