my general felling is: why??? i dress very weirdly, specially for the place i live in. so i get all kind of stares. if i'm walking and the check-out is a simple reflex, i don't mind. but i really suffer when it's staring, i'm shy... i think they're looking because they don't understand i'm human, or they hate what i'm wearing, or they like it, or they'd like to give me some love or (in the university want to copy it

, and think i'm mean)or what the crap.. and when it has been 15 minutes and they never took their eyes off me i get angry. hulk angry. i mean: you saw me, do you have to look again, or to stare?? i haven't change! the other thing is that where i live people yell at you. the reasons vary: obscene things, or if you are wearing a superman t-shirt they shout SUPERMAN!!!

or if you pain your lips they shout out the colour.. that's when i get greener.
how does this affect me: i always base my look on the weather and how i feel that day. most of the times i'd love to wear something, but i don't because i don't have the patience to take all the stares and shouts. and then, i try to avoid eye contact, just so i see less stares than there really are and reduce the obscen comments from old men that double my age

i can't explain it. but when i'm sure of what they're thinking i'm less bothered, if i see they loved somehting i'm wearing i don't care, i actually sometimes tell them "yes, they're cute". but when i get too stressed out by this i always end up yelling "if everyone would wear what they actually like and not what everybody else is wearing and be free they'd leave me alone!"