i go to berkeley and as much as i love fashion & dressing up, 8am classes + engineering curriculum make me lazy.... i just wear casual clothes, most often than not, jeans + vans & a hoodie with a t-shirt or some cute top (tops can make an ordinary outfit fashionable, i guess)... when the weather is nice and my day isn't that long, then i'll dress up a bit (wear dresses). but it's been raining a lot this semester and my schedule is generally packed... and i can't seem to avoid wearing a backpack because i carry my multivariable calculus textbook around often and it's rather comfortable.
overall, my personal style is casual and sometimes bohemian.. lately i've been into skate wear (hoodies, t-shirts, jeans, vans/converse)... personally, that's my favorite style for guys (i like when guys wear levi's, though personally i only wear premium designer jeans but i can't stand seeing guys wearing designer jeans). i don't like guys who dress to the nines or are 'fashionable'... they appear too contrived. i guess nonchalant and not try hard is best for me.
i do see a lot of trendy, stylish people at berkeley but at the same time i see a lot of sloppy dressers. our campus is huge and quite diverse. i assume that the fashionable people are in the liberal arts/humanities?