Personal style: Rejecting trends..

*also..this sound like common sense, but you'd be surprised..

- avoid influences from Hollywood! pop-culture isn't all bad, but your style icons should be people who have been there and done that, imo..
Wow, this thread has me befuddled. Since when did style become such a science? Wear what you like, don't wear what you don't like--regardless of trends.
Fabulyss said:
Wow, this thread has me befuddled. Since when did style become such a science? Wear what you like, don't wear what you don't like--regardless of trends.
But the problem is that when a trend starts, I usually feel like I like it..but after it has saturated, I feel like it was a big mistake to buy the trendy things since I end up hating them.

I agree with the no-impulse thing and the creating fashion journals, etc...that way you can see what styles are more like you, trendy magazines can influence people a lot too..

BTW does anyone know if there is any kid of streetstyle mag out there? International, Japanese..don't really care. I find that streetstyle (good streetstyle, at that) can be quite inspirational..more so than the IN and SO LAST YEAR type mags. :innocent:
faust said:
Tott's post made me think of something else (and I apologize for the inherent contradiction) - you MUST suspend terms that box you in (such as, my style is gypsy, punk, ladylike, etc. etc.). If your developed style can be described in these terms - that's fine, but don't let the terms go before your style :flower:

I absolutely agree, keeping an open mind is essential! I didn't mean to imply that you should limit yourself by clinging to a style stereotype...
trends. trends. trends.
to follow or not to follow . . .?
imo it's not the following which leads to disaster
it's the execution . . . :innocent:
smthn which i have noticed so many times
is ppl's lack of imagination & willingness to experiment
if smthn looks sh*t on the mannequin in the shop . . it must be sh*t . .
there could never be, shock horror, another way to wear it . . :o
a distinctive way to wear it . . which expresses smthn of yr own style . .
i have to admit . . i'm not a trendy person . . at all
but i won't go out of my way to avoid a trend either if it appeals to me
i have enough faith tht i'll be able to come up w/my own interpretation of it

enough of a twist to avoid looking like a trendwhore . .
& if i do subscribe to a trend it won't be just one thing . . like a random UGG
but an aesthetic / look . . . silhouettes / shapes
so don't just jump straight in . . .
give yrself time to think abt whether you really like the trend
or you just 'think' you like it . .
b/c yr constantly being fed it through a drip of 'fashion' magazines etc. .
& would you still wear it when it's over ? ;)

* my point is; there's no need to reject trends . . have some faith in yrself . .
just don't do more than one at a time ;)
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softgrey said:
but sometimes it's really handy when something you love becomes a massive trend because you can find so many things at very reasonable prices...

then you can just keep wearing them once the masses have moved on...

Totally agree ... take velvet for example, which I've loved for a long time. I avoided buying a velvet jacket this fall ... not that there would have been anything wrong with that, but it seemed too obvious. But I did buy velvet shoes and an uncut corduroy coat that looks like velvet. If you love velvet, seems to me like a missed opportunity not to buy it and wear it this year.

But it's also classic, and I will wear both these things till I wear them out.

I think pretty much the only way to avoid trends altogether is to not buy anything new. Even "classic" items are very often influenced by what's happening in fashion now.

Btw, I often do more than one trend at once. An example for spring would be wearing nude lace. Not necessarily a bad thing at all, but perhaps more potentially dangerous ;)
fashionista-ta said:
Even "classic" items are very often influenced by what's happening in fashion now.

This is so true! What was considered classic and timeless 10 years ago wouldn't necessarily be considered as such today.

There are some style exceptions like a classic Chanel suit, a classic cut 30's Saville Row style suit, a classic trenchcoat... But mostly, subtle things like length and width of lapels (for instance) do change over time. They are often timeless in the sense that they aren't trendy season pieces, more like decade pieces. But they will go out of style eventually.

Pieces that do last are the quirkier and more extreme stuff, I guess. Unlikely as it sounds... But if it's not mainstream, and not trendy, it's undefinable and always looks interesting. Like what the Japanese (CdG, Yamamoto and the likes) have done. You could pick pieces from any season and not be able to tell if it's 2 or 20 years old.
i like what you siad chanel...:flower:

i had another thought...

you know...
there are actually people on this planet who are not creative at all...
and will never really develop their own sense of style...
and then there are others who 'think' they are really creative and stylish who appear to be mistaken...:huh:...:ninja:

i don't know if following a trend is such a bad thing in a case like that...
it's certainly better than just looking 'bad'...or a mess...

and there are some people who simply don't want to have to work that hard on how they look...
a simple set of rules makes it easy for them...
then they can just make their little list...
take it to the store...
and check each item off as they go...
mission accomplished...look updated...

if that is what works for them and they manage to pull together a decent look that they are happy with...
then i am happy for them...

my whole life has been about teaching people how to look their best...
and for some people...that means following...
whether it be a set of rules or a trend...

i don't think people should be penalized for not being born with that 'thing'...
that 'eye' that some of us just have...
not everyone HAS to define their personal style...
plenty of people just can't be bothered...

i just hate to see people waste money because i was raised believe that it is a 'sin' to waste money...
so when i see people spending on items that i know they will be sorry for just makes me cringe...:doh:...

but some people just won't listen to reason....
that is why being a personal shopper would be one of the worst jobs in the world imo....
^ Good point, softgrey ... I hadn't thought about it like that. It's true that many people (esp women if personality tests are to be believed) are reassured by rules ... I on the other hand run screaming :lol:

Twilight fairy, had one other idea for you ... something I'm in fact doing right now for spring. I have a little fabric covered bulletin board criss-crossed with ribbon, and tucked into it are all the things I'm thinking about for spring. Colors, clothes, shoes, jewelry, makeup--pictures I've printed, things cut out of magazines, the fashion section of the newspaper, catalogs, etc. It's easier & better than keeping everything just in your head or randomly scattered on tables & desks ... your own little personal inspiration board ;)
fashionista-ta said:
Hmmm ... I have always been pretty much like I am now, in that I didn't like most of what I saw (for me, anyway--I can appreciate things I would never wear), and knew what I liked when I saw it.

