Bi-racial/mixed models

from camera press:

Very hq

from contour



Damn! She's making me sweat!

Thanks for the pics

There's also a Noemie thread if you want to contribute to that one!
and omigod--noemie looks great--- i jsut love her face... adn her hair is cool.. i love it when girls have big hair like me!!!!
miche said:
The 2000 IBGE census found Brazil to be made up of:
  • white 53.7%
  • multiracial 38.5% (mostly mixed White and Black (mulatto)
  • black 6.2%
  • Asian 0.5%
  • amerindian 0.4%
  • unspecified 0.7%
NOTE: In a documentary that i watched about capoeira, in Bahia (as in other parts of the world), the Blacks were said not refer to themselves as Black because of the negative stigma. Those who would be considered Black prototypically identify as other, even White!! Census takers in Cuba were shocked when the local "Blacks" referred to themselves as White. That's why I am not certain about such figures, although they are informative.

That said...Bahia, where Adriana Lima is from, is the African soul of Brazil. Nearly 1/2 of the population is Black: descendants of 3.5 million African slaves. 40% of the slaves sent to the New World were shipped to Brazil.

Bahian women
amphrosyne said:
^ I think someone earlier here said Adriana isnt biracial and mixed or something along those lines. Although categorizing can be annoying but its more or less a subconscious thing that most people do. Besides Adriana has predominantly Caucasian features (in my opinion).

What are her mostly Caucasion features? Her hair is straightened in most pics. Her skin is relatively light when unexposed to the sun, but it's lightened even more in post-producton. Her eyes are light but so are the Bahian woman's eyes in the photo that I provided in the above post. I see every bit of the mix that she claims: African, Indian and Swiss. I see it all, not a dominant one.

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amphrosyne said:
Her nose, eyes, facial structure in general. I'm no expert so you're probably right..

well i'm not going to start about Adriana again because she has already been discussed and there is no use arguing about her because everyone is entitled to their opinions. I personally see her as predominantly white but that's my opinion. imo she doesn't really fall under bi racial or even tri racial but i do see where she looks mixed sometimes and white other times.
oolie coco said:
You're right, luna:

The second meaning of mulo in spanish according to the Real Academia Espagnola is "a person characterized by strength and vigour".

The etymological origin of the term as given by many dictionaries is from the Spanish word mulo. However dictionaries who mention mulo as etymology for mulato also express doubt about the suffix -ato whose origin is obscure to them

Another etymology which can also be found in some dictionaries and scholarly works traces its origins to the Arabic term muwallad, which means "a person of mixed ancestry". Muwallad literally means, "born, begotten, produced, generated; brought up, raised; born and raised among Arabs (but not of pure Arab blood)."
ALimaFan said:
NOTE: In a documentary that i watched about capoeira, in Bahia (as in other parts of the world), the Blacks were said not refer to themselves as Black because of the negative stigma. Those who would be considered Black prototypically identify as other, even White!! Census takers in Cuba were shocked when the local "Blacks" referred to themselves as White. That's why I am not certain about such figures, although they are informative.

Brazil had a large amount of immigrant from europe in the 19th-20th century.

Beginning in the 19th century, the Brazilian government stimulated European immigration to substitute for the manpower of the former slaves. The first non-Portuguese immigrants to settle in Brazil were German, in 1824. In 1869 the first Polish immigrants settled in Brazil. However, strong European immigration to Brazil began only after 1875, when immigration from Italy, Portugal and Spain increased. According to the Memorial do Imigrante, between 1870 and 1953, Brazil attracted nearly 5.5 million immigrants -- approximately 1,550,000 Italians, 1,470,000 Portuguese, 650,000 Spaniards, 210,000 Germans, French, 190,000 Japanese, 120,000 Poles and Russians, and 650,000 of many other nationalities. These figures may be a serious undercounting of the actual numbers of immigrants, since the spouses were often not counted; there were large numbers of illegals never counted; the family names were changed to hide national origins; and Brazilian record-keeping was slipshod. Brazil is home to the largest Italian population outside of Italy, with 25 million Italians and Italian-descended Brazilians. Brazil is also home to the largest Lebanese community outside of Lebanon, roughly 8 million.

Brazil's population is mostly concentrated along the coast, with a lower population density in the interior. The population of the southern states is mainly of European descent, while the majority of the inhabitants of the north and northeast are of mixed ancestry (Amerindians, Africans and Europeans
Jarah Mariano is Hawaiian,Korean and Chinese



*IMG Models

She has a gorgeous profile
No problem :)
I hope we see more of her, she doesn't have much work up on the IMG site :(
I just found this girl on O2W
She's from New Zealand but I don't know what shes mixed with, she's gorgeous though.

Grace Hobson:



i don't htink she looks mixed... she looks like she is lighter skinned--- cuz her facial features seem like a normal afro-american girl, maybe dominican/s. american.. but i LOVEA her hair.. my hair is jsut like that-- i love girls rocking hte curly fro.

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