I bought the large black leather horsebit from Bergdorf a couple of weeks ago and it is the best bag investment I have ever made. The color is classic, the size perfect, and I will look at it years from now and still love it.
That said, it does have a tendency to slip off my shoulder unless I am wearing a tank top or camisole where my shoulders are bare. It's not a huge deal if I push it behind me a little bit versus letting it hang straight down.
As for authenticity, most bags on ebay are fakes. The fake large bags have a snap closure (real ones are open at the top). That is one of the obvious signs of a fake. Other signs are Gucci tags attached to the bag. My bag had a care card and controllo tag in the zippered compartment inside. Only the BG price tag (ouchie) was attached to the outside.
Good feedback aside, sellers can and do get away with selling fakes.
As an aside, I really wanted the older style tan leather (called tobacco) which was more of a cognac. The new tan has a strong golden orange undertone. And - don't think I am crazy - but there is a huge difference between the leather on the tan and black. The black has some texture to it and slouches nicely. The tan is perfectly smooth and stiff, almost like a sheet of vinyl. I don't know if this is consistent with all the new tans, but the ones at Saks and the Gucci stores in Florida (where a friend of mine lives and checked them out for me) were all that way. Even the s/a's hated them and felt they looked fake.
That said, it does have a tendency to slip off my shoulder unless I am wearing a tank top or camisole where my shoulders are bare. It's not a huge deal if I push it behind me a little bit versus letting it hang straight down.
As for authenticity, most bags on ebay are fakes. The fake large bags have a snap closure (real ones are open at the top). That is one of the obvious signs of a fake. Other signs are Gucci tags attached to the bag. My bag had a care card and controllo tag in the zippered compartment inside. Only the BG price tag (ouchie) was attached to the outside.
Good feedback aside, sellers can and do get away with selling fakes.
As an aside, I really wanted the older style tan leather (called tobacco) which was more of a cognac. The new tan has a strong golden orange undertone. And - don't think I am crazy - but there is a huge difference between the leather on the tan and black. The black has some texture to it and slouches nicely. The tan is perfectly smooth and stiff, almost like a sheet of vinyl. I don't know if this is consistent with all the new tans, but the ones at Saks and the Gucci stores in Florida (where a friend of mine lives and checked them out for me) were all that way. Even the s/a's hated them and felt they looked fake.