Do You Wear Make Up Because >>>

I wear make up because i look really washed out with out it, and i love wearing it and having fun with it :) :heart:
I guess I am one of the few here who doesn't mind not wearing makeup. I go to work without makeup on (I work for my boyfriend so.... :innocent: ), I go to school without makeup on, I go out without makeup on.....

For me it depends on my mood. I am pretty happy and blessed to have a very good complexion and very rarely get pimples or anything of that sort. When I put makeup on its because I am just in the mood to put it on.

Some people I know won't go check the mailbox without makeup on.... its disgusting how much some people rely on their makeup.

I know a certain someone who just looks horrible horrible horrible without any make up on because they wear it so often, and to bed, that their face never gets to breathe. If you see this person without makeup on, and then you see them with make up you think its a complete other person, until you get up close and can see their pores. You could stick your finger in these pores! :sick: :o :sick: :o
For me, the makeup is an ART, I see it like that. For me it's a big source of inspiration and creativity. I enjoy pushing up my creativity in the process and after that. It is another way to learn about oneself. One of the reasons why I started to studing professional makeup was to help others to see his own beauty, the inside and outside beauty.
I wear it because I like to emphazise my eyes :) And mascara and kajal are nearly all that I use regularly apart from lipbalm and some blush from time to time
i wear some foundation and blush everyday to even out redness, then i put a bit of blush on my cheeks to keep from looking washed out.
if im in the mood ill do some eye makeup, but my eyes are huge and emphasizing is not really needed
I only wear a little bit, but I do wear it everyday. just a couple of dots of concealer under my eyes, mascara, and a smudge of blush on my cheeks to keep my paleness from looking too harsh. not really one to experiment or to wear makeup for makeup's sake, though I do occasionally.
Foundation is a must for me, it'll set my oily combination face. My skin tendence blemish and if weather change a lot it will suddenly dry. That's why I have to find out the good skin care products and foundation. It doesn't show perfectly covered but it's a lot better looking than without.

Also, the recent foundation, all produces vitamins, antiaging, create matte or glow whatever we choose. So it won't make skin bad texture. I believe it protects our skin longer. My grand ma is a make-up addict. She wasn't fully cover, just little amount, her skin is always fresh for the age of 82. She sticks to use Lancome range.
i wear it because it is as fun as wearing clothes! green, blue eyelashes, characterization 20's, plus I like that alien-look when my eyes look even greener and bigger! :alien:
Originally posted by BabyJ@Oct 24 2004, 01:09 AM
I guess I am one of the few here who doesn't mind not wearing makeup. I go to work without makeup on (I work for my boyfriend so.... :innocent: ), I go to school without makeup on, I go out without makeup on.....

For me it depends on my mood. I am pretty happy and blessed to have a very good complexion and very rarely get pimples or anything of that sort. When I put makeup on its because I am just in the mood to put it on.


Originally posted by Putinha@Oct 30 2004, 02:06 PM

Sorry Baby J, but you are full of cliches.
I never had acne and i don´t get pimples. Nevertheless i like to use make up. Make up is not a sinonimous of foundation or concealer.
I only use mascara, khol, blush and gloss and that´s enough to me to look better, although i look good with no make up on i prefer to use some as it makes my face much more interesting.

I think people are free to use or not to use make up, i just don´t think that using make up has a relation with the state of your skin.

Btw, the way you talk about that someone you know that looks horrible makes everything you said look unfounded. If that person doesn´t have a good skin, so good for her that her/he looks better with make up on and since you say you have a good complexion, you should be supporting instead of talking about it. :innocent:
I'm in two minds about some ways I know it would be great to be one of those people who looks their perfectly groomed best everyday, but the reality is, I just can't be bothered. I am one of those people who sleeps until the last minute possible, so I'd never have time to put on makeup.
Plus, I think all those chemicals can't be good for you. But, having said that, when I do dress up and go out I do enjoy makeup. It's fun to put on, and I do look better with it on (don't we all?)
I think make up is really fun to wear crazy creations.. :kiss:
Nevertheless, it is also a great thing for people that wish to look different from what they do, specially if by doing it, they lift their confidence. it makes some people feel good. Lucky ones those who choose not to wear it without looking uncomfortable with themselves!

