Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
Watch Live & Comment... The 2025 Academy Awards!
Moderator's Note:Thank you
- In order to improve site performance, long threads that are draining our loading time will be closed and we are going to be periodically starting new threads. This should help pages load faster.
- Please remember that not everyone is on a fast connection, or has a large screen, and keep your picture sizes to 800 pixels or less in the largest dimension. This will also help with page load speed.
- Please remember to stay on topic... All off topic discussion will be removed.
- Please do not power post eg make empty posts with no Info/questions/Images - Empty posts cause threads to grow rapidly and is a nuisance to those who subscribe to many threads. Please take any private conversations to PMs or Profile Comments.
- The old thread can be viewed here
Yeah sure!
The picture is from