Guys in girl pants

Sometimes I wander around shops and I can't understand which sides are for men and women, so I just choose whatever fits me
I think girl's pants taper sometimes. Funny how tapered pants can look better on a guy than a girl... I always see shows saying how it's a no-no for a girl to wear tapered pants because they make the hips look bigger.
if so i dont see how the crouch would be more visible with lower rise, i would say the opposite because when you've tight and high waisted jeans the lower part of the jeans would fit more close the croutch and therefore be more visible and the opposite with low waisted. unless he dont have the waist under the crouch himself, then it sure would be more visible.
i like it, but only on skinny guys. see, men tend to have slim to skinny legs even if they are a bit fatty, but when their upper body is too broad/buff i dont like it .
my legs are super long (36") inseam if i want them to fit normally, but i usually go for anything with a 28" waist and the longest leg available(usually 34"), and before skinny jeans became so mainstream those were the only types of jeans that would fit, and usually if i go for a smaller waist size the legs are not long enough so all my shoes are ancle length, haha, it evens them out.
There is a guy who is roughly 6' and 180-200 lbs who insists upon wearing girls pants to school.

Needless to say, I don't approve that look on him! That said, I do think they look cute on thinner, rock n' roll guys, like the dudes from Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco,
I wear womens trousers because I love their wider legs and I think they look more edgy than typical mens trousers. Besides the wide trosuer pants that are available for guys cost twice as much as wide leg trousers for girls despite looking nearly exactly the same. I have shorter legs so I like wearing them as it makes my legs look very long, when teamed with a nice fitted jacket/ t shirt it looks ultra cool. Although i agree with the above posters, you need a certain look to pull it off i.e if yr an ultra butch curvy bloke dont be trying to rock the same look........
yes...on nice looking skinny guys.

no, on even vaguely chubby guys. i mean even a hint of flab can kill this look. i saw a guy who was about 5ft 7, looked over 15 stone wearing girls skinny jeans. he could barely walk. he was waddling. he could barely get them pulled up over his bum.

it wasn't a good look.

give me noel fielding in a pair of girls jeans and you're onto something.
i think a rule of thumb for guyss trying to decide if this look is right for them is if you thighs touch at any point on your legs, abondon this look but i may be a little harsh...
it depends.

guys with a little more stomach can pull off womens jeans if they know where to shop for them. that doesnt mean going to saks or barneys and shopping in the womens side for jeans, it means downgrading.

i actually find old navy (yes, old navy) and gap good for womens jeans if you're not a rail thin man. their fem denim fits horribly on the women they were designed for, but that really works to the advantage of bigger guys.

I wear a size 32 men, and a size 10-12 in womens at old navy are actually LOOSE on me around the waist, belt always required. I have a couple pair of girls old navy jeans, but one particular pair looks almost exactly like this pair of men's rock & republics i own, and almost no one can tell the difference and they fit almost exactly the same. the only real difference is the old navy one's make my legs look a little thinner, which is always a plus ^_^.

so for all the men not into being lanky, dont be discouraged too much. just make sure you know what you're buying. ive found womens jeans for us bigger guys are the opposite world from mens, old navy or gap will fit you better than Seven or True Religion :p
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i really have given up on jeans, my legs are to long for my waist. i just go with the longest leg and smallest waist, i hate shopping for denim....but i do love all my jeans (besides there faults)

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