How do you feel when strangers stare ? - questionaire

it seems like no matter what, if you're wearing high heels or red lipstick, and especially both, you get stared at. it shouldn't be that big a deal! but yea, i wear both of those a lot, so i'm used to getting noticed. it's alright as long as its not the creepers (which there are tons of around here)
i find that no matter what i am wearing ...
if i put on lipstick, suddenly i can feel more eyes on me...:unsure:

funny that...

When people stare at me, i get very shy. I am not the most confident person anyway.
But when i am by myself and people stare i find myself walking faster to get where i need to be going. Thinking about it i am not sure why i do this, i shouldn't really care about what they are thinking but i guess i do. Weather it be good or bad i always assume its the latter.

do you hope to get stared at..?

do you love the attention..??
no, but when i talk to people such as SA and if they give me a compliment i think thats rarther nice of them!

do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
not really i am not sure what they are thinking thats the worrying thing about it

do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
only when a)i think nobody is around or interested in what i am doing
b)when i am a little bit tipsy!

do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?
i dont, but i wish i could start and do this

do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?

do you hate people looking at you?
hate is a strong word, but i think they are looking for a reason be it good or bad

do you wish you could just be invisible?

do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?

do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
somtimes when i am alone and i feel alot of people are looking at me

do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
yes i always feel its for the wrong reasons even if its not, but when i am one or more people i find it alot easier however sometimes friends do make comments about people looking.

does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...
not mad, no

does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
not really, just shy :blush:
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do you hope to get stared at..?
do you love the attention..??
do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
Not at all
do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?
No not in the eye, but I look around to what people are wearing.
do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
do you hate people looking at you?
No, but it depends on who;s looking.
do you wish you could just be invisible?
No way
do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
I don;t mind people looking at what I'm wearing, if I did I would wear clothes not worth looking at.
do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
No, only when I'm feeling really uncomfortable
do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
Not if I have the feeling they are looking at my clothes, shoes or something. But when I have the feeling it's about my face,hair, me then I feel unsure about myself.
does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
Strangers always stare at me. (**** they even honk at me. Which I find weird cause that hasn't happened to many guys I know!) And not always for fashion either. But, I will say that when someone gives me a good stare, I do like the attention. It makes me feel like I'm not invisible. :ninja:
I hate when strangers stare at me, sometimes I just want to ask them what they want from me!
i cant stand being stared at by really creeps me out. however, when there is staring or pointing and i can tell that its only because of what im wearing i dont mind. for example, a couple days ago i was walking through Central Chitlom (a department store in downtown bangkok) and these two salesgirls were giggling and pointing at what i was wearing (it was a totally normal outfit btw). so i gave them a big sweet smile as i walked past and they got completely embarassed and shut up right away. plus, the fact that they were wearing ratty jeans, tacky shoes, and had greasy hair made me feel even better (because their giggling guarantees that i wasnt dressing anything like them).
Sometimes I feel that there is something wrong with my face, sometimes I am a little too paranoid!, and I check to make sure somehow. Otherwise unless I hear them talking about me, I don't mind. If I know someone is talking about me, badly, I usually just stare back at them to make them feel uncomfortable. But, otherwise people staring, I think some just can't help themselves. I know I people watch all the time. :blush:
people stare at my shoes alot :P
when i go on the tube especially, bitchy queens and other girls look at my outfit and men ogle, i dont mind the queens and girls but the men are usually really pervy and make me feel uncomfortable
yesterday i was wearing these crazy dolce and gabbanna shorts with paint smudges on them and this woman walked past with her friend and she actually pointed and start whispering, i just smiled back at her but i felt like going 'piss off, im wearing dolce and gabbanna, you're wearing marks and spencers, b*tch'
do you hope to get stared at..?
Yes and no, yes if I'm feeling good about myself
do you love the attention..??
Yes, I would be lying if I said I don't
do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
Yes and no.. If I feel good about myself that day then I think that the people looking at me think so too
do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
Never, or sometimes if I'm in heels:ninja:
do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?
If someone stares at me, I don't look back, but I check out what other people are wearing
do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
do you hate people looking at you?
I kind of like it, but not if I'm feeling like sh*t
do you wish you could just be invisible?
do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
Yes! I wish I could get the peace of checking someone out without the risk of them catching me
do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
Only if they make me feel uncomfortable
do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
Not if I feel there's nothing wrong with me
does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
I absolutly hate it when people stare. Its like :/
If they stare I get suddenly insecure, and start to panic about what I look like, and then often get paranoid.
I don't understand why you should feel insecure when others stare at you because if you planned out your outfit, then wouldn't you rather have someone see it? I usually take it as a compliment when people stare at my outfit because it probably means they like my look or at least my look is interesting... :p When I stare at other people, it is never because I think their outfit is ugly. Why would I torture my eyes and stare at the ugly? So if other people are just like me, then they probably stare because they see something they like. :)
find that no matter what i am wearing ...
if i put on lipstick, suddenly i can feel more eyes on me...

