Have you been Wagged ?


flaunt the imperfection
Jan 28, 2004
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It's time to kill off the inner Wag in us all

A new handbag for £20,000 is just the latest example of must-have madness. And it's not just footballers' wives and girlfriends who are in its grip - middle-class women are following suit. They should stop right now, says Lesley Thomas
I found myself staring at a picture of a handbag in a magazine the other day. The contours, the detailing, the thickness of the leather (or how I imagined it) proved such a powerful magnet that, in the end, I propped the picture beside my keyboard so that I could look at it during screen breaks.
A perfect match: WAGs and shopping are combined in the TV programme WAGs' BoutiqueI am not alone in this kind of lust. The accessories business is the fastest-growing sector of the luxury fashion industry. Women think nothing of spending hundreds of pounds on the latest YSL, Chloé or Fendi must-have item. Now, bag fever has reached a new level with the launch this week of the Louis Vuitton ''Tribute Bag'', priced at £23,484. Yes, that's twenty-three thousand, four hundred and eighty- four pounds. And it's got company. Fendi has a bag made from chinchilla and sable, yours for a mere £20K. Marc Jacobs has a couple of five-figure bags coming to a store near you soon, too.
More shocking, however, than the cost of a Mercedes-priced handbag is that, according to Selfridges, the average price of the designer bags on sale in its accessories department has risen 55 per cent in the past year, to a staggering £850. Meanwhile, at Net-a-porter, the best-known designer fashion website, bag sales have gone up 400 per cent.
What on earth has happened to us? When did it become acceptable even to consider spending the best part of £1,000 on a bag? Even Topshop is selling bags for almost £100. Let's not pretend either - as we often do when we spend vast amounts on fashion - that these are one-off purchases or bags for life. For most women who take the first step down the fancy bag route, the purchase becomes merely the foundation of an entire collection.
Yet, only a decade ago, a bag was merely a necessary evil. Remember when we laughed at women who danced around their handbags because cool girls didn't carry them at all? That was before we carried iPods, Blackberries, phones and a spare pair of flat shoes, I suppose. But now look at us! Middle-class women, many of an age who should know better, who used to be above this sort of thing, seem no better than footballers' wives. You're just as likely to find Chloé Paddingtons being paraded around the Square Mile as you are at wine bars in Alderley Edge.

We may think we are cool enough not to flash diamonds, and down to earth enough to shop in Primark, but our insecurities are revealed by the kind of bag we carry. These are Brag Bags, no mistake.
Yet there is a price to pay - other than that on the label - for our sartorial one-upmanship. Around 18 per cent of women in Britain have debts of more than £20,000 and, according to a recent study, one in five of us is considering insolvency. Are you really worth it?
This new kind of avarice doesn't stop at bags. You have only to pick up a copy of Grazia magazine - the respectable face of gossip glossies read unashamedly by lawyers and dental nurses alike - to see that a sense of breathless urgency is attached to purchases of every variety - from must-have make-up to must-own Manolos.
The driving force of today's fashion covetousness is not just that you should buy this shoe/bag/fake tan because it's nice, it's that you should get to the shops right now because Elle/Posh/Angelina/Kate/Queen Rania of Jordan has one and you are a nobody if you don't purchase one, too. I'm sure style used to be about being different - now it seems to be about looking the same as everyone else.
ASOS, an online fashion store, is one of the fastest-growing and most successful clothing websites. ASOS stands for As Seen On Screen. This shopping experience is less about finding something that suits you, and more about finding something that makes you look a little bit more like Mischa or Lindsay or Jen or J-Lo or someone else who appears on television or the big screen.
We may laugh at the cloned footballers' wives and girlfriends with their stripy highlights, hair extensions, orange tans, whitened teeth, gallons of lip gloss and fancy bag collections, but you don't have to be a soccer spouse to exhibit WAG style these days. Upper-class girls (or would-be upper class) can be WAGS, too.
With their equally brash dress codes, expensive blow dries and exposed cleavages, Jemima Khan and Liz Hurley have more than an ex-boyfriend in common. Actresses can be WAGs: Sienna Miller and Keira Knightley are the reigning queens of the Brag Bag trend. Even Gwyneth Paltrow, until now regarded as the ultimate WASP, is suspected of sporting hair extensions at the Oscars. Pop stars can be WAGS: just think of Gwen Stefani (the high speed post-baby weight loss was a telltale sign) or Mariah Carey (the hair, the tan, the heels... Really - need you ask?)
Indeed, consider any red-carpet event of recent weeks, from the Baftas to the Brits to the Oscars, WAG style and sensibility is everywhere: identikit honed arms that speak of daily Pilates sessions with personal trainers; just-so highlights and a dress that is more of a career move than a fashion moment.
However, at the Elle Style Awards in London a few weeks ago, in a sea of Louboutins and lipstick, it wasn't the done-up women who stood out but the slightly undone ones.
It was a thrill to see Stella McCartney (far, far prettier in the flesh than in photos), and the wonderfully messy Amy Winehouse in clothes and make-up that they'd chosen themselves.
They looked stylish, intelligent and individual. Everyone else looked more or less the same as the woman sitting next to them.
Surely, ladies, we'd all be better off, mentally and financially, if we killed off our inner WAG once and for all?

