I am legend by Richard Matheson
i love post-apocalyptic/dystopian novels so this one sounded great.
the main characters is the only person surviving an "virus" outbreak which turns people into ...vampires. of course the plot sounds crazy, but it didn't feel like a fantasy, more like something that could really happen one day. the way the character reacts to the changing world felt quite believable as well, so overall i really liked the story
now the big minus: i didn't like the writing style. it felt more like a short story (and i can't stand short stories) and i didn't like the way the flashbacks interrupted the story, in this case i would've preferred a linear narrative
Big mouth and ugly girl by Joyce Carol Oates
don't know why i picked this one up, i was at the bookstore and bored so i read it in a few sittings there
boy says some stupid stuff at school, gets overheard and before he knows what's happening he's questioned by police and this loser girl tells the headmaster what really happened. they become friends and yadda yadda yadda
i guess it's a nice read for very young teens and teaches you it's important to stick up for others and say the truth even if it's not what your parents or friends want you to do, but really, this has been done before and MUCH better. the writing is ok i guess.
The pillars of the earth by Ken Follett (re-read)
it's a mammoth, but worth every minute you spend with it. i can't even describe it since it tells the stories of so many different people. there's love, hate, revenge, ecclesiastical life, life in the middle ages, architecture and so on
it's really for everybody, my father and my brother were fascinated with it as well.
there comes a point when you can't put it down anymore and you just need to know what's going to happen to your favourite (or most hated) characters.
if you're looking for a novel that transfers you into a different time and you have time to hole up and read for hours, this is your book!