Fashion Tragedies / Damage Control

sticky hot day...somehow got gum on one of my fave summer dresses which then stuck to my fave fendi bag...
it's in the back so i guess i leaned on something...
people are so gross...
how hard is it to put gum in the trash?!


both items are now in the freezer...
hoping to save them...
^ you could also try Goo Gone - it works on fabric. but not leather or suede.
Thanks dear..
the bag is crinkled patent, so it's virtually stain proof!...
i got the gum off pretty easily...
i actually used wd-40 to lift the last bits...

most of it came off the dress, and now i'm going to wash it and see if the rest will lift out...
fingers crossed...
New moth infestation.
Sent some stuff to charity but my mom took some sweaters out of the bag without telling me cause she liked them and then she got moths.
Then she gave me back some stuff she borrowed and also gave me back the moths without realizing or telling
me. ARGH!

It’s not good.
the moths are back!!!


it's a full out war in here right now~!!

figured out where the moth nest is and where they are coming from~!
they were INSIDE the vacuum cleaner!!
I must have vacuumed up some eggs last season and they just freaking hid in there and grew and multiplied...

I took the machine apart and flushed all parts thoroughly with hot water and bleach...
I taped up the vacuum bag and put it in the trash...

but the next morning...
a moth just flew out of the trash bin...
they are mocking me!!...

the little :hardhead:...


so that's out of the house now and scrubbing and near boiling of things continues until my skin stops crawling...


Moths scare the hell out of me, they're bad luck for a reason. Hope you can manage those nasty creatures.
Red dye on a white sweater....not sure how it got there, but I hope it comes out.

@softgrey..I hope you get rid of those stupid moths..that sounds super frustrating!!
I bag things up and put them in the freezer when there's a moth hole. I would've done it to the whole vacuum cleaner :rofl:

it was a pandemic- the freezer was full of emergency food since we were in lockdown...


I felt like a giant Gulliver being attacked by tiny airplanes...
even as it was happening I was in sheer disbelief at the absurdity of the situation...
under control now, but I do spot the occasional flying critter...
I leave some very soft cashmere on a hook as bait for them so they will not go near my valuables...


it was a pandemic- the freezer was full of emergency food since we were in lockdown...


I felt like a giant Gulliver being attacked by tiny airplanes...
even as it was happening I was in sheer disbelief at the absurdity of the situation...
under control now, but I do spot the occasional flying critter...
I leave some very soft cashmere on a hook as bait for them so they will not go near my valuables...


How do you know what you are seeing now is a pantry moth? Apparently, the moths that eat clothes aren't as visible as pantry moths.
How do you know what you are seeing now is a pantry moth? Apparently, the moths that eat clothes aren't as visible as pantry moths.

I've gotten good at spotting the moths and kind of have them relegated to the bathroom where I have some really soft cashmere hanging on a hook. I only see them in the bathroom now.
Def not pantry moths...

i found and purchased some vintage Y's motorcycle boots and a vintage Yohji fedora from a famous secondhand store in Tokyo...

they were promptly shipped...
but delivered on the wrong day and no signature was obtained...
both packages have been stolen...


so so sad...

I may be able to get my $$ back because DHL was totally at fault and they admit it, but i will never get those boots and hat now...

^ Bummer! I hate it when something happens and the thing is irreplaceable ...

I am having to give up my favorite Brunello purple sweater ... such a gorgeous color! I have other purple things, but nothing I like so much. Secret has damaged it, and there are also some snags, one of which my little Gracie (RIP) created in a highly-visible area. I've had them repaired, but there are still lumps and bumps since it's a sequined yarn. The cleaners also damaged my coral jeans, which I had only worn a handful of times. This is the second pair in that color family that cleaners have bleached over the years ... I'm beginning to think there's something delicate about that dye.
@softgrey - oh dear, I feel your pain so much! Parcel theft is sadly common in some countries, I've had it happen often with untracked post (not my choice, was the option offered by the seller). And thefts of secondhand stuff feel even worse because there's no way to actually just go and get another of whatever got stolen.

Mine, in comparison, was 100 percent my fault - a floral sequinned Marques' Almeida skirt from about 2015 that I didn't realise didn't fit anymore, but tried to wear anyway and was rewarded with a giant rip in the seam as a result. Probably fixable, but it's so delicate that even the thought of sending it to our local tailor who tosses garments everywhere, makes me nervous so I keep it around as a reminder of my folly. But the skirt had a sort of large ruffle that is detachable (it was an asymmetrical skirt, the ruffle was tied on with strings) and I sometimes like to wear it as a glam capelet for summer, I suppose that's the silver lining.

