Gossip Girl Fashion

I really hope Blair's yellow jacket outfit is some kind of a joke because it's really mean at this point. The jacket + the bag and garish make-up really make her look like an old lady.
Serena on the other hand looks smashing even if I don't like this last outfit , the difference between the 2 girls is ridiculous.
I think I would've liked Blair's last outfit if the tweed jacket actually fit her, the dress is at least somewhat chic. I get the direction they're going with her (whoever said Queen Elizabeth is brilliant,) but it's SO poorly executed.

Serena's last outfit though? Those patchwork leggings and boots? It's pretty obvious they've just of just given up for this last season. They could of at least finished with a bang.

Ugh. Well there will always be season 1.
Hmmm, Blair appears to be wearing a ring on a chain around her neck....

ew at charlie being back, even though i kinda like her and chuck's jacket
I'm obsessed with Georgina's gown from the last episode, 602 "Hi Infidelity".
To me on television it looked green, but this site says it's black.
She wore it at the "Conservatory" in Central Park?

Does anyone have ID information, or more/better pictures?

Source is wornontv.net
can anyone ID the top and skirt that blair wore in season 4? thanks!!

style mtv

Episode Stills > 6.06 - Where The Vile Things Are

^ ok while blair looks so regal with buns on, she looks much older. love serena's look, she looks so tall and elegant
I lllluuuuuuuuuuuurve the necklace they put Blake/Serena in for this latest episode, 606. Anyone have IDs or pictures?

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