Anyone skin jealous of the young?

i think it is not only the skin-factor that makes one look younger. mainly, it is your face. you can have good, lineless skin, but the face itself can look "old" (lets say like an adult). there are also very young teens who have bad skin, huge pores and tan like there is no tomorrow. they still look young. it is also your face-proptions that change while you age. a young face, has e.g. big eyes that aren't too close to eachother or a small chin area.

to be jealous would be too much to say about me, but i do look at the skin of the very young. i do think that they have this amazing glowing skin. but i am not jealous. time will tell who has the great skin ;)

Luisa, you have young skin just enjoy it :flower:
side note: dont dismiss drinking healthy juices, i mean natural healthy juices..
i always have my grape juice:) i cant be thankful enough for my skin...i also think jealous triggers stress...and stress triggers ageing and bad we shouldnt really be jealous...just grateful...
my younger sister has an acne problem she is only 24, and she is goregous...everytime she has a chocolate seems like an army of red acne ants walk all over her face! so i am very grateful...
Not jealous although I do admire flawless complexions. My skin is far from perfect and still get mistaken for a teen ever so often. It's my facial features they can be child-like.
we live in the era where ageing is sth shamefull. it is like if u r pretty and young looking you can get anything anywhere. that is wrong on so many levels. yes, you should take care of yourself, but the whole idea of 50s are new 30s is wrong. you should feel confident at every age. wrinkles are not sign of anything but life. why do people want to stop life? look at what plastic surgery did to madonna, demi moore,... they were respected women, now i just feel sorry for them. im 27, i have great skin cos of genetics, BUT i know that i will get wrinkles, and it is okay. ill still be me, only older. i will still have my smile, my eyes, and that's enough.
i have younger sister, she 21, and the other day she told me that she wants to do botox in a few yrs, cos she thinks she has wrinkles... i was speachless.
if a smart girl, who is 21 thinks she looks old, well, how young should a woman look like?
if u start worrying about wrinkles and aging at your 20s, u sure will get wrinkles earlier...
my advice is just to take care of yourself every day, like don't sleep with your make up on, use tonics and try to be stress free. dring a lot of water, take vitamines, breathe fresh air and that is all.
don't look at photoshoped women on advs like they are role models. they are not real.
i just hope this 'youth' trend will be over soon enough.
Or, you can be unlucky like me, who never worried about wrinkles, but has them anyway! I'm turning 25 in a few months, but I've already got the fine lines creeping across my forehead, at the corners of my eyes, and expression lines starting on my face.

I'm not overly worried about it, but if I knew then what I knew now, I'd have been buying some anti-wrinkle creams when my skin was nice and smooth at sixteen!
omg, im almost 24 and i am now jealous of ppl my age and those younger...children have such gorgeous, velvety, porcelain skin...absolutely breathtaking!!!
I don't have a problem with aging, I just have a problem with aging too quickly and how my complexion is totally different from my age group (18-21); thanks to teenage acne. I don't have acne anymore, but a few scars are definitely noticeable. And using topical treatments for acne kinda ruined the moisture of my skin so it looks so depressing when I finished. Thank goodness I can afford some skin care lines that work wonderfully, but I'm extremely jealous of people who don't have to do anything to their skin and yet it looks so perfect. I mean, there's people I know who do stuff that scientists say ruin your skin complexion, like smoking and drinking, but it's not doing anything to theirs. It's like, wtf is that!? Haha.
I don't have a problem with aging, I just have a problem with aging too quickly and how my complexion is totally different from my age group (18-21); thanks to teenage acne. I don't have acne anymore, but a few scars are definitely noticeable. And using topical treatments for acne kinda ruined the moisture of my skin so it looks so depressing when I finished. Thank goodness I can afford some skin care lines that work wonderfully, but I'm extremely jealous of people who don't have to do anything to their skin and yet it looks so perfect. I mean, there's people I know who do stuff that scientists say ruin your skin complexion, like smoking and drinking, but it's not doing anything to theirs. It's like, wtf is that!? Haha.

You should drink alot of Green grape juice you will notice a great difference.
Fresh organi green grape juice not out of the cartoon. I dont think people realize that the food intake and supplment has a big impact on the skin. If you do this while your young, you will be prolonging your skin as you grow older...
Also life style have a large impact, i have friends who drink and party like crazy...their skin looks like as if they are in their early 40s.

Care for your skin like you care for a baby, if you had a baby will you feed it vodkha? or take your baby out to party all night long? or deprive your baby from sleep? its just the same thing with the skin...extra care does not mean expensive skin care ( which btw i use alot) it also comes from the inside too.
^I've actually been drinking a lot of green tea and it has worked wonders for my skin! It's more glowing, less oily, and I haven't had a pimple in weeks! I've had better results with natural remedies than topical medicines and moisturizers; although they do help.
I apparently have young-looking skin. People always think I'm 18...I'm turning 23 in less than two months :lol:
I know what you mean..I'm 22 and people think I'm much younger, but not like 18, more like 12:lol::lol::lol:
I would probably murder to have undamaged young skin again, like hers :blush: :

But it's my own fault that I don't have it anymore, when I was 15/16 people thought I was wearing foundation, my skin was that good, but long story short, I don't look that way now days even with make up (but it helps). :doh:
So yeah, I am skin jealous. Not only of young and perfect skin, but also when older people have great skin, that sometimes brings me down more than any teenage skin.
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I know two women they are 40 and 38, and neither of them have ANY wrinkles. I mean NADA. Not under the eye, no crow feet, no smile lines. One of them I know uses sunblock and good cosmetics, but no botox or fillers. The 38 year old has very modest earnings, does absolutely NOTHING, not even SPF, has two children, and STILL looks about 24. I am much younger yet I am jealous of them, this is a true blessing, and not being 8 year old with perfect skin. Duh! Wait till they're 12. I remember turning 12 and everything in my life changed, including my skin. So no need to be envious. They'll get there :evil:
I know two women they are 40 and 38, and neither of them have ANY wrinkles. I mean NADA. Not under the eye, no crow feet, no smile lines. One of them I know uses sunblock and good cosmetics, but no botox or fillers. The 38 year old has very modest earnings, does absolutely NOTHING, not even SPF, has two children, and STILL looks about 24. I am much younger yet I am jealous of them, this is a true blessing, and not being 8 year old with perfect skin. Duh! Wait till they're 12. I remember turning 12 and everything in my life changed, including my skin. So no need to be envious. They'll get there :evil:

omg u must be talking about my mom and grandmom....44 and 67 and my grandma looks maybe about 50, if that, my mom looks maybe 35-8..they have WONDERFUL poreless,wrinkleless perfectly smooth, I got a load of cystic acne at 19 that damaged it pretty well off (compared to theirs) but its not so bad now, an occasional blemish.....

but my new year's resolution was to really take care of my skin, and ive been doing pretty good...what scared me was these 2 wrinkles that are showing up across my forehead, my stress/worry lines...i was looking in the mirror, thinking, "OMG im only 23, this is NOT happening.."

it was bound to happen, im a lazy slob when it comes to skincare..
now i cleanse, treat,moisturize, occasionally exfoliate, and im about to start getting som facials...i hope it makes a difference....

i want youthful skin DAMMIT! :D

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