I came out of my 20 year retirement from tFS (Hi, I used to be mod here, for THIS forum) just to check the comments on this thread,
And honestly, the takes are tragic.
Comparing Sarah to Claire, comparing Sarah to Lee, comparing her to Lees debut collection for Givenchy (which was panned and he even admitted its shite -i disagree- but he said it).
Even to .. Schiaparelli? A lot of the new members REALLY need to get on with their fashion history. Fashion is not only 5 years ago.
Hubert and his label hadnt had a very clear image or code opposite most maisons. It has been punched and tucked and frankensteined creative director after creative director (Remember Julien McDonald for Givenchy?).
And to universally pan a debut collection for such a tricky house when yes, there are thngs that are less than mediocre (the logoed things) but its great tailoring and a debut collection. She is under a lot of pressure and REALLY have to WORK HARD to steer this mess of a house to a direction when it never has had one (their most succesfull and relevant era was Tiscis and there was no trace of Huberts legacy).
We need more female creative directors, we have one who has impeccable cutting and does femininity WELL EXECUTED.
A lot of you need to go out and touch grass. For real.