Golden Globes 2007

I think I heard SJP's name announced....I hope she'll be there!!
mint condish said:
Why didn't Prince accept his award? Taking a piss? I saw him in the audience with Eddie Murphy but he didn't collect his award :(

maybe he got there late
Why is everyone (most of them) looking SOO BORING? Goodness, take some risks, go all out. That's why I salute someone like Rinko. So what if that dress looks bad, at least she's doing something different.
UNiQFashionista said:
SJP is going to present next..cant wait to c what shes wearing
Yeah i cant wait to see her specially since she didnt walllk the red carpet.
And yeah mint condish Prince was soo taking a piss-LMAO!!!He is there.:lol:
Unless Prince wasn't at his seat yet, he probably didn't want to accept the award from JT cause JT think's he the new Prince. Hence, JT made fun of Prince's stature...
MyNameIs said:
Why is everyone (most of them) looking SOO BORING? Goodness, take some risks, go all out. That's why I salute someone like Rinko. So what if that dress looks bad, at least she's doing something different.

150% agree with you

I like -- Reese, Renee & Sienna
Rinko looks cute. normally i wouldnt like a dress like that but yeah...

I knew that will smith was gay, he's married to a man :ninja:

:rofl: :rofl:

Sofia Milos The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals 1-15-07
I LOVED Meryl's speech... with the classic ending "that's all"!
MyNameIs said:
Why is everyone (most of them) looking SOO BORING? Goodness, take some risks, go all out. That's why I salute someone like Rinko. So what if that dress looks bad, at least she's doing something different.

Personally I think Rinko looks great in that dress, plus the fact she is taking a risk makes me like it even more.

I agree, we have had a very dull selection of dresses tonight, especially with all that white.
SJP is wearing the same f***ing dress she wears every f***ing year to every f***ing awards show. Good GOD.
I'm disappointed Ellen Pompeo and others from Grey's didn't win

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