Have you been wagged?
Yes - if you can answer in affirmative to three or more of the following:
• Do you own a set of hair straighteners?
• Is there anything in your wardrobe from Dolce & Gabbana/Karen Millen?
• Do you own a velour tracksuit?
• Have you ever had a French manicure?
• Do you own any jewelled shoes?
• Have you ever owned, or wanted to own, a vanity case?
• Do you own sheepskin boots - even fake Uggs?
• Do you wear a baseball cap?
• Do you regularly use fake tan?
• Have you ever had a personal trainer?
• Have you spent more than £300 on a bag?
• Have you ever copied a celebrity's outfit (be honest now)?
• Do you read Heat/Ok!/Hello!/Grazia magazine?
• Have you ever had Botox?
• Have you had your teeth whitened?

from telegraph.co.uk
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I had to google WAG to find out what it meant. :ninja:

I have taken the test and so far I am not one. :P

I don't think it's a good look.

Thanks for the article, soft!
^ No I don't think it's a good look...and certainly not healthy if you're getting into debt over it...
Wagged? Uh ... the vanity case I had to have when I was a 13 year old ... to travel to Denver by myself on a plane ... I thought I was all grown up. Other than that, no.

I've always been resistant to media pressure... it's just part of my psyche. I have always resisted what "everyone" is doing and I can't see wasting money on luxury brands ... whether I have the extra money or not.
what is wagged? whatever it is, I'm glad I am not one. I don't even have to try hard not to be one; maybe it's genetic coding.
Is there a way NOT to be wagged according to this? I mean, the only thing missing on this list is "Have you ever tried on Lipgloss?" or "Have you ever breathed?"

I mean, you can bet that Amy Winehouse and Stella McCartney had:

*, Their hair straightened
*, A personal trainer
*, A handbag worth more than 300 Pounds.

And according to this article, they'd be WAGs although they say they AREN'T WAGs. Oxymoron much?
amy winehouse- hair straightened?
....have you seen that bird's nest on top of her head?...
i think not...

and -no offense- but have you seen the size of stella mccartney?
if she has a personal trainer then she is due for a serious refund...
that girl is 'fleshy'....:

i can honestly say no to most- except i bought a pair of flat sandals with rhinestones on them this season...
but they were $30...:P
I can answer 'Yes' to over 3 questions, but I absolutely DO NOT do WAG style at all!
It's a funny article. I see the WAG look a lot here in Nashville, TN. I actually worked at a store in the most prominent mall here and quit after about a month because I got so tired of the same looking women with their Louis, Gucci, or Chanel bags coming in rocking the same exact look day after day. Sounds stupid but I hope someone knows where I'm coming from. It was so monotunous and almost drove me insane...lol
She is pregnant...
you know...i HAVE seen her when she isn't...:P
hasn't everyone..?
no one is pregnant forever..and she is always 'fleshy'...

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I used to go to nightclubs a little awestruck at all the pretty, spangly women dressed up in their nicest duds.

And then I realized one day that they all dressed alike, like they'd sprung fully formed from Nordstrom's or Neiman Marcus.

Now I have a name for it. :lol:

(but I still find it kinda mesmerizing.)
:clap: This is the first test that I have failed completely. I scored a big, fat zero on the WAG test which doesn't surprise me in the least. I failed even more, because I'm not a "wife" or "girlfriend".

I wonder how many people can be fed from one Fendi bag. :ninja:
this is so distasteful (and that's kind) I had to get my susie bubble fix. I recommend her blog as the anti-venom.
• Do you own a set of hair straighteners?
I used to have a CHI but I have supershort hair now so I got rid of it.:P
• Have you ever owned, or wanted to own, a vanity case?
What is that?
• Have you ever copied a celebrity's outfit (be honest now)?
I look at the style threads and pics and see things I like and don't like but never copied head to toe. Just getting ideas. :unsure:
• Have you had your teeth whitened?
I use crest whitestrips. Does that count? They work.

Yea, I don't think I'm a WAG. THe others were definite no's. Eh, I think a lot of those questions could be answered yes by people and they still wouldn't be a WAG. I mean if I could afford it I might have a bag worth 300+ pounds. But I don't think about it since I'm not in that bracket of income. And I always think it would be nice to have a trainer if I could afford that. I don't think that's WAGish. I'm sure a lot of business professionals or doctors or regular people have that to stay in shape if they can afford it. And tons of women (and probably men) have botox done. I think it's only ridiculous to do those things if you're spending above your means. And some of it definately ick, like uggs, fake tan, ball caps, tracksuits, french mani...:sick: But those things are within everyone's reach price-wise. We just choose not to participate.

Let's come up with our own more accurate questions:
Have you had breast augmentation?
Do you buy groceries and fill the gas tank in 4" stilettos?
Do you wear sunglasses with designer logos indoors at night?
Is everything monogrammed that you own in someone else's initials?
Has your toy size dog ever received a spa treament?

I dunno... help me out!:lol:
Well if you add in those questions-yes, I do wear my Dior sunglasses indoors at night but that's because I love them so much. Other than that I failed this test with flying colours. Well, I am getting a baseball hat soon, but it's for a team that I actually like.

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