Black British Style


Active Member
Dec 29, 2003
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V&A Museum

From Sunday dressing to street wear, celebrity to Rasta, Black British Style looks at fashion and styling across all aspects of black life and culture over the past 50 years. The exhibition explores clothes and the bodies that wear them,
looking at not only what is worn but how.

Black people aren’t exclusively the ones to turn heads on the street but it is the
attention to detail in the art of dressing that makes these styles so significant.
Historical roots, cultural difference, a pleasure in femininity, masculinity or
sexuality, and the unrestrained desire for the ingenuity of designer clothes
have all influenced the way black people in Britain dress.

This exhibition is the first of its kind in the UK and highlights the variety of
lifestyles that co-exist in black culture, focusing on dress but also incorporating
music, photography and film.
wow...there's a cultural difference right there...
you're not even allowed to use the term 'black' anymore in american culture...
it's considered politically incorrect...but not every person of colour is african gets messy and complicated...

anyways...sounds like an interesting show...i saw these amazing looking girls in the tube in london and i was standing there with my mouth awe...and my friend was just like...oh yeah..those are the ragga girls... :huh: :unsure:
we don't have those here...they're AWESOME...!!! :woot: :heart:
Seems like an interesting exhibition !!! Its up to date, and i think it will be successful, cos lots of peaple would like to attend this! Its something that we live with!!

Has anyone been there??
I actually prefer to be called black lol. I hate when ppl always assume I'm african american when i'm not african american. So yea its true what you said softgrey, it gets all complicated. Plus most black people I know don't mind being called black, but despise being called african american.
Well i dont thing that the exhibition has to do something with that! iI am sure the curator didnt have this in mind when he did tha exhibition!!!

It is quite interesting and i think all that the chance, should go!
Originally posted by softgrey@Oct 7 2004, 06:30 PM
wow...there's a cultural difference right there...
you're not even allowed to use the term 'black' anymore in american culture...
it's considered politically incorrect...but not every person of colour is african gets messy and complicated...

anyways...sounds like an interesting show...i saw these amazing looking girls in the tube in london and i was standing there with my mouth awe...and my friend was just like...oh yeah..those are the ragga girls... :huh: :unsure:
we don't have those here...they're AWESOME...!!! :woot: :heart:

You always crack me up! :lol:

Yeah i see alot of great style in london also. Here I see the great boho/african chic styles in Brooklyn and Harlem, also the Bay Area ( think Baduism with ragga and Indian influence, more global villiage). I wish i could get out to London soon. But hell I never made it to the PK exh.

Side note:
Re black Or Af Am, Black is usually OK, when your black. God forbid you call and Indian person black, they will have a fit. Some black people get touchy about being called black, but they were touchy if you called them an african before it was PC :innocent:
sounds like an interesting exhibition, wish I could be there :(
Originally posted by MulletProof@Oct 17 2004, 10:04 PM
sounds like an interesting exhibition, wish I could be there :(
You can be in spirit...
Originally posted by strawberry daiquiri@Oct 17 2004, 02:10 PM
You can be in spirit...
yeah, I'll try to pull off the Ragga style at home :(
Can anyone post pics? Where i'm from, if people dress like that or see people dress like that, they'll get laughed at.. People aren't very succeptable to others dressing out of the norm. I wanna MOVE!

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