Hipsters VS Scenesters

Of course I forgot that some like to watch and take notes, those are the hipsters: take the "death test" that's on one of these threads, I can tell you now hipsters die old of heart attacks. Scenesters get raped by a mob. But those literal, literal scenesters, always acting stuff out.with the costumes and blood. It is much cooler to take notes and hope they can take a joke? Those dreadful wallflowers, laughing at us! We are cool! Goddamit! If only she'd look at me!
someone needs to write the scenster's handbook and make a killing like someone did with the hipster version a few years ago.

hipsters are only allowed something like 2% body fat because they dress so tight and plain. scenesters can be total fatsos because they can cover it up with the ugly drama they force us to look at should we encounter them.
^^hahahaha scenester fatsos are funny
. . . seen tons of those before, especially in l.a.
lmelanie said:
although this is all subjective here is my 2 cents:

the first one is hipster

the second is scenester..


I couldn't agree more....
although i alreayd posted something similar in the hipster style thread i may aswell rehash what i said here
no, i dont think they are similar, scenesters are part of the scene, therefore more preoccupied with the image and wearing/doing things that will make them look cooler
hipsters do what they like, they justhappen to be very cool people.
Could it be suggested, then, that scenesters are more extroverted, prone to dressing-up and acting out--not necessarily a bad thing, depending on how seriously they take themselves? Conversely, hipsters are more introverted, laid back, choosy, and seemingly unconcerned about ostentatious display? Finally, might I suggest these two have a terrible unspoken desire for the other's cool cache? And what would we brand their abominable offspring?
i think you are spot on about scenesters, they are all about the show and it definately depends on how seriousy they take themselves, in my experiecne on scenesters alot of them are terribly arrogant and pretencious,.
hipsters can be pretenscious too though but i dont think its as bad as scenester prentencioun.
i need to learn how to spell that word!

and yes you are probably right about the unspoken cool cache. i thin moreso with scensters than with hipsters though.

and when they start breeding, god, i fear for my life, who knows what theyll call themselves
I like Hipsters, they know how to dress.
Scenesters for the most part always look like they've tried to hard, it's not as effortless.
I think MisShapes style is generally more Hipster, but there's a difference there. For sure.
I see Scenesters as dressing themselves as more eye-catching and for some of those who do it over the top: disturbing....where as, Hipsters do wear what they like yet dress more tasteful.
I did a search but didn't find Leigh's thread. Could someone link it to me please?
You are creating the difference right now. This is as close to canonised these terms have ever come.

oh god, I just typed out this big breakdown of hipster vs scenester as it pertains to their travel, fashion, interior decorating, education choices and by scene: electroclash, indie, psych-rock, hardcore and the internet ate my post. :(((

This is SOOOOOO F%$#^@%$ Funny! Thanks I laughed till i cried just now. Thanks for that I had an awful argument earlier and this thread is actually quite genius. It made me smile.

These are just my generalizations here so don't kill the messenger...
messenger = me

IMO, Hipster = hippie-ish look, vegan, tree hugger, music not played on mainstream radio, dresses from Urban Outfitters perfect examples = Kirsten Dunst and Kate Bosworth

UGH scenesters- "LOOK HERE! I AM OVER HERE!"
this is a generalization of every obnoxious kid you met in middle/jr/high school who pierced their lip whilst wearing striped green & black jeans/hammer pants/tucked into his doc martens, wears the reverse mohawk or guyliner with a sliced neon see through shirt with black electrical tape over HIS tatas or the plastic looks like candy type of raver jewelry that really screams I do a lot of drugs with all my spare cash kind of look. perfect examples of this
the BEST FREAKING example of this- Avril Lavigne & Bill Kaulitz and the rest of the Tokyo Hotel douches too. Blech

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