How classy of Dita 
I don't have a problem with her dating as many guys as she wants and I understand that she's probably still bitter about her failed marriage [even though I don't entirely buy that], but her namedropping MM and shooting him down like that every time he is in the spotlight for whatever reason is childish and distasteful. I'd expect she doesn't need him anymore to stay in the spotlight.
Anyway, Manson is back with Evan now.

I don't have a problem with her dating as many guys as she wants and I understand that she's probably still bitter about her failed marriage [even though I don't entirely buy that], but her namedropping MM and shooting him down like that every time he is in the spotlight for whatever reason is childish and distasteful. I'd expect she doesn't need him anymore to stay in the spotlight.
Anyway, Manson is back with Evan now.