Does Designer Make you Fashionable?

in a
but there is a reason why brand names came to be brand names..because of it's good design

but wearing brand name from head to toe that has the brand logo plaster on it is screaming tacky
that guy is so..not cool
He disgusts me. Truly. I don't think I can eat while looking his pictures. Can you say slave to brands? Argh. I'm too pu off to even write coherently and to answer the question; NO! A thousand times NOO!!
I don't know. I sometimes think people dress designer head-to-toe like walking billboards to try and hide their own insecurities about themselves and feel superior.

Hiding your low self-esteem behind designer labels is something that I've witnessed before...
I agree with what nearly everyone else stated. A logo or a hot item doesn't make you fashionable, but selectively purchasing quality items definitely helps. I rarely have access to current-season designer wear, but by taking the time to skim through the collections, I can keep a mental catalogue of looks that I hope to acheive. For example, with the upcoming fall, I saw a lot of greys and oxbloods. Those colors will be on the top of my shopping list. I may not be able to get any of the actual pieces until they show up on YOOX in a year or two, but I can have the general look.

The classic example of money not equaling style occured when I was in Milan last Summer. I knew I wasn't going to buy much there (because I was planning an outlet trip the next weekend), but I was dying to see all of the boutiques. There was an inordinate amount of older, monied men who had no clue what they were purchasing. I was in Moschino or Missoni and a mid-60s, overweight American man was slumped in a chair while his wife held clothes up in front of him. "This would be great for you on the beach. You could wear this to dinner next week. Etc." He couldn't have been less interested. He surely owned more designer than any of us could dream of, but he'll never have style. The same thing occured in almost every store. Even in Viktor & Rolf, a man was being practically dressed by his trophy wife. A sad sight.

I think it's worth restating a distinction that someone else made. Logo and designer are (in most cases) clearly separate entities. As that Burberry picture demonstrates, trademark is the furthest thing from fashion. On the other hand, you can tell a cheap, poorly cut suit from the other side of the room. That isn't to say that you need a bespoke suit to look good, but respected designers have earned their reputations for a reason. Someone who is inherently fashionable will probably be able to take a lesser suit to a tailor and have it altered to fit him correctly, but starting with something of quality certainly makes things simpler.

In conclusion, I think the whole issue comes down to thought and preparation. Someone who blindly buys every item they can find with a huge medusa's head or 175 instances of someone's initials can't hope to compete with someone who spent months, if not years, developing their wardrobe from what they pieced together from a variety of sources.
visconti said:
I agree with what nearly everyone else stated. A logo or a hot item doesn't make you fashionable, but selectively purchasing quality items definitely helps. I rarely have access to current-season designer wear, but by taking the time to skim through the collections, I can keep a mental catalogue of looks that I hope to acheive. For example, with the upcoming fall, I saw a lot of greys and oxbloods. Those colors will be on the top of my shopping list. I may not be able to get any of the actual pieces until they show up on YOOX in a year or two, but I can have the general look.

The classic example of money not equaling style occured when I was in Milan last Summer. I knew I wasn't going to buy much there (because I was planning an outlet trip the next weekend), but I was dying to see all of the boutiques. There was an inordinate amount of older, monied men who had no clue what they were purchasing. I was in Moschino or Missoni and a mid-60s, overweight American man was slumped in a chair while his wife held clothes up in front of him. "This would be great for you on the beach. You could wear this to dinner next week. Etc." He couldn't have been less interested. He surely owned more designer than any of us could dream of, but he'll never have style. The same thing occured in almost every store. Even in Viktor & Rolf, a man was being practically dressed by his trophy wife. A sad sight.

I think it's worth restating a distinction that someone else made. Logo and designer are (in most cases) clearly separate entities. As that Burberry picture demonstrates, trademark is the furthest thing from fashion. On the other hand, you can tell a cheap, poorly cut suit from the other side of the room. That isn't to say that you need a bespoke suit to look good, but respected designers have earned their reputations for a reason. Someone who is inherently fashionable will probably be able to take a lesser suit to a tailor and have it altered to fit him correctly, but starting with something of quality certainly makes things simpler.

In conclusion, I think the whole issue comes down to thought and preparation. Someone who blindly buys every item they can find with a huge medusa's head or 175 instances of someone's initials can't hope to compete with someone who spent months, if not years, developing their wardrobe from what they pieced together from a variety of sources.


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foofooloo said:

Yes, but there's a story behind that photo. I was having a trashy glam party last October--- hence the gold foil around the statue's neck. I wanted to come up with an over the top outfit. It was quite an evening, and I wanted to memorialize it.

Now, that doesn't quite excuse owning the logo shirt, but I do like the fit + and normally wear it under something else. These may all sound like excuses, and maybe they are, but if you follow what I've started posting in the "what are you wearing" thread, you'll see that I don't do the logo thing often. It's only been 10 days or so over there, but I'll keep it up. Wait and see.
In a word no. A person has to use their brain to think for themselves about how they want to look. If you buy a prepackaged outfit- whether it be gucci or gap, you have no style.
Uchina said:
LORD no. Money does not buy class. Look at the Hummer!
OMG, I hate that car, I got in one. It is so CHEAP! For a 50k car it's so cheap on the inside...It's like Louis Vuitton expensive because its Louis Vuitton not because it's good!
ShoeLady said:
He reminds me of that Bobby Trendy, from the Anna Nicole show. Especially with the lip gloss. I don't think designer clothes make you fashionable. Case in point: Jessica Simpson.

LMAO...also paris hilton..:yuk:
and its true, just because you wear designer, doesnt make you tasteful and stylish..:innocent:
i think all that label is a bit tacky, makes me feel like hes wearing nothing but knockoffs, and i am absolutely disgusted by people who try to give the appearance of being better off than they are...:ninja:
No, this is not fashionable. This woman (or whatever :rolleyes: ) is not fashionable, she's cheap, trashy - she doesn't look good, in the least.

This just proves that, in some cases - it can make you completely unfashionable.

Now, take a minute to look at the What Are You Wearing Today and Secret Shopaholics threads - people wearing/buying designer and non-designer clothing items, and they look great - yet not trashy. Each with their own style, that is fashion ^_^
Visconti, the tee and pants looked great on you :flower: (Especially the pants - they look amazing :shock: )
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Now i like the logo's g's and galliano gazette being my favorite...but man, that kid doesnt even look like he's human..He's skinnier than Nicole Ritchie!!! Serioulsy it takes maddd confidence to look like that walking down the street, I always wonder how people who look like that walk down the street and not get their butts kicked! im not hating, but still tone it down kid!! and all joking aside, you aint gonna get laid looking like that!!
fab_fifties_fille said:
I'm with everyone else in here, no designers don't make you fashionable.

I have an uncontrollable urge to sedate this guy, drag him into a cheap high street store and chain him to the sales rack.

haha, this boy epitomises everything thats wrong with so many areas of life.

i jsut discovered bryanboy recently...

fff i wholeheartedly agree!:lol:
But he comes from the Phillipines. He lacks any fashion education. I have never been to Asia but have noticed how logo-obsessed they are. Apparently 42 % of japanese women:shock: have a LV something.

Many French women consider french fashion labels tacky, they say "ça c'est pour les japonais".

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