Fendi Spy Bag

ilovepositano said:
the MAGIC supplement last week was even more ridiculous -- it featured an EXACT copy of the cream paddy and basically pointed people to the exhibitor where you could buy it in vegas.

Today there was an ad for a knockoff cream paddy on the front page of my morning newspaper. The ad had a picture of the bag and said "10% off all bags for Valentine" :sick:
Am picking up my reg. black Spy today!!! Can't wait! The browns are gorgeous, but i'm not a brown girl either. :p One of my good friends works at Barneys but is leaving soon... I called up randomly yesterday and it turns out they had it! This is one of the last buys i'll have with his discount. Go out with a bang, says I.
Hey Aspen,
You're lucky about your cognac. I can see the shine....mine was very, very dull. It got spots and blotchy marks all over it in three days. I think yours is one that got some kind of protective finish. I can't even describe how dull my cognac leather was. If you've been wearing yours for that long and that's all the wear yours has, I could live with that. I think some wear makes it look beautiful.
I agree with you, too.....that bag is NOT brand new. That's what mine was starting to look like though. It still makes me feel sad because that was my first choice in color.
Kiwigirl - I cannot tell from your pic, so please check for me...there is a way to detect if the bag is fake - open up the little secret compartment handle on the spyglass area....if there are two little circle indents on the inside of the cover of the compartment, it's fake. If there is nothing and it's completely smooth, the bag is real.
kelsbags said:
I could be wrong as I'm no spy expert, but I think the tobacco is the same as the chocolate brown. I just bought the chocolate brown Monday night (the SA's were calling it this) and my little card is not inside.....have to go and get it from Fendi......I really think it's officially called tobacco on the card.
Kelsbags, after doing more research, I think you are right about the tobacco color being the dark brown. Where did you find yours? I have called around but no one seems to have the dark brown. I am still deciding what to do. I love the cognac and don't mind some wear as I am a casual dresser. After reading about Aspen's bag, there may be some hope because my bag is somewhat shiny. But I would kind of like to see if I could find the tobacco....decisions, decisions....:unsure:
Lelee said:
Kelsbags, after doing more research, I think you are right about the tobacco color being the dark brown. Where did you find yours? I have called around but no one seems to have the dark brown. I am still deciding what to do. I love the cognac and don't mind some wear as I am a casual dresser. After reading about Aspen's bag, there may be some hope because my bag is somewhat shiny. But I would kind of like to see if I could find the tobacco....decisions, decisions....:unsure:

The NM at KOP had a few a couple of days ago, but I don't know if they are still there.
message for findesiecle

findesiecle said:
Thanks guys!
Greendrv, would this pic give you a better view? The seller, who I trust, claims that only two of these were recieved at her local boutique. Having only seen the orange-y holograms, I naturally went :unsure: but I do like the look of it.
Oh and by the way...GREEN SPY LUUUURVE!! :wub:

Hi findesiecle,

I tried sending you a private message today, but your inbox was full. I showed your pics of the green hologram to a friend and she FLIPPED!:heart:

Hoping it may still be available... are you still in touch with the seller?
Please feel free to message me back. THANKS much!

I was speaking with the manager of Fendi at The Rocks in Sydney (Australia) on Wednesday and was discussing colours with him. I ended up ordering a dark chocolate Spy instead of the Cognac (they're expecting shipment Feb 27... I hope it comes!!) - but I asked him if it was called "Tobacco". He said no.. Tobacco was the shade lighter than Cognac and was literally a tobacco sort of brown. On my order form the colour says "Dark brown". I don't know if we're talking the same colours here, but I don't think "Tobacco" is the dark chocolate colour.

