^^^ They’ve always been this reliably one-note. These two aren’t creatively of the highest standards enough in the past to be considered lazy now— nor sharp enough to be considered pretentious LOOL And I don’t mean that in a mean way. They’ve always been very superficial in their love of glam and beauty— and the poorman's Mert & Marcus, from the very start.
I like the images, even though I knew exactly what they would ALL look like before I even opened the thread - but I don't know what Double Vision is supposed to be, other than a series of nice portrait shots that I can look through online.
Always got the impression that it’s more of a creative project with top models for brand optimization for all involved. The
Double Vision imageries always remind me of model agencies comp cards.
The predictability of their style comes off expectably superficial; It’s all very gorgeous and all it’s glam: That’s it. No story. No provocation. Nothing else. And as superficial as this may be, they do it spectacularly well, and their subjects always look their best. Take a gander at the slop that’s the
Essence cover with Tyra. Through no fault of hers, the lessers with unskilled and poor lighting, and messy makeup and hair, gave her the biggest mullet ever; lighting and makeup that gave her a derpy face.
Double Vision is very reminiscent of Milan Vukmirovic’s
Fashion for Men: Gorgeous men but so boring as a fashion publication since it never strayed from instudio shoots against a seamless formula— with nothing to say. After 300+ pages of the same setting and not a hint of storytelling, every shoot blurs into one another.