Hmm, never thought of that but i guess lipstick is quite powerful then! I think not enough women, especially the younger people, wear lipstick. Most girls shy away from lipstick and stick to gloss. So maybe lipstick has become an unusual thing to see.
do you hope to get stared at..? sortof
do you love the attention..??...eheheh.. yah, from time to time, i do.
do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're
do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway? hell no. ahaha.
do you look people in the eye and check out what they are wearing too? def.
do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU? sortof, hahah.
do you hate people looking at you? nah, i like it. from time to time...
do you wish you could just be invisible? not really, though at certain days..
do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you? i like to be 'checked out' and i like 'checking out' (eh), so not really i guess.
do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers? i walk fast in general. hahah.
do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?...sometimes, yes.
does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...? depends on who staring.
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?...see above.
or are you completely oblivious and don't even notice it....
nono, i do notice it.
I love how preppy girls always look at me angrily :lol:
Boyfriend always notices when someone stares, I don't pay much attention unless it's really obvious.
I don't strut, I just walk. I'm wayyy to clumsy to strut...
Sometimes I don't care if people stare - other times I think they're going to rob me (well, I do live in the ghetto).
I don't get checked out by guys my age, often 30+ guys...that makes me wonder if I look old :shock: But really, it's mostly girls that stare. If I'm going out, then I just wear what I wear everyday, only with heels. I get SO many stares that it's creepy.
i feel really insecure when i get dressed in my sunday's best .. i mean i want to look nice and most of the girls are wearing jeans TO CHURCH!! .. i think it's very inappropriate and they're always staring .. idk what's wrong sometimes ...
I usually love getting attention and that people stare, but it's very different here, in Glasgow, than in my hometown in Spain. I feel that people here look at me more in a "God, she looks good" way and that they like what I'm wearing, which is extremely flattering. In my hometown, on the contrary, people stare more in a "who do you think you are" way, especially young women. I can take it as a compliment, because they are jealous, but it hurts. That's why I don't want to go back there, hehe.
when people look at my when they are jealous, its of course a little great (i really dont know how often that happens.....) but when they look like "omg, whats that..?!" i really feel aweful and ugly.
so, Ksanochka Vanmra, i now how you feel.
My city in Spain isn't that big and they are quite close-minded. If you don't wear the same as everybody else you're a weirdo. And, well, if you show certain parts of your anatomy and they look good the looks can be really evil! :p
my general felling is: why??? i dress very weirdly, specially for the place i live in. so i get all kind of stares. if i'm walking and the check-out is a simple reflex, i don't mind. but i really suffer when it's staring, i'm shy... i think they're looking because they don't understand i'm human, or they hate what i'm wearing, or they like it, or they'd like to give me some love or (in the university want to copy it :ninja:, and think i'm mean)or what the crap.. and when it has been 15 minutes and they never took their eyes off me i get angry. hulk angry. i mean: you saw me, do you have to look again, or to stare?? i haven't change! the other thing is that where i live people yell at you. the reasons vary: obscene things, or if you are wearing a superman t-shirt they shout SUPERMAN!!!:huh: or if you pain your lips they shout out the colour.. that's when i get greener.
how does this affect me: i always base my look on the weather and how i feel that day. most of the times i'd love to wear something, but i don't because i don't have the patience to take all the stares and shouts. and then, i try to avoid eye contact, just so i see less stares than there really are and reduce the obscen comments from old men that double my age :sick:.
i can't explain it. but when i'm sure of what they're thinking i'm less bothered, if i see they loved somehting i'm wearing i don't care, i actually sometimes tell them "yes, they're cute". but when i get too stressed out by this i always end up yelling "if everyone would wear what they actually like and not what everybody else is wearing and be free they'd leave me alone!"

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