Eye cream for young skin

I'm 24 & have just started looking after the skin around my eyes... At the moment I'm using Dermalogica's Total Eye Care, which I like. I don't have much to compare it to so far though...
@belowen: same here, I'm 23

at the moment I'm also using the total eye care from dermalogica, it's ok I guess but in the beginning it was a bit irritating

next up I'm going to try the natura bisse sensitive eye gel I think
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The modern thoughts on skin care is very similar to the thoughts on dental care. If you treat your skin daily, and get check-ups from a professional, (this would mean a dermatologist) you will have overall better skin than most people. That said, most people I speak to and consult with believe the skin needs to start receiving solid anti aging treatments, not excluding chemical peels and other high end treatments, starting at age fourteen!

This may seem like a very young age, but as the great Dr Kalil says (who is the famous dermatologist I consult with here in South Beach, Miami) "an inch of prevention is better than a mile of correction."

I couldn't agree more. That said, there is an eye cream that is getting some pretty solid results called Elite Cream. It's got a combination of ingredients with clinical results such as argirelene and haloxyl, as well as antioxidant rich ingredients like acai berry extract and resveratrol. Might want to check that out.

But keep in mind, the best way to treat your skin is to protect it. This means SPF, moisturizer every day. Like clockwork.
im 22 and i've always been unhappy with my eye area, ive seen about 5 dermatologists to see if anything besides surgery would help, apparently they're genetic :/ regardless ive tried what i feel like is every expensive cream out there, lumere i used for several years it helped but didnt hydrate enough.

i just ordered a Peter Thomas Roth cream thats gotten alot of good reviews ill let you know if its worth the price tag, its still cheaper than lumere.
MiamiDiva who makes the Elite Cream? I have been on a hunt for the perfect eye cream for my whole life. Tried so many types, and I do love Shiseido's Benefiance, La Prairie's Cellular Skin Caviar Eye is beautiful but sooo expensive, as is their Cellular Radiance Eye.

Anyone used Kanebo Sensai or Amore Pacific?
It's made by a company called Elite Creams. It's their second product this year, with the other one being a wrinkle cream. I know this because they actually reached out to me after they found my skin care blogs. If you read my blog there is a full review of it among many other things.
Oh cool-I have been told I should write a skincare blog or something as well. Are you an aesthetician or work with skincare products? Or just a skincare aficionado/product wh*re? :D B)
I bought Anthony Sport Eye Cream today. Will update if I see a difference, it's nice.
Oh cool-I have been told I should write a skincare blog or something as well. Are you an aesthetician or work with skincare products? Or just a skincare aficionado/product wh*re? :D B)

Watch who your calling a wh*re, Mister!

I am a skin care expert and write in publications on the subject of anti aging advancements. I write daily and monthly journals for several high-profile websites, including my own. Once I did a piece for Deco Drive here in Miami on chemical peels. So yeah, I pretty much know all there is about products, ingredients, treatments, and the such.....

Keeping a blog is cool....you should try it. It's crazy how many different products you try over the years and you will constantly find advancements just as you thought you found the perfect product.
I didnt mean anything by asking if you were a product wh*re. Surely you have heard that term, someone who consistently is buying new products, who buys up the entire line of a new brand they've discovered? Not a bad thing at all!
Have been using Dermitage set, not happy though. It feels too harsh for an area so delicate.

Will try Armani Crema Nera Eyecream next... Do you know anything about Armani products, LetThemEatCake???
been using Chanel's Sublimage, YSL's Hydra Feel and the new Dior Homme Eye cream and generally speaking, i'm really prefering the YSL. something about the texture and the "refreshing feeling" got me hooked on it.

been using eye creams since i was 18, but then again, i'm asian and apparently asians tend to age really well (as i can see in my own family :lol:), even without any creams and stuff.
^ An Asian living in Vienna... Street_a_Licious; you are getting more interesting by the second. It seems like we are always visiting the same threads!!! I guess you are in a way my tfs soulmate, lol.

And LetThemEatCake, thanks for the reply to my Armani question. I really need something cutting edge. Believe it or not, I find Loreal's collagen filler eye cream to be the best frankly... and it is relatively cheaper than anything else I used, including the amazing(note sarcasm) Stricvectin. Another thing: I CANNOT BEAR TO USE ANYTHING 'GELLY' UNDER MY EYES. It is simply disgusting.

Loreal is a cream: light, smooth and velvet-y. But I am still hot about Armani Crema Nera. We'll see.

If nothing works, use Preparation H. Seriously.
I'm not quite sure what prevention one can take w/ their eye area other than SPF?? I mean really, most creams don't do anything other than moisturize (and very few do a good job with that).

Anyways I just use Olive Oil as an eye moisturizer at night and make sure to apply spf on the area everyday.
I used to use Argan Oil, but it is too messy and well... greasy. The skin doesn't soak oil in. What is really the use?

I think using pure oil on your face is quite unsettling, often useless, and weird to the touch. But if you use it, obviously it helps your skin.
Yes I would not use straight up olive oil on my skin, but to each their own.

And Pasha using L'Oreal-they have some good things I hear, and they own Lancome, so, I can believe it.
^honestly I ahve tried a lot, and something I have used in the past three years or so managed to make my dark circles seriously disappear, but I do not know which one it was. certainly not Vita-K gel or Strivectin though. I like my eyes, so I try to keep them as wrinkle free as I can. I hate the Dermitage set, too heavy. But Loreal... cheap, but fantastic. I just want some variety now, because Loreal is what I choose to use in the mornings to erase the morning/sleep tire. I want something unique and cutting edge for the night.

I also wear a dark silk sleep mask at night, that also helps to cover the area from any light, which I think helps a little. Maybe just my imagination...
what really helps against dark circles


sleep and vacation


or makeup/concealer
i'm using clinique all about eyes and really like it. but my under eye circles won't go away with that. only concealer helps, as street^ wrote. :(
what really helps against dark circles


sleep and vacation


or makeup/concealer

The real answer......

Sleep. Hydration, less stress.

An eye serum helps the cause as well if you are looking to reduce their appearance. But getting sound sleep is the best way.

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