Favorite Movie Trailers

Deep Brunette

Feb 28, 2005
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What are some of your favorite trailers? Some represent the movie well, others...not so much :innocent:

Mine are...

Harry Potter (All of them, I love that music :] )
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Last Kiss
^oh that's a great one. I just re-watched it and it made me want to see the movie again :heart:

I like magnolia as well, especially the first part.
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^ Good idea, youtube....

I just think it's one of the few perfectly cut trailers that really captures the themes and weirdness the film possesses. IMO, it's best if you watch at a higher volume. A big part of why I love the trailer is the perfect (that word again) use of Queen and Bowie's "Under Pressure."

About the film, Adaptation.

Again, the use of music is always a prominent in a good trailer.

Sin City

Jarhead -

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - unfortunately, there's an even better one that I can find easily...
LoveMyBoots said:
^ Good idea, youtube....

I just think it's one of the few perfectly cut trailers that really captures the themes and weirdness the film possesses. IMO, it's best if you watch at a higher volume. A big part of why I love the trailer is the perfect (that word again) use of Queen and Bowie's "Under Pressure."

About the film, Adaptation.
Oh yeah the use of 'under pressure' is brilliant. I remember listining to that song for month after watching the movie.
The 3 other trailers you posted are great as well. . .!
How I hate Movie Trailers, there is nothing that can spoil a movie like that can.

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