Buying Designer Clothing for Children / Teenagers Discussion

hey taperjeangirl, i merged your thread into a pre-existing discussion:flower:
I don't know...I was raised by parents who were not poor but very, very thrifty, and my clothes mostly came from thrift stores or KMart. Occasionally as a big treat they'd buy me something from Old Navy (!).

And as a high-school kid, it's really trying to make those kind of clothes look decent when your peers have much more expensive clothes. I went to a very affluent school, so the difference between how I looked and how most of the kids did was really striking.

I think feeling bad about how I was forced to dress has played a big part in making me the (yeah, I have to admit it) fashion-obsessed person that I am today. I manage to stay in my budget, just barely, but I know that fashion and having specific pieces from various collections is FAR more important to me than it is to normal women. It's like I still have this inferiority complex that makes me feel like I have to be the best dressed woman in every room.

And I think if my parents had been willing to spend a little money on me and buy me nice things once in a while, back then, today I wouldn't be as obsessive about this stuff. I still don't know why they dressed me (and themselves) like they did when they're multimillionaires. Nowt so queer as folk, y'know...
I just never see the point of putting a child in expensive clothes. My daughter is always dressed nicely (well she was until she decided she could dress herself with intersting results :shock: ) Alot of her stuff is from H&M which is reasonable, looks nice, washes well and means that if she ruins it then my money will not of been wasted.

However I do buy her designer stuff for special occasions but never anything which has logos.
Kids grow so fast that even the cheapest thing from Zellers will be good enough for the very short amount of time they wear the item. I have a baby brother and he wears each item maybe 6-7 times before he outgrows it! He has a lot of baby Gap stuff (many people gave us giftcards and clothes from there) and there's nothing wrong with them at all, everything looks brand new because of the little wear they got. Same with his Wal-Mart clothes. So what I'm trying to say is:

Quality is not a viable reason for purchasing designer child's clothing.
Exactly, I also find children dressed all over in designer clothes look tacky. As you said above your brother only wears each item a few times before he outgrows it.
Tacky is the word! When you see a 5 year old dressed in Armani Junior and his sister in D&G, check out what their parents look like...:sick: . I saw this poor little (rich) black boy, his head was shaved except for the Nike swish at the back of his head...

I personally love Benetton for Kids and the children stuff at Zara. On a more expensive line, Petit Bateau. But BUT when kid's clothes is very cheap, it also looks horrible. They may outgrow their clothes fast, but children's clothes get very dirty and they have to withstand many washings!
It's disgusting and a waste of money to buy kids designer clothes unless it's something that can last them a very long time. Which for kids is...nothing! :lol:
I think it is just about finding a good balance good quality materials but without a designer label.

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