I would suggest a pictorial journal ... I think looking at as wide a variety of magazines as possible is a good idea. Tear out everything that appeals to you, then analyze and make collages. If you stick with this process, I'd be kinda surprised if your taste didn't start to refine itself ;)

This actually sounds like a fun idea, I want to try thisthis weekend :)

Twinkle: I'm in a similar boat as you. I think I'm getting a better idea of what I really like and dont like latley, and what fits into my style, but it's still hard. I like the kate moss type rockerish edgy look, but I also love bows and polka dots and ruffles, which are somewhat juxtaposing...
FemmeFeline said:
Early on in my teenage years I really had no clue about what looked good on me, what quality was, or which trends I should follow. Now that I am early 20's, I know exactly what I want and what looks good on me. I used to look at what my friends were wearing, and because of my lack of confidence I would take my fashion cues from other people. Then I hit a point in my life and I thought, " Wait a minute.... I am a unique, beautiful woman, who has traveled to 23 countries and has so many different cultural influences. Why
should I follow everyone else?". And that was it... I started to dress exactly how I wanted to dress... and now buying the perfect pieces is so easy because I know that if I don't fall in love with it right away, its not for me.
If that piece doesn't strike me as original or captivating... then I put back on the rack. I think one of the biggest lessons to learn with how you dress is to not be so self conscious if you don't look like everyone else around you;
and to draw from your experiences in life to reflect through your style. Or, what I do is I imagine myself in a different time or place and what kind of persona I want to portray and how I can do that with subtlety in my wardrobe. I want little hints of the various dimensions of my person to show through how I dress. I am not sure if this makes sense to anyone else.... but I hope this helps someone out a bit. :blush: :p

That's an excellent post. The other thing to remember to keep you strong from fear of rejection by your social circle just because you don't look like them is think about what kind of people you want to attract. Do you want these shallow, pathetic teeny boppers around you or do you want just ONE person who understands your depth and uniqueness that can be conveyed through clothes?
:blush: :heart: Thank you Lena and Faust...
it is so nice to finally have found people who think like I do in this world,
so many people around me ( physically speaking, geographically ), are so
uninspiring, and there is this force inside me constantly fighting for something
deeper, whether it involves style or education or love. I am so exhausted from seeing the lack of originality and imagination displayed by people my age in my country. I really hate California style, its so redundant and SO ultra
trendy. Like the whole Juicy Couture thing, and the whole So Cal punk thing.
My style has definitely developed because of a sense of dissatisfaction with
what everyone else wears around me.

It takes a lot of courage to dress differently, and sometimes I have to
kick myself for being shy or embarassed about my style. Its a constant
struggle and it makes you challenge other looks and find out why
they are socially acceptable and why people are so judgemental when
people break the mould.
Hehehe, I just thought of another thing...

When people give you long, lingering, or weird looks...
take it as a compliment because you are challenging
them to think for themselves and you hold the
ability to captivate them with a look that maybe they have
never seen before!:woot:
Great thread! I really enjoyed reading everyone's take on this subject.:heart: I agree with those who mentioned go with what you love. It's fun to incorporate new ideas into your wardrobe, but I like to stick with my true style.

It's taken me some time and I've changed my "look" over the years but now in my 30's, I've learned to trust myself rather than be a sheep.^_^
I find that I don't like people wearig my kind of style, I get really unispierd when I see things I like become a trend, like it is in London now.. :(

Everyone is wearing dark clothes, skinny jeans etc. things that have been my 'uniform' for the last years, and now everyone wears it! Suddenly I feel like a fashion victim, because your style is suddenly a trend, I hate seeing everyone around wearing the same, as yourself.

Hmm... does anyone else feel this way? Suddenly I feel like I have to change... I don't know... :( :ninja:

I feel like I am in a 'fashion desert' at the moment.
i totally feel you pucci mama, just the perfect excuse for moving on i guess..
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pucci mama, I feel your pain! I've been a fan of thick stripes for a while..and grey is one of my favourite colours. Now everyone's walking around in thick stripey long sweaters and grey coats/jeans..arhh..:cry:
And it starts to put me off the whole style, since after it gets to vastly overexposed and overdone you don't even feel like wearing it much anymore..
I also think fashion should be fun, not a math equation! We have enough structure and rules in our everyday lives so fashion can be a form of escapism.. Have fun with it.. Its ok to be a trendy and experiment each season because it means your are keeping up with the times.. As much as classic pieces are timeless, fashion has many faces and evolves so we must move with it.. Be confident in whatever you wear!!!!!!
You know, the worst part about the whole trend thing the unavailability of certain pieces until they become a trend.

I don't care how lame people think they are...I always liked the look of a cute little half hoodie layered over some long tanks, but I've just recently been seeing them everywhere on teenybopper little girls. I'm still about to buy one...from wet seal no less. Hey. They're cute! Really!


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