Classic Icons Must-See Film List- Add Yours!

Style wise I'd go with these (probably repeating other's already!)

Breakfast at Tiffany's
La Dolce Vita
Gentlemen prefer Blondes
Some Like it Hot
Pandora's Box
More recently - Annie Hall
Rear Window (lovely Grace Kelly!)
Vertigo is my all-time favorite. Kim Novak's green dress is incredible. I can't seem to find any pictures, though ...
I have to continue my list...

Clockwork Orange
Taxi Driver
Lolita (Kubrik!)
Gone with the Wind
The Blue Angel
Girls in Uniform
ooooooh, fun thread!

In my humble opinion the best movie of all time The Bicycle Theives (ladri di bicyclette) Followed by The 400 Blows (Le Quatre Cent Coups) followed by The General by Buster Keaton, followed by City Lights by Charlie Chaplin followed by Citizen Kane, All About Eve, Double Indemnity. :woot::woot::woot:

I'm happy with that list ^^B)
I don't think this has been mentioned yet? very vibrant colors in this film, made in 1963 ...


Vertigo is my all-time favorite. Kim Novak's green dress is incredible. I can't seem to find any pictures, though ...

I have to agree on that! I also love Madeleine's perfect grey suit, I wonder who designed it...


Source :
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)- shamefully only managed to see this silent film recently and was blown away by it- a classic that actually deserves to be called one...

also Greed (1924)- another amazing silent film
Everyone should watch the fabulous Pre-Codes "Baby Face" (starring Barbara Stanwyck) and "The Divorcee" (starring Norma Shearer). Great wardrobes in those films! :heart:
:DI really like these 2 films by Luis Bunuel

-Simon del diserto (Simon Of The Desert) 1965
-El Ángel exterminador (Exterminating angel)1962

There both such good films that have so many hidden meanings. I think i also like them because I dont fully understand everything in the movie and everytime I watch it again I see something new. Exterminating angel is basically a giant metaphor , and Simon of the desert has the wierdest ending.
  • bitter moon
  • velvet goldmine
  • repulsion
  • fearless vampire killers
  • the man who felt on earth - bowie
  • trainspotting - well, in case someone missed it
  • tess
  • sid and nancy - about sid vicious
  • the labyrinth
  • citizen x
  • birds
  • lolita - w/ j. irons
  • the sound of music
  • a clockwork orange
  • hair
  • the pianist
Polanski is my movie God. so, just pic any movie he directed, and you cannot go wrong.
Sorry if these are reposts :innocent:

leaver her to heaven (gene tierney)
how to steal a million (audrey hepburn)
wait until dark (audrey hepburn)
the lady eve (barbara stanwyck)
woman in the window (joan bennett)
bringing up baby (katharine hepburn)
These are all great suggestions. I've only recently become interested in classic movies, and a bunch of these are definitely going into my Netflix queue.

I just saw 'La Piscine' with Romy Schneider and Alain Delon. What a great movie!!! I love, love, love Romy Schneider!
PERFORMANCE !!!!!!! (1970) - best english film ever made, I'd say. I LOVE it! It's awesome, with a great feel of Swinging London to it, a dull, chaotic, psychadelic, dangerous, bewildering, stunning and fascinating movie starring Anita Pallenberg, James Fox and Mick Jagger.

The Birds - one of my favourite Hitchcock films!

Barbarella (1968) - well, what to say? :lol: Psychadelical to the end. :p starring Jane Fonda and Anita Pallenberg

Breakfast at Tiffany's, naturally. ;)

A Degree of Murder (Germany 1967) - starring Anita Pallenberg (this film I haven't seen in it's entirety. I've only watched a few scenes, but they were great and I hope I'll get to watch the remaining scenes soon! :woot:)

Well, as I said, Performance is an absolute MUST SEE! :heart:

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