Favorite Childhood Toy

i dint play much with toys, i use to burn insects most of the time:smile:
My Little Pony - loved them, they were my favourites!
Sylvanian Families
Polly Pocket
Care Bears

That takes me back to my youth :blush:
Transformers (!!!), plastic dinosaur models, green plush toy dinosaur I still have, building blocks, My Little Pony, a stuffed penguin that a carried everywhere until I dropped it in the toilet
This stuffed deer that looks like Bambi that my grandma gave to me when I was really sick. ^_^
contrary to popular belief. . .it wasn't barbie [close call though]

i'd have to say teddy ruxpin.
My teddy bear Brian...he went all around the world with me when I was little. I almost left him underneath a bed in a French hotel - but we realised before we got on the plane and went back for him. I still have him - I keep him beside my bed.
these are so cute, posted by i<3chanel...


^ Cute ^_^.

Ummmmm..... Does food count :lol:?? Okay, I really don't remember - I mean, I had lots of toys!! But I think the best thing was when my sister, my cousins and I made our own things to play with. Like once, we made mud cakes - yep, outta real mud. And another time we made a whole grocery store out of paper only to play with it for about 15-20 minutes and then throw it away :lol: :rofl:. Those were the days.....
stersita said:
I also loved power rangers, I even had this:

View attachment 170483

:rofl: I think my mum has it somewhere..

:lol: The imagination of you in that suit..hilarious!:lol:

I also liked the Power Rangers, I had like at least 10 figures of them! (but had to share them with my brothers:doh: )

Though as a girl, I loved Barbies of course..(and I didn't have to share them with my brothers:lol: ) but I was kind of weird, I always cut all their hair until they had bald heads:lol:
I was weird with them too, I made them kiss :huh: With Kens of course, not between them :lol:
stersita said:
I was weird with them too, I made them kiss :huh: With Kens of course, not between them :lol:

Any girl who says she didn't make her barbies do "bad" things is lying!!

I was barbie-obsessed, I had a room devoted to their world, with houses, cars, beauty salons, the works. I had a lot of strawberry shortcakes too and they had a big house, so the strawberry shortcakes were always the barbie's children. :lol:

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