Do You Ever Feel Guilty Buying Clothes ?

This makes me think about the recent New Yorker article in which Calvin Trillin sang the praises of his deceased wife, Alice. He said something to the effect of how she lived life gracefully, mindful of the satisfaction (perhaps obligation?) of helping others as well as the pleasures of nice things. I wish I could find the actual quote, but my magazine is all mangled now.
hmm... Sometimes I wonder why I spend so much on clothing but then I realize that we only live once and why not make it FABULOUS! Sure there are people sufering and I do try to help them by giving some money to charity and all that kind of stuff... But I never feel guilt. Sometimes I feel a little pit stupid but I get over that and then I just see all the cool and funky stuff that I have in my wardrobe...

Just spend your money you can allways make more :)
designer cloth may be very expensive, but u can ebay the stuff that u dont want anymore. good stuff from labels like dior homme in small sizes can fetch 60-70% retail on ebay. thats how i justify my spending.
Today I was in a food hall, buying a £6 lunch, where the woman who checked me out was elderly, and I doubt her finacial situation was good.

I felt so awful and spoiled, etc. My oultfit cost more than her annual salary, and I still feel just...awful. I haven't earned any of stuff I have...and...I don't know, I just wonder what happened to *me*, if I am just now an ornament for displaying wealth. :(

Gah. I still feel so awful. :cry:
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^ I know what you mean.

There's a lot of hidden and not so hidden poverty in the service industry. While I buy these custom lattes or designer tee shirts, the person selling them to me is wondering what utility bill to pay this month (I've been there, too). The disparity in wealth is just growing, I think.
.:sprigged:. said:
Today I was in a food hall, buying a £6 lunch, where the woman who checked me out was elderly, and I doubt her finacial situation was good.

I felt so awful and spoiled, etc. My oultfit cost more than her annual salary, and I still feel just...awful. I haven't earned any of stuff I have...and...I don't know, I just wonder what happened to *me*, if I am just now an ornament for displaying wealth. :(

Gah. I still feel so awful. :cry:

I know what you mean too, I'm so glad you share my view:( . You know, I don't think it would make a difference if you had bought the stuff with self-earned money. A lot of people say that they don't feel guilty because it's their own hard-earned cash...:innocent: but the truth is, poor people have to work even harder and are still struggling just to stay alive. It's very dangerous to think earning = deserving. We shouldn't feel guilty for being fortunate, but feeling as if we have the God-given RIGHT to these riches because we somehow deserve it, is what is very, very, wrong.

I understand that you feel guilty, but you, sprigged, don't really need to feel bad :flower: . You were blessed with these gifts, and the best that you can do is feel deeply grateful, so that when you earn money yourself, you, too, can give to the needy, creating a wonderful cycle. Having more means you have more to give, so it's a wonderful thing. :heart:
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I don't feel bad at all. The reason why we pay so much money for high end designer labels is because they are hand crafted in non-third world countries. Therefore I am purchasing clothes from companies that don't support child labor.

Also I always donate money to local charities. And I also work hard for the money I spend. So I don't feel bad at all.


everytime I spend money on anything really. or the fact that i even have a house or education and all my things when there are people who have nothing at all and are often happier than me.

how can i spend $300 on a pair of sunglasses when i knew it could keep some families running for months ? especially when I can buy a $20 pair ? or even a $50 pair ?
For me it is an equation
I can afford it + I am supporting local stores + I really need it + It is worth the price tag = I'm buying it
Shopping for me now is a pleasure, I take it slowly and really scrutinize every purchase. That means more shopping time, less guilt.
Sometimes I feel guilt about it but I think it is my old lack of self esteem coming back to haunt me.
The bottom line is that we all need clothes, we can't go around naked. Just be socially responsible about it.
i only feel bad (very bad) when i spend a huge amount of money. i usually spend far more than i should or am able to afford but the guilty feelings fade away fast, ha, ha.. i am an expert at lying to myself telling me how much i needed that certain piece of clothing even if i still own a pair of items which look pretty much like that expensive one i have just bought, ha, ha... human weakness......... u know....;)
Yes, I just spent about $500 on a pair of shoes which really isn't that expensive with designer shoes these days. I recently order then & I know once they get here & I get to were 'em I won't feel so bad anymore. lol It makes me happy & I work my bum off, so why not?
lordevan said:
designer cloth may be very expensive, but u can ebay the stuff that u dont want anymore. good stuff from labels like dior homme in small sizes can fetch 60-70% retail on ebay. thats how i justify my spending.

haha, I do the exact same thing!! I always think that "hey I can sell it on ebay." I've already sold designer bags, shoes, & clothes on ebay so it's only fueling my spending habits.
I never feel guilty when I buy something more than half off. I love the idea of "outsmarting the retailer" that almost everything I buy nowadays are on sale some way or the other.
I am still trying to figure that out. I am a very cheap shopper (money wise)..I like spending money, but not alot of it. I would rather get more clothes that are cute than ONE amazing thing....but thats just how I am....not everyone is like that. I would rather shop at JC Penneys rather than hollister...i know its lame...but sometimes I splurge.

I went to hollister one day and bought a few shirts, so I was proud of myself. Than a few days later a friend of mine and I went to Winn Dixie and there was this girl who was working at the cash register. Looked about early 20's. Me and my friend were comlaining about how poor we were since we are in college and were trying to get as much food as we could to last us the rest of the week. Of course that day I am wearing my hollister outfit and my friend is wearing some abercrombie clothes or something like that.

The lady looks at us and was like...well you dont look that poor, than we see a picture of her and what looks to be her new baby. She looked like she was absolutely struggling and almost had tears in her eyes when she was talking to us....I felt horrible!
NOPE. Because I deserve it....we work hard and should dress nice. I never feel guilty about paying high dollar either....
I feel a lot of guilt and grief when I bought things that I don't wear. But it's not really about other people. I don't know why I feel that way. :ninja: I guess it's just about wastefulness.
I feel guilty buying jeans that are more than $150, because it makes me feel bad for people who can't afford clothes, and $150 could buy them a lot of things that they need.
Ha yeh i do feel guilty sometimes, but normally only when i look back in my wardrobe and see something which was expensive and i dont wear. This begs the question, if you buy something expensive and havent worn it, would you wear it to sorta justify the expense??? But also, you have to think that for most people on here, clothes are their main expense/hobbie/passion and if you can, then surely you should treat yourself.

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