SanFranGirl said:
i am interested in interning while I pursue a fashion design degree. I am clueless as to how to go about this though. I would imagine all the companies get flooded with requests for internships and don't really want to hire anyone without any experience. Any information or advice would be adored
I'd say that since you're in school, use that to your advantage. By that I mean, talk to your teachers about the fact that you're looking for an internship and if they know of anyone who would be interested in taking on an intern. The advantages are, if they're friends/acquaintances with people in the industry and are recommending you specifically, you'll be ahead of everybody who just cold-calls. Also, if you can get your teachers to advise you on what to put on your resume and in your portfolio, that would be a good thing also. Think of it as your course in networking. (Also, do the talking with your teachers by making appointments to meet them during their office hours, rather than during/between classes, which will just annoy them. Whereas, when i was in college, generally no students ever bothered to visit the faculty during office hours, so the students who did were seen as being more enthusiastic.)
Oh, and never forget the lesson we learned in Professional Practice: Always be nice and polite to everyone, including/especially the receptionist. S/he's probably the one you'll be leaving your resume with, and as such, has the power to put it on top of the stack, the bottom of the stack, or ooops between the wall and the filing cabinet where it'll never be seen again.
(Also, when deciding between two candidates of roughly equal skill, who would you choose to work with--the rude, unpleasant one or the polite friendly one? That's the other vital part of networking, is to come off as someone pleasant to be around especially when things get busy or stressful.)