Anyone skin jealous of the young?

People seem to think I'm around 16/17. It's not a bad thing but I feel weird responding the question of what high school I'm attending.
i'm not necessarily skin jealous of the young, more like i wish i had treated my own skin differently. I'm 23 and now embrace my paleness and won't ever go a day without wearing suncreen, but when i was younger I used to sunbathe and tan every summer, plus i used sunbeds occasionally from when i was 19 until 21ish. I wish i never did!!! I'm still perfectly line-free but i have a couple of freckles in places that really should never see the sun :lol:

plus i squint ALL the time because I've never been good about wearing my contact lenses and last owned a pair of glasses when i was 12 and i'm SURE that's going to give me permanent lines around my eyes.

my mom is almost 50 and doesn't have a single wrinkle and only a few grey hairs, and my dad is 51 but could easily pass for mid forties so i definitely have genes on my side, but neither of them were ever sunbathers and i can only pray that a few years won't harm me too badly :(

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