Fendi Spy Bag

I love the hologram but I'd get the cognac. 2 holograms would be just too similar I think.
Is it hard to get the black or cognac at this point?

I noticed Saks.com has them preordered so just wondering if I would be able to find one at a boutique or other dept. store....
It seems like there's a lot of cognac floating around out there. I found mine at NM in Boston. I'd try NM and see if they can locate one for you. Actually, when I called NM in Boston for my cognac, they had a black, too. That was a couple of weeks ago though.
PinkLady, BagladyShoegirl, Britney...thanks for your feedback!! Looks like the most popular would be the hologram, dark brown and cognac...:)

Was at Coffee Bean with a friend yesterday, and saw a lady walking by with what appeared to be a Hologram Spy. It could be her outfit or something but somehow the bag appeared less attractive than when I saw the hologram satchel in HK! If it is going to be almost impossible to get hold of a Hologram, preferably from a store, I may just go for a dark brown or Wisteria, whichever I can get my hands on 1st!!!!

Btw, what colour is palladio/moro/oro? Saw this description on the yellow Fendi card of the brown Spy which I liked in the store (but reserved with 30% deposit by another Customer). It looked like a dark brown or darker version of the cherry brown...
star3777...you lucky thing!!! The option to get a Hologram Spy!! I would love to say go for the Hologram Spy but GuessGirl could be apt in advising that another colour may present a variety. Although the Hologram could look different in different bag styles. Perhaps you can decide when at the store to pick up your cognac? Have fun deciding!!! Have more fun during your vacation!!!
shoprgrl said:
Is it hard to get the black or cognac at this point?

I noticed Saks.com has them preordered so just wondering if I would be able to find one at a boutique or other dept. store....

The Fendi at South Coast Plaza had several cognacs as of this past Sunday.
shoprgrl said:
Is it hard to get the black or cognac at this point?

I noticed Saks.com has them preordered so just wondering if I would be able to find one at a boutique or other dept. store....

Both are permanent colors (is the black? I think it is..), so I dont think you should have any problems locating one :)
Kelsbags, Guessgirl96, Baghag21, Thanks for your opinion's! I will decide when I finally see the cognac. I have never seen the cognac in real person yet. If I don't love it on first site...I will get the hologram. Either way I can't loose because I realise now it's a very flattering bag for my wardrobe! Whether I love this bag or not, it looks right with my clothes.:heart:
I've been working so much that I barely have time to catch up with tFS. :cry: But congrats to all with new bags. Britney, I can't wait to see pictures of the sequin!

Star, hopefully you'll have fun on your vacation! Glad that the hologram Spy hobo is working out so well for you! I'd definitely go for the Cognac though. Like kelsbags said, once you get the honey wisteria, you'll have 3 different colored bags.

Quick question for ilovepositano and lilygirl: I bought that Apple conditioner, as well. Are you reccommending that I don't condition my Spy until it's visibly dry, scuffed, scratched, etc? I've rarely used my Petrol, so it's basically almost brand new. I was planning on conditioning the whole bag and then spraying the Apple Garde on it, but I'm terrified and unsure. I don't want to do it wrong and end up with a tie-dyed Spy. :(
SoCal said:
I have seen several spy hobo colors at Fendi South Coast Plaza (cognac, dark brown, black, camel, monogram/leather, etc.). I can't remember the price of the cognac exactly...I want to say it was around $1100-1200.

Thanks:p :p :p
star3777 Love love love ur cognac spy...and ur holograms...but if it was me, i would stick with conganc:)
Yah, I think I will keep the cognac for the three color collection thing! hee, hee. I am suddenly excited about this bag all over again. That's a good thing.:p :p :p
shoprgrl said:
Does anyone know if the Saks shopjan code is good yo preorder the spy?

Thanks so much for this information. I used this code to pre-order my Honey Spy. And, since I am in a no tax state, it was even cheaper. :rolleyes: It will be a long wait until April. Wonder if it will ship sooner?
is this bag worth it? it would be a huge purchase for me since I dont usually spend this much on a handbag. but I'm in love with it and it seems to be calling to me since I have a horse.

credit: browns


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Just returned from South Coast Plaza, Fendi boutique has leather spy bags in cognac, dark brown, honey, and white (spy hobos in various colors as well).
laaadies gess what? i was in selfridges in london today and i found 2 spy bags in dark brown and in tan and i bought the tan one , i think this colore gos with everything :woot: ,hurry the brown one is their.
Edna said:
I've been working so much that I barely have time to catch up with tFS. :cry: But congrats to all with new bags. Britney, I can't wait to see pictures of the sequin!

Star, hopefully you'll have fun on your vacation! Glad that the hologram Spy hobo is working out so well for you! I'd definitely go for the Cognac though. Like kelsbags said, once you get the honey wisteria, you'll have 3 different colored bags.

Quick question for ilovepositano and lilygirl: I bought that Apple conditioner, as well. Are you reccommending that I don't condition my Spy until it's visibly dry, scuffed, scratched, etc? I've rarely used my Petrol, so it's basically almost brand new. I was planning on conditioning the whole bag and then spraying the Apple Garde on it, but I'm terrified and unsure. I don't want to do it wrong and end up with a tie-dyed Spy. :(

I wasn't suggesting that you will ruin your bag if you treat it -- it's just something I don't do since I don't think it's necessary and as positano pointed out, the more rubbing you do of the leather, the more likely the color will fade. I have a petrol and have never put anything on it.
Sorry, I missed a couple...Fendi SCP also had a hologram spy and the patchwork looking one (as well as a couple of exotic skins).
edna- i can see what lilygirl's saying. lambskin is delicate + porous. i've conditioned the entire bag lightly every month, and done the spots liberally every week. my bag looks pristine- no spots. i understand the rationale of leaving the leather alone, but i use my spy alot, and have always been told to wipe down lambskin every once in a while to dislodge leather of particles that are abrasive to the leather if left on. re. color coming off-- the one teeny spot that started discoloring went away after i did that...no color has ever come off on my cloth. so don't know what to tell ya-- maybe start very lightly and observe how your spy responds?? :flower:
Thanks lilygirl and ilovepositano. :flower: I think I'm going to just leave my Spy alone. I don't think I can bear the stress of worrying whether or not I will do it right. I only use it on the weekends anyway, and even then I am so so careful with it. My bf is absolutely terrified to go near it. :lol: I suppose I will just start with conditioning the spots prone to discoloration every so often.

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