Makeup dont's that you do!

I put mascara on my eyebrows hahahah and I have blonde hair. I have darker eyebrows to begin with so people don't really think anything of it until they are actually with me in front of the mirror when I am putting mascara on my eyebrows. I do it mostly because I've got the modern day model complex going on (big brows) and I don't want the hairs going in any funky directions if my hair brushes them or something.
This may not be such a "don't" but I know someone could consider it one---I looove red lips and I wear them whenever the hell I want. :lol: Sometimes all I'll put on when I don't have time is red lipstick.
This may not be such a "don't" but I know someone could consider it one---I looove red lips and I wear them whenever the hell I want. :lol: Sometimes all I'll put on when I don't have time is red lipstick.

Oh My God, I thought I am the only one who do this! Hooray for you, brave girl! People give me grief all the time for wearing red lipstick during the day, but I love wearing it nevertheless. When I have no time to do anything I would put a very dominant red on my lips and be done with it. Other wise, I use various shades of red. People can say whatever they want, but red lips rule!
I curl my lashes after mascara - ALWAYS.
The curl never holds after I've loaded my lashes with mascara, I guess it's the moisture; I've had some scary times where I haven't waited long enough for my mascara to dry, so my lashes have stuck to the lash-curler. I still do it, though.

AHH! omg me too!
It's the only way to get my lashes to stay curled...

and those times where ur lashes get stuck... can sometimes be quite painful!
I've been using a lot of glittery blue eyeliner. It's not obvious though, but I feel almost feminine. :crush:
Oh My God, I thought I am the only one who do this! Hooray for you, brave girl! People give me grief all the time for wearing red lipstick during the day, but I love wearing it nevertheless. When I have no time to do anything I would put a very dominant red on my lips and be done with it. Other wise, I use various shades of red. People can say whatever they want, but red lips rule!
Rock on! We're the only two! :lol:

AHH! omg me too!
It's the only way to get my lashes to stay curled...

and those times where ur lashes get stuck... can sometimes be quite painful!
I do that too, but I don't really have a problem getting my lashes to unstick. I find that when you curl after applying mascara, you don't have to press so hard with the eyelash curler because the eyelashes will form to pretty much anything (being wet and all). So just press very lightly and when you take the curler away kind of twist it to the side will pulling away. It helps to not pull the lashes straight out. At least, I think it does. :lol:

Hmm, I don't believe so much in make up faux pas. Apart from mismatching your foundation (and agreed, counters don't have all the colors from the rainbow and it can be a pain for some).

Apart from that, make up should be fun. Even if you over do something, as long as you enjoy it, why worry?

Rules like: plum to make green eyes pop, no smokey eyes with red lipstick, no blush there, no mascara here, bleh. That's just silly imho.
I agree. I say the same thing about fashion in general---if you can pull it off and look cute, do it. Who gives a crap about what magazines or trends are saying? I do what I want and like what I like. :D
^ and that is the type of attitude that will always be stylish!
However, this thread is fun. So... my no no: I didn't use any moisturizer on my face during all spring/summer this year. And my skin was just great. It is combination normal/oily. And apparently it can manage without the extra moisture.

Now that it is colder I use a little something. :)
Oh My God, I thought I am the only one who do this! Hooray for you, brave girl! People give me grief all the time for wearing red lipstick during the day, but I love wearing it nevertheless. When I have no time to do anything I would put a very dominant red on my lips and be done with it. Other wise, I use various shades of red. People can say whatever they want, but red lips rule!

I do it too, but in France it is pretty common.
i powder my face till i look like a marie antoinette extra, and then i powder it off, but still...i secretly love over powdering :O
honestly i like looking pale but... not sickly pale w/ rosey cheeks! ^_^ hehe

i love just caking on makeup for fun when i'm home alone and really bored (sad but true!)
I hope a couple of these at least are don'ts:

*going without
*naked except for lipstick: reds, burgandies, pales, purple, anything
*naked except for blush
*naked except for eyeliner on top lid, perhaps in a forest green or purple
*lipstick as creme blush
*lipstick as creme eyeshadow
I also wear red lipstick pretty often during the day.. Usually a rosy red, but occasionally darker. Sometimes I've worn it without other makeup..then other times I also use a bit of color liner under my eyes (copper or ---light blue if the red lipstick is sort of pinkish). They usually say to just put noticeable color on either the lips or the eyes-- I am a chronic offender of that rule :D...mainly because I have high contrast coloring (pale skin, and almost black colored hair and eyes).. Though the eye m/u isn't "heavy" (as in a dark smoky eye, etc), it sure isn't mute or neutral colored!

I also have broken the "rule" of wearing eyeliner with no mascara..And just lining under the eyes..

I definitely don't think makeup rules should be taken as gospel..Especially because people's faces are so different, no matter accurate the guides based on certain features/coloring claim to be...
I love mixing eye shadows and often have 4-5 different colours on at once. Obviously I blend as much as I can but I was always told to never use more than 2 colours :innocent:
I would have to say sometimes I load up mascara until it looks spider-y. Not THAT bad, but a good 3 coats worth. And if I'm going out at night, I dab concealer on my lips! :blush:
This isn't makeup but I've used a clothing iron to straighten my hair before. I know it's really damaging but it's so quick.

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