Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

I just started mine and it's just such great fun to do!
the research, the writing and watching the sitemeter numbers go up :-)
i specialised in men's fashion.
i am also thrilled to have been let into TFS, without and invitation :-)
I recently joined the Independent Fashion Bloggers website and I've found it very useful in learning the different aspects of fashion blogging. IFB reformatted their website this week, making it even easier to network with other bloggers. I highly recommend it to those are just starting out! Sorry if this is a well known website. I'm always last on the bandwagon! Here is my profile on the IFB Network.
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out of interest, what kind of posts does every one enjoy reading most - personal style/ fashion news/ D.I.Y's / streetstyle etc. etc?

I've been working to improve my blog and would really appreciate feedback of what people think!
I like DIYs, news and streetstyle. I don't mind what are you wearings, but I don't like pages and pages of them. If I want to look at things like that I will vist somewhere like Chictopia.
Does anyone have stumbleupon? someone referred my site to it, and it's brought lots of new traffic, but i'm worried about spamming.
i'm just setting up a blog now, but i honestly feel like a duck out of water... are there any sites/blogs giving advice on setting up your own fashion blogs? i think this thread is fantastic by the way :)
kbella i have stumble, i find its pretty legit and my site is on it (and has been for a while) i haven't had any problems

carysss i'm not sure of any blogs that help with setting up your own, but when i first started mine i went to some of my favourite blogs and read their first posts, and it gave me some inspiration! good luck carysss!
Thanks rainyspring!

Carysss, I think this blog layout tutorial at Park and Cube is good. I also find reading established blogger Q&A's (like the Susie Bubble, Stylish wanderer and Kingdom of Style) useful, as it tells you why they started blogging, and they sometimes give advice. I think you need to read a lot of blogs, and get a feel for how they post, and try and create your own for your own blog. There is no tried and tested formula, and it's certainly a learning curve.
thanks very much for the advice rainy_spring and kbella! i'll check out the tutorial now and get learning! :)
please can you guys give me some feedback on my new blog, I've been updating it quite frequently when i have the time and the coming summer means they'll be lots of crazy stuff from around london and europe coming up. Would appreciate any thoughts on how to improve.

please can you guys give me some feedback on my new blog, I've been updating it quite frequently when i have the time and the coming summer means they'll be lots of crazy stuff from around london and europe coming up. Would appreciate any thoughts on how to improve.


I think your background makes it difficult for the text to be read.
please can you guys give me some feedback on my new blog, I've been updating it quite frequently when i have the time and the coming summer means they'll be lots of crazy stuff from around london and europe coming up. Would appreciate any thoughts on how to improve.


i agree, i thnk that it would be easier to read without the background, and maybe if you had more along the side. include, for example, your profile, or some other images that you are inspired by. perhaps you could also make a banner instead of just text for your header.
good luck :flower:
I love it if you guys could give some feedback on my blog. I've been trying to update a little more frequently, but can't really think of anything. what do you guys think of the blog and what would you like to read about?

The Factory Line
Rainy Spring and Sidewalks, I like your blogs ! :flower:
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just started my new blog -
any feedback would be completely appreciated, as would any link exchanges, from what i've seen in this thread you're all very talented and have furthermore inspired and encouraged me to start my blog!
thanks taylorkristiina! i like your blog. it has a nice header and is neat, clean really easy to read. i hate blogs that have too much going on when it comes to layout.

carysss, so far so good. you're off to a great start. your blog is easy to read to which most readers enjoy.

i'd love to swap links with both of you!
sidewalks i wish i would have seen your "influence" book sale before i ordered my copy (i just ordered it last week)!
great blog too! :flower:

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