Ford Supermodel of the World 2009

Tomorrow there will be on Montenegrin television one show and about one hour dedicated on Ford Supermodels.Probably they have followed all they casting,fittings and rehersals.

And than,tomorrow night are the finals:woot:
Can you please tell me the name of that channel?
^It's IN Television.

I watched the tv Show dedicated to Ford.There were many guests.

Some informations about it:
The show will be hosted by Patricia Velasquez.
The models will be wearing gowns by Renato Balestra in second showing.
Katie Ford said that this years concurrence is amazing,that amazing that as I understood they won't choose 5 girls,but first 10 of them and than choose the final 5 becouse there are some girl that are really brilliant and have big potencial.

So can't wait for tonight.The show is starting at 9.00pm.
The contest has just finished.The winner is the Brazilian girl.To be honest not my favorite,but she's ok.

In first 5 as I remember entered Canada,Russia,Venezuela,Israel and Brazil.

Other 5 girls who enetered in semi finals and got contract with Ford are Lithuania and Poland(my two favorites),USA...and I can't remember the other two:blush:
^She is very pretty and sweet,also one of my favs:wub:
But I'm sorry that Lithuanian and Polish contestants didn't entered in first 5:(But at least they got contract with Ford.
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Know just these ones.I will post the whole list of semi-finalists and finalists tomorrow when I see the show again.

For now:
Brazil - Tayane Leão
Poland - Magdalena Fiolka
Canada - Shelby Farber
Russia - Julia Pyankova
1st Place:Brazil - Tayane Leão
2nd Place:Israel - Alisa Gourari
3rd Place:Venezuela - Rachelle Garzon
4th Place:Canada - Shelby Farber
5th Place:Russia - Julia Pyankova

Australia - Missed her name.
Lithuania - Gabrielle Doveikaite
Norway - Johanne Riis
Phillippines - Giselle Pagueo
Poland - Magdalena Fiolka
Serbia - Anastasija Ruzdic
USA - Clara Buchanan
This is the complete list and the right one!

1980 – Annette Stai
1981 – No competition was held
1982 – Renee Simonsen
1983 – Carrie Miller
1984 – Katherine Ahnell
1985 – Caron Bernstein
1986 – Monika Schnarre
1987 – Celia Forner
1988 – Anuschka Muzik
1989 – Synne Myrebøe
1990 – Anneliese Seubert
1991 – Daniela Benavente
1992 – Tricia Helfer
1993 – Veronica Blume
1994 – Georgia Goettman
1995 – Anna Marie Cseh
1996 – Leanne Spencer
1997 – Diana Pereira
1998 – Katie Burell
1999 – Alyssa Kealy
2000 – Margarita Babina
2001 – Asta Buziliauskaite
2002 – Dari Maximova
2003 – Natalia Gotsiy
2004 – Camilla Finn
2005 – Katsia Damenkova
2006 – Sanne Nijhof
2007 – Kang Seung-Hyun
2008 – (going to be held January, 24 -2009)

excuse me....but....

Supermodel of the World Titleholders

Not held in 1985 and 2003.
Alisa Gourari @ Ice models, this is the 2nd place ??




Someone over at Ford overslept. It's been two days since the finals and there is still no official announcement or pictures of the event. Why come up with youtube and affiliations if they're not updated?

No wonder, the agency only has a couple of "it models" in their stable.
seriously.. I'm starting to think this competition took place in a cave.. no pictures yet!?
I don't know what's up with that.I know that they said that lots of photographers and people from fashion world came.

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