Favourite football / Soccer team

Woah what the hell happened? I missed this leg of El Clasico. Judging by the comments, looks like nothing has changed.
it was David Villa, he punched him in the face! that why Ozil got really mad.. I was shocked by his reaction, he seems very calmed and lovely to me..
and David Villa: ur an as****ole

what! when did that happen!! ugh FML thats what i get for going to work!:lol:
He is such a good coach that I dont understand why he needs those things to win a play. Thats a shame

He's tired of losing to Barcelona and I think that irritates him. He can beat almost any team, but not Barca. Another thing that gets on his nerves is that he disses and insults Barca's staff but Barca doesn't give him the pleasure of acting with the same immaturity. You can see it in the press conferences. Mourinho attacks them and Guardiola just brushes it off.
alonsoJonathan it happened when Marcelo got the red card for making a fault on Cesc Fabregas. Then the brawl started and suddenly Villa hitted Ozil, and he got mad, really mad.
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He's tired of losing to Barcelona and I think that irritates him. He can beat almost any team, but not Barca. Another thing that gets on his nerves is that he disses and insults Barca's staff but Barca doesn't give him the pleasure of acting with the same immaturity. You can see it in the press conferences. Mourinho attacks them and Guardiola just brushes it off.

Well he already beated Barca. When he was the couch of Inter, and this year when Real won the Copa del Rey. I think he should think what techniques he used in those games, instead of thinking a new insult to give.

I think Barca is starting to get mad, specially Guardiola seems like he cant stand Mourinho anymore, he gave an interview before the last match in the Champions league, and said Mourinho was a b***t
That's why I hate "clasicos", today two neighbors fight over the result of the game, so I think the problems and fights are not limited to Spain. Barcelonistas, congrats they were effective, this time they didn´t have the ball possesion (like the previous game) but the few times they attacked they were really dangerous and knew when to "punch" RM (I don't know why Pepe is a RM player).

I think RM (and it's fans) need to cool down a little bit, I know loosing is a b!tch, but if they were my team I would be really glad that at least they have found the path to hopefully win the next clasico and maybe with a little luck and accurracy (Ronaldo and Benezema gained a couple of ponds from so many opportunities they ate today :lol:) things will be different. This time "lady luck" smile to Barca, but who knows maybe next time RM will be the lucky one.

P.S. about class and sportsmanship, a wise man once said: "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing."
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Clasicos are seen all over the world. Thats exaclty why I hate Mourinho's attitude! Everyone is going to think that RM is a rude team, and that really just happens in the clasicos against Barcelona. Its such a shame. Hope they can learn this season to control their emotions.

Pepe is an excellent player, but he really needs to cool down his temperament. He is worst than King Kong in the matches against Barca.
I think I'mma need to download this game and watch it.

BOTH teams need a lesson or a hundred in sportsmanship, not just Real Madrid. This is, what, the third or fourth El Clasico I remember ending in a brawl. Two of the biggest and technically gifted teams with exceptional players and this is what the world is watching and thinking how football is played.

As for Mourinho, he is known for his mind games and whilst in the Premiership the managers retaliated as best as they could, Guardiola needs to keep doing what he is doing, which is ignoring Mourinho.
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i seriously don't know what game RM fans were watching.

need to be less biased.
i'll call out my team when they play like ****e, or
the tactics don't work, etc.
but RM fans....O_o

what about the air kick Marcelo gave to Messi
what about Pepe and Dimaria diving all the time.
CR7 throwing his temper tantrums because things don't go his way,
wishing to push his stardom on the referees.
what about the elbows to the face, the kicks to the face,
Kedhira almost took out abidals eye in the first match.

we didn't start this brawl, nor the last ones either.
This time it was marcelo bringing the axe to Cesc,
before it was Sergio Ramos trying to break Messi's legs.
it's not just Mou, it's the entire team whom when feel
they need to win at any cost.

when Pep lost la Copa del Rey,
Mou came over and they shook hands.
FC Barcelona staid on the field and congratulated the winner, no fights.
When RM loses to Barça....:rolleyes:
^ Thank you. I admit that some Barca players were pissed, but it was nothing the way Real Madrid players were behaving. With the exception of Villa, who punched Ozil, most Barca players restrain themselves and let the football do the talking.
Honestly both teams need to show a bit more class. They're as bad as each other. Barca love their theatrics and Real love their brutal fouling. Don't get me started on the monkey chants from the crowd..

There were rumours that Villa insulted Ozil's religion. But I don't think he would stoop that low.
There were rumours that Villa insulted Ozil's religion. But I don't think he would stoop that low.

Apparently, it's been confirmed by Ozil himself. He was quoted as saying:

"Me puse así porque estaba defendiendo a mi religión, porque David Villa ha insultado al Islam", asegura Özil en declaraciones la diario turco.

Shame on Villa. :judge:
OMG! VILLA YOU ARE A F****G ******LE! Im not a muslim, but I think if someone insult for any reason my religion I will kick their ***es! Villa go to ****ing hell, he really needs more class. What a big shame on him.
i seriously don't know what game RM fans were watching.

need to be less biased.
i'll call out my team when they play like ****e, or
the tactics don't work, etc.
but RM fans....O_o

what about the air kick Marcelo gave to Messi
what about Pepe and Dimaria diving all the time.
CR7 throwing his temper tantrums because things don't go his way,
wishing to push his stardom on the referees.
what about the elbows to the face, the kicks to the face,
Kedhira almost took out abidals eye in the first match.

we didn't start this brawl, nor the last ones either.
This time it was marcelo bringing the axe to Cesc,
before it was Sergio Ramos trying to break Messi's legs.
it's not just Mou, it's the entire team whom when feel
they need to win at any cost.

when Pep lost la Copa del Rey,
Mou came over and they shook hands.
FC Barcelona staid on the field and congratulated the winner, no fights.
When RM loses to Barça....:rolleyes:

In Barca's players not only reigns the calm, when they lost Copa del Rey,some, David Villa, was really mad and trying to start a brawl, fortunately his teammates stopped him. I have so present that image in my mind. :rolleyes:

Yes, isnt only Mourinho's fault, but he is the one who coaches the team, so we can say he kinda teaches his way of believing and acting.
Wait, I speak no Spanish. What did Ozil say?
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He said:

"I acted that way because I was defending my religion, because David Villa has insulted Islam."
shame on Villa how ignorant can a person be.
n sorry but i have no doubt that Ozil is telling the true,he seems like a really honest person
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