Blake Lively & Leonardo DiCaprio Dating?

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Also, regarding 1. Lainey revealed that the affair was with Olga K. not Blake. She actually mentions them having a big brother, mentor relationship and maybe something more from the gossip perspective. Nothing slam dunk, because if there were best believe she would have revealed it.

And how strange no-one has brought up the fact Blake and Jennifer Garner share the same publicist, so I doubt that conspiracy theory. Although I do agree that something vicious is going on. Also, Leo would get a gazillion cool points from me if he did end up sticking with Blake through this whole ordeal.
actually no, she implied he was doing the same thing he did on set of The Town in his next movie with Olga and how he managed to make both of the stories ready for cover removed totally due to good connections. :flower: at first she did describe it as a brother connection then as the time passed as you said, nothing slam dunk, but she did imply they hooked up. then there was the other BI about Ben and Olga and how she's threatening him and stuff. that's the way i've understood it all this time.
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@Fey_Sommers, from a girls point of view I totally agree with you if Leo sticks around through this it will show a lot of character and emotional growth on his part. Remeber he stuck around Bar when the whole draft dodging thing came out. So there is a chance he will.

But as a fan of Leo - the serious actor (not hearthrob) I wish he would cut loose and run, this gossip stuff is just not good. I liked that he cut loose of all the gossip mania post Titanic, and that he avoided the paps like a maniac. All this is just stirring up the frenzy again.
yeah, that BI said she refused to go totally there yet, but it did imply that the producer is out to punish her if she doesn't.

The exact wording was that the producer was trying hard to block a major deal for the actress, in order to make it easier to get her to finally give in. At that point, Lively was auditioning for "Green Lantern" and everyone was saying "well, if she doesn't get this (as most were sure she wouldn't), it's just proof she'll have to give in to him" - yet, a few days later Blake managed to get the role (probably helped that it was the same studio who made The Town, and she was getting positive buzz from that), and well, people still chose to believe what they wanted, and what suited their image of Lively more.

The Leo and Blake thing... really, I won't believe it's anything serious for a while. And as others are, I'm pretty curious to see if he's still spotted with her after this mini scandal.
Her PR is really a debacle, isn't it? I mean, just when it seemed like there was nothing stopping her, this ****e hits the fan.

I don't think it was Blake or her PR who leaked these pictures. There was no need for it, especially when she was getting so much attention thanks to her being sighted with Leo. The timing is too uncanny. Nah, someone who had a grudge against her, or who was envious of the exposure she was getting might've in all likelihood been behind this. I don't think it's Penn. I mean, for one thing, he doesn't seem quite as ambitious as Blake is. Maybe it's just someone she rubbed up the wrong way - and given how ubiquitous she's been in the last few months, I'd suspect there might've been a fair few. Whoever was behind this did it to knock her down a peg or two.

Interesting to see how Leo reacts to all of this. Would he be supportive of her at her time of need, or dump her like a hot potato! My, that would be terrible for Blake, personally and PR wise. I'm no fan of her or her PR blitz, but I would feel very sorry for her if this ends up ruining whatever she's established thus far. I know it's happened with Charlize and Rihanna and all, but they were all established in their field, whilst Blake is still a struggling actress.
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^I don't think this will ruin much because its not like she was nominated for an Oscar or even got the Hunger Games or the Batman sequel with Nolan. Let's face it in term of acting she is still not established which works in her favor with the scandal.

In refrence to Chanel, I think they will stick by her, she may not be making any promo appearances for the in the near future but my bet come winter she will be out the being their "muse" or whatever Lagerfeld is calling her now.

The biggest thing that she has going for her is the LEo realtionship - that's what she is afraid of loosing, being Leo's gf will make her known all over the world, and that is huge.

I f I were her I would be worried as to who is trying to destroy her, because I do not believe this just some random hacker, like LAiney said there is something more sinister going on. And if its Harvey W. that is scary. MAy be Harvey W. is also trying to pressure Leo to join his new Tarantino movie. Leo was supposed to be in the lst one - Inglosrious Basterd, but he bailed. HArvey needs an A-lister to carry the movie, and Leo was according to rumors reluctant to commit to the project.
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@Fey_Sommers, from a girls point of view I totally agree with you if Leo sticks around through this it will show a lot of character and emotional growth on his part. Remeber he stuck around Bar when the whole draft dodging thing came out. So there is a chance he will.

