Bi-racial/mixed models

oolie coco said:
No, there's very very very very little genetic difference (if at all) between a black person and a white person, for example. I forget the exact percentage it is (if any)

Race isn't exactly a physical reality in that scientific/genetic sense.

However, for most people, it certainly affects us socially on a daily basis! Even though I'm half-white I understand that white people see me as completely Asian because of my looks. And even though my mother is Asian, most Asian people wouldn't probably consider me "Fully Asian". So for me, I relate to being biracial way more than I relate to being white or Asian. Most biracial people in this world are going to accept me no matter what!!!! lol

Great post. I could not have articulated it better.

I'm not exactly sure what this girl is she might be full African American but she's so beautiful I had to post her. If anyone knows her race please do tell. Her name is Chrishell Stubbs.
^ OH my god! I totally remember her from Seventeen magazine about 10 years ago when I used to suscribe to the magazine! I remember I absolutely loved her. I can't even believe she's still working! She is ridiculously gorgeous.
Really old pictures of Thania Peck from her Seventeen days. Some are with Amy Smart. Her cover reads April 1997.

yep that's her..thanks for the pics..she actually is still working but she cut all her gorgeous locks off and her hair is straight now
this girl kind of reminds me of her..oddly enough her name is thayna, I think shes with ford (
Well, to an extent, all black people of the America's are mixed. I've read in an encyclopedia that black are at least 1/5 non black. It of course varies within individuals but you can see it. Black in the America's come in many shades. Try to compare Africans and Blacks from America. There's a huge difference physically. If I'm not mistaken some whites are alson not 100%. Especialy the south where the can be mixed with Native Americans and blacks.
Well yeah of course, but some people seriously consider themselves and identify themselves as biracial, triracial, multiracial, and so forth, and some don't.

Because I identify myself as biracial I really appreciate seeing successful people in the media who also consider themselves multiracial :) Of course many people are 'technically' mixed but as I've stated before, because it's such a large part of my identity it can't hurt to explore other people in the media who feel the same way :)
^exactly, technically everyone is mixed if you go back far enough but this thread is intended for people who consider themselves mixed...pretty much bi racial and tri racial people or the direct result of two or more races.
Ciyvk said:
Well, to an extent, all black people of the America's are mixed. I've read in an encyclopedia that black are at least 1/5 non black. It of course varies within individuals but you can see it. Black in the America's come in many shades. Try to compare Africans and Blacks from America. There's a huge difference physically. If I'm not mistaken some whites are alson not 100%. Especialy the south where the can be mixed with Native Americans and blacks.

You are not mistaken ;)

As far as I know I am 100%, but I always consider the possibility that some family members could be not telling me everything they know ;) I know some of my cousins, great-aunts, and whatnot have studied our geneology, and what I've heard is that we come from all 4 of the British Isles. I honestly find it stunning that for centuries my ancestors (apparently) have hooked up with other people *exactly like them.* Are these the most boring people ever or what??? It's not unusual for my sister and me to be stopped with comments like "God, you're fair!" It's true ... I'm glad that I freckle, it relieves the white, or really pink :innocent:
I would love to know some of the mixes of the other bi, tri, and multi racial people on these boards! I didn't know there were so many of us!

It is certainly easier to consider yourself one race... I often consider myself black, when in all actuality I am 1/2 Native American, 1/4 Black and 1/4 Scottish-Irish. In America, regardless of what you actually are, it is so much easier to consider yourself of one race, the race that you look like. I am fairly certain that my sister does not correct people when they refer to her as white, and we have similar heritage (we have different fathers).
I'm Native american,Portuguese,Indian,Tanzanian and Chinese :) And I love studying every single one of my cultures. Even though I look black, I always say that i'm mixed and for some reason that pisses off alot of my black friends because they feel that I am "denying" my heritage, but that's not the case. I'm just not choosing one race over the other, i'm proud of all the races i'm mixed with.
I'm glad to see some conversation again. I see where you're coming from Ariez..I often get accused of denying my black heritage too. I don't really understand why people have a problem with this ..I see beauty in all my hertages but like Khaotic kharma said, for some reason people want you to choose 1 race and stick with it.
I think it's so great that you guys are so proud of all your heritages :) That's so beautiful. I am Thai and German myself. Most Caucasian people assume I'm fully Asian because of the way I look (black hair, haha). But usually non-Caucasians will ask my what my background is :)
amphrosyne said:
Most Brazilians are mixed e.g. Cintia, Adriana, Beatriz Baros, etc

But Ana and Cintia are probably predominantly white since most middle/upper-class Brazilians trace their heritage back to European countries like Portugal, Italy and Germany. I heard Adriana has some Black and Native American blood, though.
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Israeli Nina Brosh is truly bi-racial. Her father was a Jewish Russian and her mother was Chinese.


luna1576 said:
I'm not exactly sure what this girl is she might be full African American but she's so beautiful I had to post her. If anyone knows her race please do tell. Her name is Chrishell Stubbs.
Wow!, she's really pretty but she looks so sad:cry:.

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