My other great fashion tragedy was something much, much cheaper - a pistachio green skirt with self-coloured embroidery, that I bought for cheap as a student over 15 years ago. That thing fitted like a dream, wore like iron, survived heaven knows how many washes and kitten claws (keep in mind, it had embroidery all over!) and even the time I once sat on a chair that I didn't realise had nails sticking out of it (when I stood up, the embroidery got a few small holes but otherwise zero damage), I used to wear it every day the way some people wear jeans because it literally never wrinkled. Well, one day I managed to tear a hole in the lining, literally from zip to hem, not a great tragedy perhaps but the replacement lining never felt quite right to me. I don't think I've worn it since.
And for a more present-day example of a fashion tragedy/damage control, it's ongoing as I type.

I ordered a cricket jumper from ebay, the thing is pure wool and fits really well, the only problem is it smells VERY strongly of sheep (seriously, it was so strong I could smell it across a room), as some jumpers do. I thought airing it out would get rid of the smell, did that for a few days then took it back in and found it still smelled sheepy but not as much, made plans to go at it with the baking soda this weekend.

(and this is where it starts) when I took the jumper back into my room, I decided I wasn't going to put it inside, so just laid it flat on top of a box on the floor that had one of my tshirts draped over it. Cut to a few days later, sheepy jumper is no longer on top of the box and I wear the tshirt it was lying over, to work. It isn't till I'm in the cab that I start smelling an oddly sheep-like reek inside the car......from the tshirt I was wearing.

The minute I was actually indoors again I went straight to the bathroom and had a sniff....not only does my tshirt smell sheepy, even my jacket, where it was pressed against the front of my tshirt (the part that came in contact with sheepy ebay jumper) now has tertiary sheep-smell! It's faint but noticeable on close sniff, and that was the real damage to me because it's my favourite jacket, a Marni one from like 2013 or so. My skirt too, the inner waistband has faint sheepy-smell and all of this from less than an hour of contact with a tshirt that was secondary-sheep-smelled by a jumper.

I couldn't bear the thought of wearing the sheepy tshirt all day and getting even more sheep-smell on my jacket so I took it off and washed it as best I can in the basin with hand soap, and now it's laid flat to dry next to me and I'm in my cubicle with no top and my jacket buttoned up all the way to protect my modesty, like the idiot I am (should have just sent sheepy jumper to the dry cleaners on day 1 instead of ending up paying for dry cleaning on 4 things now).
And for a more present-day example of a fashion tragedy/damage control, it's ongoing as I type.

I ordered a cricket jumper from ebay, the thing is pure wool and fits really well, the only problem is it smells VERY strongly of sheep (seriously, it was so strong I could smell it across a room), as some jumpers do. I thought airing it out would get rid of the smell, did that for a few days then took it back in and found it still smelled sheepy but not as much, made plans to go at it with the baking soda this weekend.

(and this is where it starts) when I took the jumper back into my room, I decided I wasn't going to put it inside, so just laid it flat on top of a box on the floor that had one of my tshirts draped over it. Cut to a few days later, sheepy jumper is no longer on top of the box and I wear the tshirt it was lying over, to work. It isn't till I'm in the cab that I start smelling an oddly sheep-like reek inside the car......from the tshirt I was wearing.

The minute I was actually indoors again I went straight to the bathroom and had a sniff....not only does my tshirt smell sheepy, even my jacket, where it was pressed against the front of my tshirt (the part that came in contact with sheepy ebay jumper) now has tertiary sheep-smell! It's faint but noticeable on close sniff, and that was the real damage to me because it's my favourite jacket, a Marni one from like 2013 or so. My skirt too, the inner waistband has faint sheepy-smell and all of this from less than an hour of contact with a tshirt that was secondary-sheep-smelled by a jumper.

I couldn't bear the thought of wearing the sheepy tshirt all day and getting even more sheep-smell on my jacket so I took it off and washed it as best I can in the basin with hand soap, and now it's laid flat to dry next to me and I'm in my cubicle with no top and my jacket buttoned up all the way to protect my modesty, like the idiot I am (should have just sent sheepy jumper to the dry cleaners on day 1 instead of ending up paying for dry cleaning on 4 things now).


great story~!!!

great story~!!!

I'm still in the office with nothing but a bra under my jacket and with my sheep-smelling tshirt drying beside me and now only a bit damp...still smells of sheep though :lol:. I've never been gladder that my workspace is so secluded and coworkers can't see me!

(the traces of eau de sheep on my jacket have, fortunately, faded and now can't be detected even on the deepest of sniffs. Hopefully I've dodged the need to dry clean?)

Edit: sheepy jumper is still going to the dry cleaner though, I can't have it spreading more sheep-smell among my clothes like it's Patient Zero of the sheep-smell virus.
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