And for a more present-day example of a fashion tragedy/damage control, it's ongoing as I type.
I ordered a cricket jumper from ebay, the thing is pure wool and fits really well, the only problem is it smells VERY strongly of sheep (seriously, it was so strong I could smell it across a room), as some jumpers do. I thought airing it out would get rid of the smell, did that for a few days then took it back in and found it still smelled sheepy but not as much, made plans to go at it with the baking soda this weekend.
(and this is where it starts) when I took the jumper back into my room, I decided I wasn't going to put it inside, so just laid it flat on top of a box on the floor that had one of my tshirts draped over it. Cut to a few days later, sheepy jumper is no longer on top of the box and I wear the tshirt it was lying over, to work. It isn't till I'm in the cab that I start smelling an oddly sheep-like reek inside the car......from the tshirt I was wearing.
The minute I was actually indoors again I went straight to the bathroom and had a sniff....not only does my tshirt smell sheepy, even my jacket, where it was pressed against the front of my tshirt (the part that came in contact with sheepy ebay jumper) now has tertiary sheep-smell! It's faint but noticeable on close sniff, and that was the real damage to me because it's my favourite jacket, a Marni one from like 2013 or so. My skirt too, the inner waistband has faint sheepy-smell and all of this from less than an hour of contact with a tshirt that was secondary-sheep-smelled by a jumper.
I couldn't bear the thought of wearing the sheepy tshirt all day and getting even more sheep-smell on my jacket so I took it off and washed it as best I can in the basin with hand soap, and now it's laid flat to dry next to me and I'm in my cubicle with no top and my jacket buttoned up all the way to protect my modesty, like the idiot I am (should have just sent sheepy jumper to the dry cleaners on day 1 instead of ending up paying for dry cleaning on 4 things now).