I've always been meaning to post here, but I'm so lazy to come up with reviews. It's strange but I happen to review better books that I really didn't like.
source: robyn bateman
The Last Letter from Your Lover by
Jojo Moyes [**]
Before reading: be aware there is a minor spoiler ahead near the end of my review!
This is a book I could've almost liked, seriously, but its main flaw is how predictable it is. The reader is always a good amount of pages ahead of the story and all the big twists are so easy to figure out, there's no element of surprise in it.
There are many other problems like the fact it changes focus all the time. I wish the author had chosen to stick with only one story. The best developed without a doubt is Jennifer's, although there is an important problem with it, Anthony is sooo dull, he barely has a personality to speak of. I can't feel all the romance between them that would make this such an epic romance from the writer's perspective. And I just wish Ellie's part would be completely different from what it is written,bc it had some potential, maybe something along the lines of Sophie's World with love letters and insights about love, dunno. I couldn't even understand her importance on the book, since it was so poorly written and it could've been easily left out.
The worst of all is the silly resolution. I was like wtf? If he was there all along then it is completely unrealistic that they never knew anything else about each other. I mean it would be so easy for them to find one another, which means that if they didn't, they just didn't love each other as much as it's played out. Not in my world.
Anyways, the cover sells this book as a tearjerker. I have to say I didn't shed a single tear. And that says a lot about it, meaning it didn't achieve its objective.
All in all, it's a waste of time...