Dressing to Beat the Heat


i hate the summer. but, you know, i need to embrace it, i live in miami. walking aruond with farmers tan is so not cute, esp when i literally can see a white markout of my shorts and tees :lol:

so i started by just tanning, self tanners wont work on me, i guess my kind of skin (pot-o-rican) doesnt mesh well with bronzers, i turn orange easily. now my tan, thank god, is gorgeous n even and gold and god i feel like a damn god :lol:


but yeah, clothes wise, i've cut out most of my everyday tees into sleeveless or tanks, just cause its hard for me to find a decent tank at a reasonable price.

basically my summer wardrobe is very whatever, a lot of bike shorts, be it leather for fancy times :lol: or denim for everyday, or plain black, with cut out tees, and maybe some slim cardigans n stuff.

shoes, i hate flip flops, i havent found a good pair of sandals, so all im wearing is vans low top laceups or cheap *** keds.

ugh i cant wait for winter
what is summer? i live in scotland. i used to fool myself that there was summer by walking into topshop mid july and seeing all the bright yellow smock dresses that no one ever buys. then i'd have to seek comfort in all saints. thankfully you don't get a second glance here for all black summer.
what is summer? i live in scotland. i used to fool myself that there was summer by walking into topshop mid july and seeing all the bright yellow smock dresses that no one ever buys. then i'd have to seek comfort in all saints. thankfully you don't get a second glance here for all black summer.

Go to Texas, it will feel like the Sahara, only hotter and extremely humid.;)

I grew up in Houston, though I spent a great deal of my teen years away in Massachusetts for boarding school. But I remember coming home every summer and it was hell. Absolutely miserable. I remember telling my mother that it felt like we lived in The Great Gatsby, only hotter. And then, we summered in The Adirondacks when I was about 12 or 13 & I hated the rest of the nation, lol. I remember it cooled down so nicely at night, and the heat was not nearly as sweltering; States like California have such a nice, dry heat and I remember having to put on a light sweater at night. Even as I've traveled the world, there are very few places I have been that match the humid, blistering heat of Texas summers. I feel like I'm writing some sort of Tennessee Williams-esque novel, but my God, was it hot. Even spending summer here in the city doesn't compare. :p
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it was so unbearably hot today. I wore basically floss and some well placed electrical tape...
what do you do when it gets so hot that even a light summer dress is far too much clothing?

i live in SF valley in southern california...it gets unbearably hot here in july-october.

Loose clothing, not too tight because I hate clothes sticking to me. I like to wear airy fabrics.
i am melting.
it is SO HOT where i am at right now
i shower twice a day, wear very little make up, and usually i wear i wear basic tshirt dresses and flats or shorts with casual button up shirts loosely buttoned. ii hate wearing tank tops as i have a medium/big boobs and i think it looks trashy.

also i live in havanianas.
i will just live in trashed t-shirts, vintage levi's shorts, ray ban wayfarers, my beige straw hat and my gladiators.

simple at its best.
BF's shirts have saved me. They're loose-fitting on me, so I'm nicely ventilated.
what do you do when it gets so hot that even a light summer dress is far too much clothing?

i live in SF valley in southern california...it gets unbearably hot here in july-october.

At that point it's mind over matter ;) I find it easier to do in extreme heat than extreme cold.
I have been dying for the past week... I've been in DC and it is so hot. I felt better when I was at the beach this month.

Going back home isn't going to be any better.. back to Alabama.. woo-hoo :lol:

I hate summer weather.. and my knees got sunburned and then faded into a tan, so I have white legs and tan knees... it's awful :lol:
As summer is approaching I am resurrecting this thread.:flower:

What are your style plan for summer? I have bought some seperates I am still dreading those really hot days though.. I'm not very good with 'summer style'.
^I'm still looking into reverse hibernation. Summer instead of winter. Either that, or walking around the streets naked, swathed by a huge umbrella. It hasn't panned out yet, no one seems to approve. But I'm working on it.
^ I think a huge white parasol with Battenberg lace would be quite nice ^_^

So far I just have a silk halter dress that I'm layering over a little black SS sweater. It's very light & airy & I think should be good in the heat. I guess I'm waiting to be 'inspired' by the truly hot weather :lol:
Light colored and light clothes in general and stay away from jeans as much as possible (which is I'm having a hard time to avoid).

Me too.

Since I hate exposing my legs I'm usually in trousers, flats, blouses and light weight tops nothing too heavy.
I picked up a gorgeous navy linen dress by Zara over the weekend, it reminds me of the stuff Marant used to make a couple years ago, very baggy and comfortable but so feminine. and also just spotted the perfect pair of tan sandals. :heart:

I keep saying I'll wear lighter colors in summer but I always end up going back to black/gray/blue, just noticed this past week as I had many ideas for summer but I moved to the south of the hemisphere, which is going through the late stages of summer, and coming straight from winter myself, it's been hard to embrace all the florals and bright colors that rapidly, it's probably not going to happen now that summer is (thankfully) nearly done.. adieu to Junya S/S 09 inspiration. :meow:
Light colored and light clothes in general and stay away from jeans as much as possible (which is I'm having a hard time to avoid).

I keep wearing jeans until I start overheating, then I have to give up and wear shorts!

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