Hehe also he ended up giving me this huge lesson about Fendi starting off as a leather saddle maker and the cows used for the leather etc - mainly because I asked him about the Cognac colour fading etc (from what owners here have posted about). I don't know if it was just part of trying to sell me a bag, but it was rather hilarious. Little did he know, I'm already sold! I want my Spy whether he is a bad salesman or not! :p

Lelee said:
Kelsbags, after doing more research, I think you are right about the tobacco color being the dark brown. Where did you find yours? I have called around but no one seems to have the dark brown. I am still deciding what to do. I love the cognac and don't mind some wear as I am a casual dresser. After reading about Aspen's bag, there may be some hope because my bag is somewhat shiny. But I would kind of like to see if I could find the tobacco....decisions, decisions....:unsure:
I am not sure if anyone wrote this or not, but Saks is taking orders for the spy with the wisteria on it. It is saks.com
reducto, thank you so much for the information on the colors! Did you decide against the cognac because of the fading? I am sure you will enjoy your dark brown bag! Congratulations!!
Lelee said:
Kelsbags, after doing more research, I think you are right about the tobacco color being the dark brown. Where did you find yours? I have called around but no one seems to have the dark brown. I am still deciding what to do. I love the cognac and don't mind some wear as I am a casual dresser. After reading about Aspen's bag, there may be some hope because my bag is somewhat shiny. But I would kind of like to see if I could find the tobacco....decisions, decisions....:unsure:

Las Vegas Fendi in the Forum Shops has 1 left as of tonight and Las Vegas Fendi in the Bellagio has 3 left. If you need the numbers, let me know. The one at the Forum Shops has beautiful texture. I didn't see the ones at the Bellagio. Ask for Vanesa at the Forum....she's a sweetheart!
Lelee said:
reducto, thank you so much for the information on the colors! Did you decide against the cognac because of the fading? I am sure you will enjoy your dark brown bag! Congratulations!!

That's so funny because the SA at my Fendi showed me an almost black trim on a bag and called that tobacco! :shock: He said it's darker than my bag. He said mine is dark brown or chocolate. Reducto got a different answer, so who knows?!! I asked him about the cognac and he said that it would fade and it's just how Fendi made that bag. I asked if the chocolate would fade and he said no. Again....who really knows?! All I know is that once I saw the cognac again tonight, I loved my chocolate more. He did show me the difference between cognacs.....one was a browner cognac and one was a reddish cognac. I had the reddish cognac that faded and spotted all over. There definitely was a difference in color. The browner one had more shine to it. Maybe that's the key....it depends on the shade of the cognac......maybe they are 2 different batches of leather. I'm not sure.
kelsbags said:
... Maybe that's the key....it depends on the shade of the cognac......maybe they are 2 different batches of leather. I'm not sure.

When the manager was talking to me about the cows and the leather used in the Spys he also said that usually no two are the same because the leather is branded.. or something like that. I kind of stopped listening properly :innocent: But that may explain the variations in bags of the "same colour".
i think all the newer bags have more shine, texture, and bigger ruching...it's not a shine that easily fades either.
I agree with positano. I have both the green and sequinned spys from S/S 05, and the leather finish is completely different from my F/W 05 petrol. The petrol has a great shine to it and is soft and smooth to the touch, while the green (and to a lesser extent, the cognac on the sequinned spy) is very matte, and much rougher. So I think the quality of leather improved starting F/W 05.
wow, greendrv, you can be a fendi spy carbon dater! ;)

ot: went to bumble & bumble during lunch yesterday for a trim....there were maybe 25 women there-- of course easily ten 4+ carat rings, but more importantly...5 spies.:lol:
i have been reading about the problems with the cognac color...i went back about 5 pages or so and saw one pic with a worn edge. does anyone who is more familiar with this thread know what page there are more pics of the wear, im somewhat intrigued and somewhat concerned. ;)
I know pradaheavan had pics up of her cognac that had lots of wear, you should search all posts made by her and I'm sure it wont be hard to find.

I know she may have changed her name though, anyone know what it is now?
hey guessgirl96,
i just did a search but her name didn't show up on this thread, maybe because she changed it. if anyone knows, let me know....thanks!!

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