Express yourself, don't repress yourself

^ Don't know which to praise, your collage or your well-furnished apartment. :lol: I love that Klimt painting especially...
okay collage-geniuses:
i have a very simple do you make images into layers on photoshop? i can create layers fine and dandy...but putting a picture onto a layer i cannot figure out. i've got adobe photoshop 6.0...
please help! i want to make fantastical collages like you all!:flower:
thefashionista said:
okay collage-geniuses:
i have a very simple do you make images into layers on photoshop? i can create layers fine and dandy...but putting a picture onto a layer i cannot figure out. i've got adobe photoshop 6.0...
please help! i want to make fantastical collages like you all!:flower:
open a new canvas and cut & paste your images onto it (you can change the opacity and use the feather option to make your collage more interesting...) use your layer menu to select which layers you want to work with. when you're done, merge the layers down, or flatten your image. then save your image as a jpeg.

p.s. the best way to learn photoshop is to use the "help" option. I taught myself this way. its really easy!
Cosette said:
When I should have been studying, I was making this... :innocent:
sometimes its better to choose creativity over studying -- its good for the soul as well as the mind. your collages are amazing and inspiring, cosette. now I want to do some!
henriette, your apartment must be lovely^_^ nice mosaic:heart:
cosette:woot: there's a lisbeth zwerger drawing in there, beautiful:heart:
pluff, really like it, so much space:heart:

i can't figure out how to use photoshop layers. if someone wants to help...PM me. i've tried the online adobe help and everything...agh.
anna karina, jennifer~ beautiful... :wub: I wish I could figure out this transparency thing... give me time.^_^

:woot: gorgeus new works here! this thread make me dream:heart:
i found filthy place today i put some couture in it:unsure:
thank you cosette:heart:

i love your new ones, especially the enhanced nightmare before christmas scene!

jennifer, transparency can be a good thing^_^

mirrra, that's amazing! how lost these creatures seem in the ruins...
mirrra, Cosette, anna - no less beautiful than I would expect from any of you. :p:heart:
Thanks, guys:heart:
mirrra wow!! Those are amazing.

I can't get to sleep, and I've been working on another ^_^
It's called Alice in.... the Fashion Spot.:p

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