Best Sunscreen

Speaking of sunscreen, I forgot to wear some about two weeks ago when I was hanging out on my friend's patio.
I didn't get a sunburn, but I got this annoying and UGLY rash on my chest that itches. And when I scratch these little red bumps came up. NASTY!! Now I have to put foundation on it if I go out and it hasn't gone away in TWO WEEKS!
I had the same problem last year and my doctor wasn't much help. Just told me to get these over the counter cream and I don't think it helped much.

A few years ago this wouldn't have happened. I would have gotten a bit of a sunburn and it would have turned tan.
Has this happened to any of you? I'm NOT asking for medical advice, just for people to share their stories.
PradaP said:
Well Clinique is a US brand and so they have no rating system for UVA, the only way you can tell is by reading the ingredients label and checking for a list of it's Active Ingredients

and by the way, dont worry, Super City Block is broad spectrum (active ingredient is titanium dioxide)


I absolutly agree with u PradaP,I am also very picky about waht I put on my face,and my sunscreens,and I think the SPF 15-20 don't do anything,that's why now in Europe they are removed.

I actually use a cream with the titanium dioxide "Ultimate" from "Swiss Line" which associates the japonease and swiss knowelges,and I put on it a sunscreen "SPF 100 Photoderm Max",beacuse I have a very sensitive skin to sun,which causes me health troubles.
Melisande said:
It's initially a bit expensive, but it lasts 6 months.

If it lasts 6 months, you are not using enough. Sunscreens should last 4 months at the most with daily use
Bonchic said:
I live in a very humid climate... reaching above 100 degrees in the summertime. What's a good face sunscreen that also has uva protection and isn't greasy or makes you breakout?:flower:

Try Shiseido SPF 55 Lotion or Neutrogena Age Shield SPF45. Both are matte and offer a PPD factor (UVA protection) of about 8+
Golden_butterfly said:
People with dry skin, what sunscreen do u like best?

Its very greasy but my skin never looked better than with Canadian version of Ombrelle SPF45. I didnt even need moisturizer with it. Still the awful shininess got to me and I stopped using it.
I read in a health magazine that by the end of summer if you're using the same sunscreen you bought at the begining of summer you're not using enough:flower:
I tried the Canadian Vichy SPF 60 because it has the Mexoryl. It was okay, a little sticky.

I tried one of the American Clarins suncreens for kids. Didnt like it but I am not a fan of titanium dioxide anyway.

I tried Neutrogena UltraSheer SPF55 which supposedly has the highest PPD factor of any sunscreen in the American market which is supposedly PPD15. It burned a little because of the avobenzone but I could endure the discomfort. I much preferred the Neutrogena Age Shield 45 which didnt burn at all and seemed less thick. However, it doesnt have as high a PPD as the UltraSheer

And I agree that if you have the same sunscreen that you started the summer with, you are not using enough.
Does anyone know if regular Vichy moisturizers (I'm especially interested in the Oligo 25 and Normaderm series) contain SP(F)?
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I use sunscreen with spf 50 and above... for children and babies, then they're not so aggresive.
I put it on the face and neck and always, always (no matter how hot it gets) I wear long sleeves. I hate tan skin.
I use the Patricia Wexler Universal Anti-Aging Moisturizer SPF 30+. Even though it is a cream, I am not oily AT all when I use it. It absorbes really good and leaves no film at all.

On my body I use an all natural high spf sunscreen from Whole Foods. Kiss my face has a good line but I can't remember the name of the one I use daily. Have to look. I use the same kind on my 3 year old son.
Oh, and I try to wear hats. I just discovered a new sun spot on my cheek despite my attempts to shield my face. Might be pregnancy-related though...who know.
Bonchic said:
I live in a very humid climate... reaching above 100 degrees in the summertime. What's a good face sunscreen that also has uva protection and isn't greasy or makes you breakout?:flower:

I find Clinique's sunscreens great and i have really sensitive skin :flower: Same with neutrogena :heart:
satin chic said:
Does anyone know if regular Vichy moisturizers (I'm especially interested in the Oligo 25 and Normaderm series) contain SP(F)?

I use the Normaderm line, but it doesn't say it contains any spf.. :(
Midori said:
I use the Normaderm line, but it doesn't say it contains any spf.. :(
I checked their website and there it didn't say anything about SPF either. I guess I'll just ask my pharmacist...
satin chic said:
I checked their website and there it didn't say anything about SPF either. I guess I'll just ask my pharmacist...

Yeah, i also checked their .hu site and no info about this.. :(
The best if you ask the pharmacist. :flower:
I just bought La Roche-Posay 50+ Anthelios XL creme fondante, after reading this thread. I agree with everyone. And it's CHEAP:woot: ! That's a change from all the overpriced products i use.... Thanks tfsers for your suggestions!!!!:heart:

I think it's really important to use a very good sunscreen on your face( highest SPF possible), you don't want to age badly now, would you?
And as we say in Greece.....
the best cure is prevention!^_^
im obsessed wth staying out of the sun but my mum rkns its unhealthy to stay out of it too much. be careful of the ingredients in your sunscreen because remember it absorbs into your skin.
i use megan gale invisible zinc, which is actual zinc but is invisible (hence the name) i have used other brands and i feel that megan gale sunscreen protects me better! and so i need less applications.
Ungaro Kitty said:
Speaking of sunscreen, I forgot to wear some about two weeks ago when I was hanging out on my friend's patio.
I didn't get a sunburn, but I got this annoying and UGLY rash on my chest that itches. And when I scratch these little red bumps came up. NASTY!! Now I have to put foundation on it if I go out and it hasn't gone away in TWO WEEKS!
I had the same problem last year and my doctor wasn't much help. Just told me to get these over the counter cream and I don't think it helped much.

A few years ago this wouldn't have happened. I would have gotten a bit of a sunburn and it would have turned tan.
Has this happened to any of you? I'm NOT asking for medical advice, just for people to share their stories.

sounds like it may have been sun poisoning.
I've heard that for the best protection, make sure the first two ingredients are Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide - they provide the best protection and don't degrade as quickly as the others. :flower:

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