Do You Wear Make Up Because >>>

Originally posted by clueless@Nov 9 2004, 08:20 AM
I'd love for this to be true, but wouldn't all the chemicals and other crap they put in makeup be bad for you??

It can clog your pores and stuff like that, which can give you pimples if the product has oil (most of them do)

But that whole non-sense about letting skin breath is not true. Skin doesnt need to breath. If that were the case then we wouldn't wear shoes and clothing that would "suffacate" our skin in that area, right?
Anyone using foundation everyday should use a good pre base before applyin the foundation and after the moisturizer to create a kind of barrier between the skin and the make up. :)
Originally posted by FoxyC@Nov 8 2004, 05:20 PM
I only wear mascara as I have quite thick and long eyelashes for an oriental chick .. so I obviously chose 'to emphasize features'.. but thats it.. i've never worn foundation/concealer etc etc and I dont even have the best skin .. I just cant be bothered having to put it on.. what a waste of time .. ive never even wore lipstick.. just vaseline or gloss.

At least I dont look completely different when ive taken it off lol some people wear too much that they look like dogs after all of it is taken off their face because you're so used to seeing them 'made up' that they look weird if theyre not... yet they will probably look normal if they never started wearing so much to start with.
One of the reasons I don't wear make up. I would hate to be one of those people
Emphasise... but of course I use concealer for the occassional blemish.
I usually don't wear makeup, but when I do it's mainly to emphasize :blush:
Although at times concealer is such a lovely thing to have :P
One of the reasons I haven't been wearing makeup lately, is every time I do, I end up looking like an ugly wh*re....I mean literally, like a 70 year old prostitute trying to work miracles of time with some eyeshadow :cry:
just wanted to add that i've been wearing makeup at home too
even if i'm all by myself
b/c my skin used to be gorgeous but b/c of a bad run-in w/ hydroquinone it's spoiled. So... i wear it at home after a shower to feel better - my skin got horribly dark and splotchy - i look like i've got 2 black eyes...
oh sob
bla bla :rolleyes:
I wear make-up because I like it...but I also have short that needs balancing...lips that could use a hair more color and eyes that beg to look bigger...
Basically because I want to look beautiful.
i personally hate makeup. putting it on, knowing that its on, and taking it off is what i hate most. i also dont like that if one things wrong with it, it makes everything else look bad.

now im a total tomboy so maybe thats why i feel this way, but i really dont like it. if i do wear it(i always wear concealer and foundation because my skin is terrible, then again, what teenagers isnt.) i stick to natural colors, like browns and chamagney colors for e/s, cherry chapstick for lips, and maybe a little eyeliner if im daring. i never use mascarra, i use a clear brow gel for my lashes. no blush either, dont need it
foxyC....i agree with your post...people who wear alot look terrible if they want to not wear any for one day
hide me face ha! :brows: only jokin waer it because its just my routine in the mornin and i cant live without it!

i absoulty love mascara and eyeliner :P
i usually wear make up because it´s fun and i think i sometimes look better with it. othertimes i'm just lazy and can't be botherd to put it on. i can easily go to a groserystore without make up, but i've never been to a night out without at least foundation.

at the moment my hair is dyed black, and by lashes are naturally lighter so i look a bit funny without mascara. i think chicks who can go without make up all times are brave, but i don't think i could do it. make up is too much fun.

i love the forties red lips look (for example at LV), but i can't quite carry it off
I just wear a tiny bit of concealer on my undereyes or any red spots, lip balm, and occasionally a bit of blush. I'm not big on effort in the mornings haha. I'd rather get the extra sleep, I don't feel school is worth dressing up for.
Originally posted by Alejandro@Oct 17 2004, 11:49 PM
I do it cause I want to wear it, I don't wear makeup, I feel naked :ninja:
I have a foundation phobia... like i dont wear make up much except when i go out
I wear makeup because I think of it as a form of art.
I love to work with colour and texture.
Of course there are benefits to makeup, looking better-hence a boost of self-confidence.
I HAVE to wear makeup. My skin is just terrible. I don't get a lot of acne anymore, but I have a lot of blemishes. I also wear it to play up my eyes.
I wear make-up because I think I look better with it, and I like trying out different looks. It is also somewhat of a confidence booster.

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