Wearing or not wearing make-up should not be regarded as good or bad. it is a choise.
I wear it cos i think it evens out my skin tone and it makes my skin look nicer in photos:) My favourite's always smoky eyes + glitter..eye makeup:)!! I try not to use foundation very often cos even after i take if off before i go to bed, i always wake up the next morning with a pimple somewhere on my face...arrgh~ I'd love to use blush on my cheekbones n stuff but i can't! Every time i go out my cheeks get really red at night especially after i've had a sip of some drink at a bar so i'll look tomato-like if i wear blush..damn it~

I never wear foundation during the day either..weird me! anyone who's like me and only wears it at night? I agree that makeup's a lot of fun...but trying to get rid of it is NOT fun!!>__< Takes soo much effort when all i wanna do is plonk and go to bed. Oh and does anyone sometimes find that on the odd occasion, you look better in photos WITHOUT the makeup? It surprises me when that happens to me!

-marilia- xoxo
I only use it as emphasis. I don't ever use concealer, or foundation, powder, or anything.

I stick to mascara, moisturizer, light smear of eye liner, a bit of brow grooming, and some tinted lip balm, as my lips are quite pale and if I don't wear it, I'll look ill...(odd, as my parents both have very pigmented lips. I wish I could skip the tinted balm, but I can't. :: sigh :: )

I'm happy with myself mostly, and I'm glad I have a nice, clear complexion with miniscule pores. Plus, I don't like the idea of wearing foundation or concealer, as they'd cover up my freckles, which I like, just dotted over my nose and under my eyes. :)
Originally posted by sofialuv@Oct 30 2004, 01:59 PM
Sorry Baby J, but you are full of cliches.
I never had acne and i don´t get pimples. Nevertheless i like to use make up. Make up is not a sinonimous of foundation or concealer.
I only use mascara, khol, blush and gloss and that´s enough to me to look better, although i look good with no make up on i prefer to use some as it makes my face much more interesting.

I think people are free to use or not to use make up, i just don´t think that using make up has a relation with the state of your skin.

Btw, the way you talk about that someone you know that looks horrible makes everything you said look unfounded. If that person doesn´t have a good skin, so good for her that her/he looks better with make up on and since you say you have a good complexion, you should be supporting instead of talking about it. :innocent:

How is saying what I said being full of cliches? I personally don't wear makeup unless it is a certain look that I am going for. If its a special occassion or if its a dramatic look I am going for. The reason I don't wear makeup is because I have a good enough complexion. Someone else might wear makeup for the same reason or they might wear it to cover flaws. I think the reason here is why do YOU wear makeup?

I was giving an example of some people that I know who would rather die than leave their home with makeup on because their skin is horrible. I was just saying that I'm not one of those people. And in case you don't know, wearing makeup 24-7 is bad for your skin. Your skin needs time to breathe and being covered with pounds of makeup is not how to do it.

Even you said that you have good skin but wear makeup because you like to make your face look different/interesting. Same reason I wear makeup. THe only thing that I can not leave my house without having on is lip gloss/chapstick because I have dry lips and I think looking at someone with cracked lips is disgusting.

Anyone can wear makeup for whatever reason they wish, but as you've seen in the poll results a lot of people wear makeup to hide their flaws. My answer was that I'm in between. I don't really have flaws to cover....
Originally posted by BabyJ@Nov 8 2004, 02:20 PM

And in case you don't know, wearing makeup 24-7 is bad for your skin. Your skin needs time to breathe and being covered with pounds of makeup is not how to do it.


Common myth. My dermatologist laughed and rolled his eyes like crazy when I told him this.

Skin doesn't breath, your lungs do!

I also believe there was an article in Allure this month debunking this myth.
I only wear mascara as I have quite thick and long eyelashes for an oriental chick .. so I obviously chose 'to emphasize features'.. but thats it.. i've never worn foundation/concealer etc etc and I dont even have the best skin .. I just cant be bothered having to put it on.. what a waste of time .. ive never even wore lipstick.. just vaseline or gloss.

At least I dont look completely different when ive taken it off lol some people wear too much that they look like dogs after all of it is taken off their face because you're so used to seeing them 'made up' that they look weird if theyre not... yet they will probably look normal if they never started wearing so much to start with.
I use eyeshadows etc. as an accessory, to complement what I'm wearing. The foundation and powder are the vanity items... I'm obsessed with having my skin look good...
Originally posted by CelineChic@Nov 8 2004, 04:21 PM
Common myth. My dermatologist laughed and rolled his eyes like crazy when I told him this.

Skin doesn't breath, your lungs do!

I also believe there was an article in Allure this month debunking this myth.

I'd love for this to be true, but wouldn't all the chemicals and other crap they put in makeup be bad for you??

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