Do You Ever Feel Guilty Buying Clothes ?

oh no no no....because I'm working hard for my money and I deserve to treat myself to nice things. :flower:
Originally posted by Labeladdict2@Dec 1 2004, 09:58 AM
oh no no no....because I'm working hard for my money and I deserve to treat myself to nice things. :flower:
I agree, but sometimes don't you feel crappy not because youre spending a lot of money, but because the way you are making your money? I don't have a fabulous job, and when I wear expensive things I feel so over dressed at the work place, and I feel like I'm rubbing it in and people know where youre getting your money to buy the stuff.
I never feel especially guilty... although now I feel a little guilty in thinking that I should feel bad.

To be fair, though, I haven't spent much on clothes since I stopped working.
i've been working a lot lately so i can raid the armani boutique
I do feel guilty, and thus I try to avoid buying expensive clothes. I'm a student and can only work when I'm home in the summer (jobs are scarce in my uni town), so my money has to go towards rent, food, bills, etc. I really don't buy much (other than necessities like sweaters, scarves, etc that get worn out really fast) during term time. during the summer I splash out, as well as when I go home at christmas.
I also try to donate one or two things for every one piece that I buy. ridding myself of clothes justifies the need to buy more... :shifty:
i do the opposite utopia...
i keep everything i buy for years and years...i figure the longer i wear it...the more i am getting for my money which can justify a higher price point...

i guess..whatever works for you... ^_^ :lol:

i don't really feel guilty though...because it IS MY money and i have no other responsibilities... fashion, music and travelling are my favourite that's what i spend on...
Originally posted by EdK@Dec 1 2004, 10:05 AM
I agree, but sometimes don't you feel crappy not because youre spending a lot of money, but because the way you are making your money? I don't have a fabulous job, and when I wear expensive things I feel so over dressed at the work place, and I feel like I'm rubbing it in and people know where youre getting your money to buy the stuff.

No, I feel said that I have to be surrounded by the shallow ugliness of the people who envy me for what I wear.
I tend to feel guilty about fancy dresses. I buy a few for cocktail/work parties, and then I never wear them again. But everything else, I could care less. I'm with softie...I tend to keep things forever, but dresses seem to be more of a trendy thing (except for my LBDs)...
I absolutly feel guilty, but that's probably because I'm spending my parents money. But, they let me, so....
*won't stop can't stop!*
haha I'm like you Softgrey! I keep things all the time and I still find uses for skirts I used to wear 3 years ago, or certain tops that I can layer. Pretty much I layer everything so I'm wearing alot of clothes at once and they are all from different time periods!
Sometimes I would feel guilty especially if they were impulse purchases...

but if I'm angry and I have the card with me, out goes my shopping conscience!

I think there are worse places to spend money than beautiful clothing. :heart:

A few weeks ago I spent USD500 on getting a pair of boots and while I did feel guilty I don't have a single regret now. They are fabulous.

And my new Marc Jacobs jacket :heart: :heart:

So what if I am vain?

I do donate, the church must be surprised to find old Armani castoffs in their donation pile once in a while. :lol:
I believe that you should only spend that large amount of money if and ONLY if you have shelled out the cash for the necessities. I would feel bad if I went and spent $500 on something and didn't pay my parents for my car insurance.
sometimes i do...esp. if i make an impulsive buy like a pair of jeans, then find out after 2 weeks that ive gained or lost weight....
I just bought a TON of shirts...and I feel bad because I spent a lot of money on myself in the holiday season...but at the same time, the shirts were very necessary. I only had a few and it was getting very difficult to arrange things between my mom's house and my dad's. Besides, I got an excellent deal, and I'm trying to console myself with that. I got 11 shirts (7 long-sleeved and 4 short) and a pair of pants, all for $109 ( :heart: H&M). That's a lot of money for me, and I feel bad spending so much on myself...but it's also a lot of clothing, which I needed badly.

I really feel guilty when I buy myself something that I know I don't need but that I really want, even when I know that I will enjoy it a great deal.
Most of the time, especially when I know it's a compulsive purchase, but still buy it.

I'd say 90% percent of the stuff I buy are from compulsive purchases.
Oh look, vintage find!:p

I've been thinking a lot about this recently...

...Knowing that so many people are suffering and so many children's lives could be saved in Africa and the Middle fact, almost everywhere around the world...with the same money, I just couldn't get myself to buy that $300 pair of sunglasses I wanted so badly the other day...:cry:

Volunteering and donating money are crucial, but doesn't alleviate the guilty feeling for me...because no matter how much you do, there's always more that can be done. And as much as I love clothes, I can't help feeling that it always comes down to: what's more important to me, the children's lives, or those fabulous heels?:(

I don't judge others for their shopping, it's just my own problem.

Anyone else think like this?
Is there a way to come to terms with this?
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I never feel guilty to be totally honest. I work hard for what I got, and I'm self -employed so I don't have to worry about rubbing it in others faces. It's really not my problem and I'm not afraid to wear nice things because I'm afraid I might offend or "flaunt" it in someone's face. There's nothing wrong with flaunting.

Some people can afford it and some can't. What's there to feel bad about?

I pay in cash and have a lot in the bank left over. No one donated money to me when I was broke, so to be perfectly honest I don't feel why I should have to either. It's not an obligation, but more of an option if you feel like it. If you feel guilty then don't buy it. I am not responsible for other people's problems, sorry if that sounds cold.

Everyone goes through ups and downs life, sometimes your loaded, sometimes you'll be broke. Why in the world feel guilty?

Don't feel sad if people envy you for what you wear, it's actually a compliment!

I never feel crappy about spending money, and I like to buy nice things...
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I usually do not feel guilty.

Here's why:

- I don't have credit cards, so if I don't have the money, I can't buy anything.

- I try to only buy things when I have enough "padding" in my bank account, if that makes sense. Like, if I buy a dress, I still have lots left over. If my funds are running out, I won't buy... unless it's a sale purchase and/or something I won't be able to get my hands on later.

- I usually am not a frivolous spender. I think about it before I buy, to make sure that it will be put to good use. (Again... usually ;))

I used to be a compulsive "spender, returner". I would always buy things, and always return! I realised that I just enjoyed that "shopping high" more than the actual item. Clothes always look much better in the store window than they do in your closet! Now I'm a consciencious shopper for the most part, so I don't have a lot to feel guilty about.
i always feel guilty, even if its five bucks. its gotten worse since i started college and i always thought that once i had a job and made my own money i would feel better, but i dont.

just the other day i passed up a marc x mj top at lohemanns for 50 bucks cuz i knew i couldnt deal with the guilt of spending that on a tank top. and it wasnt even my money, my mom was willing to buy it for me

oddly, i bought radiohead tickets for 160, and didnt feel guilty at all. so weird
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