But as a fan of Leo - the serious actor (not hearthrob) I wish he would cut loose and run, this gossip stuff is just not good. I liked that he cut loose of all the gossip mania post Titanic, and that he avoided the paps like a maniac. All this is just stirring up the frenzy again.

But the only reason Bar was relevant was because she was Leo's girlfriend. Who gives a damn about her otherwise? Bar wasn't on covers of mainstream mags like People etc. But Blake is not Bar or even Gisele. She's counted as one of the up and coming actresses, who is actually quite popular in America.

None of us knows why Leo is into Blake, or whether they are even serious, but I'm sure Leo of all people would know how to orchestrate his PR and manage his career. Rest assured, he will come out unscathed. :P

He strayed with an actress on the set of his recent film, and is now desperate to keep it from his wife, who suspected, but who was won over by a family holiday and his new doting attitude. Only now the other woman is upset, threatening to overturn the peace, so he’s been calling in favours everywhere else to get her cast in another movie she’s not actually right for, just to get her to shut up. The favours he’s using up however could jeopardise his own project, and the people who are counting on his participation are getting increasingly anxious that he might f-ck it up for everyone else. Major stress and sleepless nights. Not unlike how it would be to be quarantined to one room with four kids and a dog!

That's the original blind, well after The Town came out. Both the blind riddle and its subsequent reveal don't indicate this being a repeat or recurring offence.

And let me just add: Wow! Hollywood is a scary, scary place.
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i totally thought the herpes lawsuit was about arnold schwarzenegger....anyway, it would be so "knight in shining armor" of leo to escort her to the MTV movie awards. like a real hollywood rom-com come to life. haha.

feel like its all just going round in circles at this point. need some more half-a$$ed denials from her publicist. hahaha...honestly, after these few days of crazy tolerance to "omfg"-moments has risen. not gonna gasp until at least a pregnancy is thrown into the mix.
And if its Harvey W. that is scary. MAy be Harvey W. is also trying to pressure Leo to join his new Tarantino movie. Leo was supposed to be in the lst one - Inglosrious Basterd, but he bailed. HArvey needs an A-lister to carry the movie, and Leo was according to rumors reluctant to commit to the project.

Actually, Jen Garner and Harvey W were recently spotted having lunch. Maybe they both connived together. :lol:

But, how could leaking nude pictures of Blake coerce Leo to commit to a project he doesn't want to?
I didn't follow the Leo/Bar years much, but did he ever make a public appearance (meaning official red carpet event) and posed for pictures with her? The only time I remember him doing that with Gisele was that one Oscar were they had basically broken up already and were mostly friends.

So... by that history, I don't see Lainey's wishful thinking coming true on this one.
That new post from Lainey is tripping me out. I don't even know where to start!!
This just keeps getting better and better! OMG! :shock: :lol:

I can't wait to see how Blake acts at the MTV movie awards on Sunday.
Do you think she will be her usual bubbly self?
One thing I know for sure, there's no way Leo will be anywhere near her.
I wouldn't be surprised if he put her on a plane back to the states immediately after the first set of pictures came out.
@Pavonine, I hope you are right in ref to Leo coming unscathed. I tend to side with you because a lot of people in Hollywood have a lot of money riding on him and his movies, most (not all of course) of his movies have major budgets and the international rights are tremendoulsy lucrative since he is one of the few actors to have fame all over the world and Hollywood is relying more and more on international box office.
I didn't follow the Leo/Bar years much, but did he ever make a public appearance (meaning official red carpet event) and posed for pictures with her? The only time I remember him doing that with Gisele was that one Oscar were they had basically broken up already and were mostly friends.

So... by that history, I don't see Lainey's wishful thinking coming true on this one.

I don't recall any red carpet events together with Bar. I recall them walking separately for one event but they sat together with his mother inside:

It took him a few years to see her sitting next to him courtside at Lakers games.

I don't think Lainey is wishfully thinking Leo will show up with Blake to the MTV awards. I think she knows it's not likely but is saying that it would take that to get rid of the photo talk....I wonder if Blake herself will show up or back out. She'll probably show up but not walk the carpet and not do any interviews.
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Well who knows, but I think true love is rare enough in Hollywood already. Can't see Blake being an exception there. I think it will help her career, too.

