Anti-wrinkle Cream For Young Skin

The biggest favour you can do your skin in your 20's is to remove your make-up and cleanse your skin completely before going to bed and to wear serious sunscreen at all times. It will really pay off! :flower:
I will have to agree with tealady! The best anti aging cream has been invented and that is the sunscreen!
I thought Lancome Resolution D-Contraxol is a more intensive anti-wrinkle moisturizer and Primordiale Intensive is for first signs of aging.
or Dior No Age, Capture First Action.
remember, what you really need for now is enough hydration and total sunblock :flower:
Originally posted by MissPurple@May 5th, 2004 - 1:48 am
I thought Lancome Resolution D-Contraxol is a more intensive anti-wrinkle moisturizer and Primordiale Intensive is for first signs of aging.
or Dior No Age, Capture First Action.
remember, what you really need for now is enough hydration and total sunblock :flower:
You are right Miss Purple, Primordial is marketed towards 30+ women and this stuff is even more intensive.

The funny thing is that the wholesale gave me and my friend who's 23 (I'm 24)another jar last night :wacko: :wacko: :lol:

This one's going in my moms bathroom ;)
PradaP said:
I'm turning 20 this year and have approached several counters in the past asking them whether it's the right time for me to start on anti-ageing products and if so what would they recommend.. and every SA has been honest enough to say to me that I'm still too young to be worrying about this and that right now the only preventive measure I have to take is to keep up my current routine and make sure I wear a broad spectrum sunscreen everyday.

I am glad that they are honest aren't simply just sales-oriented.

ps- I have heard many people say that it is good to start on retinol products from about now but I havent looked into it much.

i've gotten similar responses, but i disagree with you --this route is still very sells-oriented. The main reason why i think they'd choose honesty over salespitching is because it could really backfire on them if they didn't, and saving themselves from a bad reputation is a better route to go even if that means missing out on cash. Case in point: how could the company look credible and smart if they are telling your grandma and u to use the same anti-aging cream? that's basically saying you and your grandma have the same skin AND skin care needs.

They have to sell their products based on demographics if they are going to get everyone from different ages to use their stuff. Their basic creams wouldn't sell if everyone just bought the antiaging cream, so it's best to recommend as many different products as possible to different age groups. With this said, i don't think SA's or MA's are the best people to get skin care consults or photoaging evaluations from. Don't you think derm docs or plastic surgeons would be better?

do anti-aging formulas really do anything to people that don't need them and are using them just for preventivie purposes? i've always wondered about this because it doesn't appear as if any long-term studies have been done exclusively on preventitive skin care and how much photoaging is actually being prevented, if any is at all.
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tealady said:
The biggest favour you can do your skin in your 20's is to remove your make-up and cleanse your skin completely before going to bed and to wear serious sunscreen at all times. It will really pay off! :flower:

Can't disagree with that. Plus, anti-aging products don't do anything to prevent wrinkles, so logically it doesn't make since to start using something unless you already have signs of aging.
You don't have to put anti wrinkle cream if you're still young. Just protect with sunscreen, do sport regularly, drink much water. That's it.
Trista said:
About the sunscreen-what SPF should I use?

Minimum SPF35. Choose the light sunscreen for daily.... today a lot of brands produce in spray.;)
I am confused about the difference between preventative anti-aging ingredients and those that will address existing wrinkles and fine lines.

This is my current understanding, please correct me, as I want to get this straight! Will Retin A target existing fine lines but not do anything in terms of prevention? Are anti-oxidants what we want for preventative aging skin care other than the all important sunscreen? What other preventative ingredients are there, and what light lotions for young skin include prevention together with high SPF? Many thanks for your replies!
I'm 26 and have been trying different creams for a few years now. I'm mostly out of the sun and take precaution when I'm in it. I keep hydrated as well as eat foods that are good for the skin. Family seems to have good skin too, but it's never too early(when in your 20s) to help keep youthful skin.
A good product is Avene Diacneal, which is for acne-prone skin. It contains glycolic acid and retinol, which are also good anti-aging properties. It literally saved my skin from breakouts, and it's fine for young skin. Just don't use it on your eyes.

I agree with all the other posts about good sunscreen, and using preventive measures, rather than anti-aging products, though. You're too young, and all the anti-aging ingredients could be harsh on your skin.
A good product is Avene Diacneal, which is for acne-prone skin. It contains glycolic acid and retinol, which are also good anti-aging properties. It literally saved my skin from breakouts, and it's fine for young skin. Just don't use it on your eyes.

I agree with all the other posts about good sunscreen, and using preventive measures, rather than anti-aging products, though. You're too young, and all the anti-aging ingredients could be harsh on your skin.
I think you would be surprised at the amount of people,
that do start a skin care regime at an early age.
Prevention is always better than the cure .. said:
When should I start using "anti-aging" products?

From around 25 years of age, we recommend using special "anti-aging" products as a preventative measure once or twice a year. For example, at the beginning of autumn and during the spring. An ideal product to try is Clarins Double Serum 38 to help stimulate the skin‘s natural functions and help prevent the premature signs of skin ageing from setting in. Regular exfoliation will also contribute to maintaining young-looking skin, longer.
I just turned 22 and my skin has occasional breakouts and occasional dryness but it's very sensitive. I use Aveeno ultra-calming moisturizer with spf 15 everyday and if I'm going to be outside in the sun (like to run in the park or whatever) I put on spf 50 sport formula all over. I also have a tube of spf 23 in my car to put on my arms and face if the sun is shining on me while I'm driving.

I want to know if anyone has reviews or recommendations for anti-aging creams that are from the drugstore, like Olay, Aveeno, Ponds, Neutrogena, Roc, etc. type brands. Just because Christian Dior is kind of expensive. I can afford the cosmetics sometimes but I don't like to spend that much if I don't need to. Are any drugstore brands good? Does anyone use them? Thanks.:flower:
I use 50 spf baby sunscreen when its sunny outside I don't wear much make-up, I do however live in a big city, is it still essential to was the face every evening before bed?

What should I use?
Sunscreen is a must, no smoking, a topical tretinoin, moisturizer, a healthy diet, excercise, and drink plenty of water. Also nothing gives the face that haggard look more than drinking alcohol in excess, i.e."the bloated and waterlogged look."
Can someone help?

I have very sensitive, acne-prone skin but I want to start using a sunscreen (preferably in the moisturiser).

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I think I've been tainted from years of my mum slathering thick, white cream on me as a kid - putting sunscreen on my face just seems scary now!

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