Has fashion made you Rich or Poor???

You could divide the cost of the garment by the amount of times you wear it, then find out which works out the least cost per wear :)

everyone tells me I look like Im rich from my clothes.

Ive definitely spent far too much money on clothes and bought far too many clothes for years but you never know if what you buy is going to become your fave thing for 10 years or something you wear once or twice every few years.
well it depends, spending my money on clothes and accesories doesn't make me any less poor bwcuase it adds to things i have, so i am getting something, selling things on ebay like thesocalledprep said makes me rich so i am pretty much not losing any money at all..
i'd say rich
I think it makes me poor but happy... buying those things I luv really does make me happy....Who said money cant buy you happiness...hehe
Made me poor for sure! I'm in med school also so ... :cry:

Doesn't matter, fashion is still in my heart anyways!
covergal said:
I think it makes me poor but happy... buying those things I luv really does make me happy....Who said money cant buy you happiness...hehe

Oh so true! *sigh*

...and it definitly makes us "better persons" - at least on the outside!
lady grey said:
everyone tells me I look like Im rich from my clothes.

me too. it's funny the impressions that a person can make. you can really fool people by dressing well... i live in a tiny house and am VERY middle class (economically) but you'd never tell. I think being well made up helps as well.
TheSoCalledPrep said:
me too. it's funny the impressions that a person can make. you can really fool people by dressing well... i live in a tiny house and am VERY middle class (economically) but you'd never tell. I think being well made up helps as well.
Yeah, people often tell me I look super rich and all that stuff, which makes me uncomfortable. I don't know why exactly, but it just makes me feel weird, like "Uhhh, why would you say that to me?" My family does do well, but we're not super rich or anything. :lol: I think some people assume that I'm stuck up and won't be friendly to talk to, and it's quite the opposite. But at least they usually figure that out pretty quickly. It doesn't take much to make them see past clothes.
I'm not rich, but a lot of people think I am by the way me and my mom dress and how our home is designed. We just like looking put together and having a impeccable, clean home.

The things I choose to spend lots of money on makes me happy so that big dent it makes in the wallet, isn't so bad...unless you're broke and run into a shoe sale then I feel like sh*t :lol:
well i'm beginning to believe that homeless guy down the street has more money than I have in my bank account, I am also ready 2 steal his little hat, that ish has loads of cash in there or maybe I should pretend to be poor.
Fashion does tend to keep me poor, but it doesn't mean i don't love it. If i didn't spend all my money on fashion i'd just find something else to blow it on, i'm hopeless at saving money. At least i get to look and feel fabulous out of it.
I am constanly living in debt, my credit card is never on the plus side, I am constantly complaining over how broke I am.:cry:

But I always find new must have items.:p

Life is short, and I am going to live it wearing beautiful clothes.:heart:
fashion has made me very poor in money but extremelly rich in clothes but i wouldn t change anything for all the money in the world
I'm trying soo hard not to buy clothes right now because I jsut got out of school and I'm trying to get rid of my credit card debt before I have to start paying my school loans back...but man on a day like this all I want to do is go shopping.
Heroin_Chic said:
I must admit that Fashion gets me broke & stressed-out. :cry:

I`m a Student with no job at the moment, still I just MUST have the latest Gucci Runway Jacket or the latest YSL or LV Bag...

...and then when I have it I sit at home, no money to go out, nothing to eat and all stressed with raising money for the next Must-Have Item...*sigh*

that sounds awful! if it is making you broke and stressed out, you should consider whether it is worth it :(
copper said:
that sounds awful! if it is making you broke and stressed out, you should consider whether it is worth it :(

Ah don`t worry, it`s all about the priorities one sets for themselves: for me Gucci & YSL are worth starving for ^_^ And hey, if I had money left to buy food I wouldn`t into the clothes any longer :lol: It all makes sense!

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