Balmain x The Lion King

« I was only nine years old when ‘The Lion King’ first released, but even now, almost three decades later, I can close my eyes and replay that incredible mix of music, images, and emotions. The lessons I absorbed, as I sat transfixed by the giant screen, have stayed with me for life. »
Just make a collection celebrating African artisans, why does it have to be this random-a$s “x Lion King” nonsense?

Generally sort of confused by the attempt to rebrand The Lion King as Black culture. The Disney PR machine at work, I suppose.
Generally sort of confused by the attempt to rebrand The Lion King as Black culture. The Disney PR machine at work, I suppose.
Hmm… I feel like this isn’t new ground for The Lion King. I think it was the musical that helped them brand it as such.
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True, I didn’t even think about the stage musical. But still, this specifically says it’s to celebrate 30 years of the movie. The animated movie with no human characters, directed by, written by, mostly starring, and with music by white people. Loosely based on a Shakespeare play. Produced by Disney.
As a Leo myself I am all about this whole mess after all Leo season is coming we need some drama and flashy clothes
But not a fan of Balmain tbh
It’s a steal compared to the hideous poly-blend Lion King hoodie on offer for $1600

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