Do You Ever Feel Guilty Buying Clothes ?

Yes but only if I spend on something that I dislike and don't wear. That, to me, is wastage. Also, I'm the sort who knows what I like and what I don't. I hardly ever encounter situations in which I have to think "Should I get this or that?" (except if cost is involved sometimes). So when I buy something I don't end up wearing, I feel really, really bad. But I usually try to rectify it by giving it to someone I know will wear it.
rarely i would say.... because i always buy something i already see and already try... never buy just by seeing;
if it is compulsive purchases then yes, but i dont often buy compulsively i spend ages and ages deciding comparing etc. the thing i do feel the worst about buying is food (i mean as in snacks or meals out, not your general grocery shop as i dont do the grocery shopping yet) cos 1) i feel piggy as i shouldnt have eaten the cookie or what ever 2) ive just spent money on something i could have got at home or in 1/2 an hour ive eaten a meal that some people would have had to make last a whole day 3) i constently think about how much over the years i would have saved if i hadnt brought all those snacks, it drives me crazy thinking about it!!
At first I feel guilty because there are starving kids in Africa, homeless people in America, plus mothers raising 3 kids on welfare and I'm buying $800 Dolce and Gabbana jeans that get worn once a month, especially since it's not really my money. Then I realize that everyone in America, in essence, has control of their own economic destiny and I shouldn't really have compassion for people who don't go out of their way to improve their circumstances.

And the starving kids probably don't know what jeans are in general so what you don't know can't hurt you.
I never feel guilty over spending money on clothes, no matter the piece and no matter the price tag. It's my money, that I earned through, well not very hard work but I did earn it, and so I get to use it on whatever I see fit, as long as I am able to pay my rent.
I also never plan my purchases, I just walk into a store, and if I like it, and think that I can afford it, it's mine. But it's not like that happends every day.
Though I did pick up a pair of Kim Jones trousers at the Browns sale today, £100 of. Very happy :)
I feel guilty sometimes, if I spend money on something and don't wear it. But on the other hand, I usually give some of the clothes that fall into this category away to friends, and then I feel good about it :)
I definitely do feel guilty at times.
I am an extrememly disorganised person and so I only tend to wear my clothes for certain periods of time, store them and most probably never wear them again.
I could see them belonging to people who could appreciate them more and I think too of the money I could save if I am able to streamline my closet.
I realise this everything when I am packing for my trip and it's a pity because all of these pieces (at least to me) are really nice finds.
i spend pretty much all my money on clothes after rent & bills. i dont normally feel guilty, but i hate when people ask me how much something cost. especially people i know that arent into fashion (ie, roommates.) it's not like my parents bought it for me, leave me alone.
I feel it every now and then, I think generally it's a sign that MAYBE I really don't want/need whatever it is I'm buying.
When I buy something that I REALLY love I never feel it.
Sometimes, especially when I know it's something I can make myself (and change the colours, so it suits me better, etc.)...
But this only happens when I shop with friends
When the item(s) may be pricy I do feel rather guilty.. unless I know for certain that I will make good use of it. Usually I try to resist shopping temptations.
I don't feel guilty. I work hard in school and i deserve something every once in a while. -_-
Only if there's something else I should be doing with my money at the time.
I only feel guilty in a few circumstances

First is when I'm feeling stressed and I buy something just to comfort myself. I don't buy random things, but I can forgo the limits I've placed on buying an item. I'll promise myself that I won't even think about getting X until it is marked down again, but if feeling down, I'll buy it without regard to the cost. I always end up with items that I love, but I know their purchase is only a temporary fix. I could buy 8 suits this week. By next week I'd have my eye on something else. That's why I try to space out purchases. Rather than getting three things at once I'll get one or two at a time when that's an option.

The second time is when I've just purchased something that I like, but don't necessarily love, and then, within a few days, I happen to find a must have. I usually end up getting it too. If it's something ordered online, I'll spend a day or two thrilled to have discovered it. Then, while waiting for the package I'll start to have second thoughts. Then, when it arrives I see how much nicer it is than it looked online and let go of all of the guilt.

As I mentioned, I avoid a lot of these issues by getting one or two things at a time rather than splurging. A good example was about 6 months ago when I was coveting two grey Margiela blazers. I knew I should only buy one, but was having such a time deciding. I ended up basically flipping a coin and telling myself I'd buy the other later if I was still into it. A few days later I visited the Saks outlet and found some deeply-discounted prada loafers. If I'd bought both blazers I would have felt incredibly guilty about the shoes. But, problem avoided.:innocent:
i dont feel guilty. I earn my money so can spend it how i wish. Ill only feel a tad guilty for 5 mins if i spent tons on a single item but the guilts gone when i buy something else! If i dont spend my cash on clothes which are necessary ill only buy junk i dont actually need! So no, I dont feel guilty when i buy clothes!
I dont reallyfeel guilty. Theres really nothing else I want to spend my money on and theres more than enough going into a savings account that I cant touch yet. I dont usually get sick of my things easily and wear them forever.

PrinesessImp -- My brother is just like that too. He has prabably 60 pairs of jeans easily, he wears a pair for a few weeks and forgets about them. I have no idea what happens to all of them, maybe the laundry gnomes steal them? :usure:
Every single time... That's why I take forever when shopping, I'm usually trying to make up my mind whether I'm going to really wear this piece, is it going to last, does it actually look good on me, etc., etc. If I don't do that, then I probably shouldn't buy the piece (because I would never even wear it once).

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