(The other threads needs to be opened again so bad, new pictures have leaked on Perez Hilton :ninja:)

Oh my...her publicist is the biggest idiot ever for denying it '100%'
Just in case there was any doubt Leo will not be attending the MTV Movie Awards, Ted Casablancas of asked Leo's rep and the rep responded as follows:

"Nope. He is not. Never was," Leo's rep told us when we asked about his attendance at the awards show.

But you know may be he will be in town and make it to the after parties, we know how much Leo loves to party. I'm sure if he is there Blake will be there with him, so the story wil be again Leo and Blake in love at the Mtv awards, still a win for her pr. And I'm usre somehow we will get a blurry images of them standing nexxt to each other maybe even holding hands again.
So many years of hard work to disassociate himself from the party boy image, from the paps and its all unraveling. Oh Leo be carefull, I love your movies.

Well, you know- Brando, Bogart, Errol Flynn, Richard Burton: LOTS of great actors were ladies men and drunken bar room brawlers, I wouldn't worry too much about that angle... :wink:
Well, you know- Brando, Bogart, Errol Flynn, Richard Burton: LOTS of great actors were ladies men and drunken bar room brawlers, I wouldn't worry too much about that angle... :wink:

Ikr, wasn't George Clooney called to the stand with regards to the whole Bunga Bunga trial of Berlusconi and its connection to Elisabetta Cannalis who btw has an adult video out? It's not that big a deal. We're all just waiting for the next scandal to blow this one out of the news cycle. Besides because while we are all so active on the internet, we represent but a miniscule percentage of the general pop.
@Boomer, youa re absolutely most actors are womenizers and hardcore partiers, but to use your examples Errol Flynn I believe died in his early 40's do to his lifestyle, Burton was an alcoholic and also died quite prematurely and its not like he is known for his body of work.

Brando - of poor Brando the tragedies of his life and the tabloid media and the fame they were a huge factor in his misery.

I guess what I am trying to say is that Leo seemed really smart about navigating the pitfalls of fame, after Titanic and the whole media mess he really worked hard to regain control over his image and career. This just again makes him voulnerable to the whole gossip smut.
Well I have a question if they do stay together, do you think this will help her career (I guess a la Aniston and Pitt or Paltrow and Pitt) or will it hurt it, like it hurt Katie Holmes or Nicole Kidman who said that her agents advised her against marrying Tom Cruise since she would become known as Mrs. Tom Cruise?

I think it depends. If Leo treats this relationship like his past ones (no red carpet appearances, no acknowledgment of the relationship, little PDA), I don't see how Blake can benefit.

Dating Leo helped Bar and Gisele because they weren't regular features of Us Weekly or known to the public at that point. So his simple association was able to raise their profile, get their name out there, and help their careers (although Gisele was already successful, she wasn't really a supermodel to the public yet).

But in Blake's case, just being known as Leo's girl isn't going to do much for her career. Her public profile is already high, thanks to her PR, Vogue, Chanel, etc. And it's not like she needs him to introduce her to producers because she already has family connections, Weinstein, and a great team who was able to get her auditions for Gravity, Gatsby, and Dark Knight (she didn't get them, but Leo can't really help that).

An officially acknowledged relationship wouldn't hurt, but the only thing that will actually make her a genuine movie star is if she gets a lead role in a great (critical or commercial) film. And she already had all the connections needed for that; she just lacked the talent to back it up. Leo's not going to be able to help with that unless he gives her acting lessons.

At the same time, I don't think the relationship will hurt her career because it's not like she shies away from being media attention. And it's not like dating Leo has made everyone stopped talking about her actual acting talent because no one was doing that in the first place.
I guess what I am trying to say is that Leo seemed really smart about navigating the pitfalls of fame, after Titanic and the whole media mess he really worked hard to regain control over his image and career. This just again makes him voulnerable to the whole gossip smut.
Any public figure is vulnerable to gossip smut- it's part of the job description. But the thing about Leo is that party boy image aside, he's actually pretty clean: He's never been divorced, never been to rehab, never been arrested, no DUIs, .... The media can call him what they want but there really isn't anything factual to back it up. Leo also has 20 years in the business and a solid body of work behind him. That won't go away because of something that Blake Lively did that had nothing to do with him.
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